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Everything posted by .270

  1. ok, i'll take the "pro" side in the debate. i don't think auction tags do enough good to make up for the bad they do. the recent fiasco in utah and the subdivision bull in Az. are 2 good points for my arguement. there was another fairly negative deal in nevada that involved some o' the same guys in the utah deal. i don't think paying a buncha folks to watch an animal and then flying in on a jet and getting out and shooting it is hunting. and hunting is what is supposed to take place. a guy paying a guide to take him hunting is a good thing. this other stuff ain't. as far as hypocrisy, it seems to me that the eastmans do a lot of just hunting on their own. i know one thing, their stand is gonna make a lotta guys howl. oh well, mark me down for being against any and all auction tags. except for javelina. take the auction tags and raffle em off. the raffle tags generally make more money anyway, and anyone is eligible. Lark.
  2. .270

    Win 270 needs help

    i don't think i've ever seen a shot out .270. seen one that was bad from neglect and rust. i think red rabbit is right. make sure it's bad first. is it a pre 64? if it is, you can invest a lot in it and still be ahead in value. also, if it is a pre64, look into refinishing the stock instead of replacing it. they have great black walnut stocks. i'd look at rebuilding it and make dang sure the barrel is bad. Lark.
  3. ok, so i git on line and got the new required sticker for off road vehicles for my new power chair (polaris ranger). i get the tag in the mail and it says to put it in the upper right corner of the plate. that would be over the registration tag. it's all street legal and insured and all that. does this tag take the place of registration? i paid like $150 for year to register the stinkin' thing. when i re-register it do i need to pay the $150 again or just for the sticker? where do i put the 2010 sticker? i looked at the stuff splainin' it on the azmvd website and read what the azgfd has about it on theirs, but they have too many words and i got cornfused. anybody able to splain it in words a cowboy can understand? Lark.
  4. the .264 is a great round and i agree it was ahead of it's time and never got the respect it should have. ruger makes several models in it now, as does remington. you see a lot of custom .264's these days. it is a hotrod that works best with lighter bullets. i prefer 100's in mine. my son has a sendero with a fancy range compensating scope and all kindsa neat stuff and used 130's. it won't shoot a 130 berger tho, because the bullet is so long. they are a little twist sensitive with long bullets. the 100's will drop buck in it's shadow and are real fast and flat. 120's are a great compromise too. if you want see some stuff blow up, try some sierra 85 grain hollowpoints. they are faaaaaaaaaaaaaast. just don't shoot it a couple dozen times rapidly a lot and get the barrel hot and clean it often and the lands should hold up well. i really like a .264. Lark.
  5. how about when you said he appointed the judge? did you check up on that? how about when you said that the whole thing was his fault? did he help em try to cover it up? get over it. you got your guy in the whitehouse. now live with it. nowleave me alone, it's time for the nurse to feed me. Lark.
  6. .270

    Joe Foss Shooting Complex

    i'll probably never venture to this new range because it's on the wrong side of the valley, but at least they named it after one helluva guy. Joe Foss. if you don't know who he was, you should find out. as far as rangemasters, there usually great guys but i've seen a couple of em get pretty highhanded. i have my spotting scope mounted on an old rifle stock and a guy at the range wanted to look at it while the line was dead. a guy came running down there screaming at us because he thought it was a rifle. we showed him what it was and he left grumblin'. about 30 minutes later another guy picked it up when the line was dead and here he came again. this time he kept screamin'. i told him to shut up and he put his hand on his .45 like he was gonna shoot us. he found out i could yell louder than him. the other rangemaster came down and saw the situation and told him to go to the trailer for awhile. they have a real important job to do and i think they're mostly volunteers, but dang sometimes they go overboard. that's the only time i've ever really felt like one got completely outta hand, but sometimes they sure push the limit and make a lotta folks uncomfortable. all the other guys at usery seem to be pretty nice guys. they plum folks up, but then explain what the deal is. this one ol' buzzard acts like it makes him mad if nobody does anything to make him mad. anyway, glad to see a facility like this is named for a great American war hero and i hope folks use the heck out of it. Lark.
  7. i don't even know what to say to that. you really put me in my place. sorry i called em officers and not agents. for somebody with rino skin you sure get p!$$y. i'm all for these guys getting outta jail. i just sick of folks and the bush bashin'. especially when it is plain lies. he did plenty that he deserves to get yelled at over. this ain't one of em. one o' these days maybe we'll meet and you'll have a chance to form a different opinion. boy. Lark.
  8. somebody capped another one. wonder what the reference to mlk day was about? they need to start paintin' them things orange or some other color so folks can tell em from coyotes. i think it's time for this program to just fade away. nothing beneficial is coming from it. Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/200...ywolfdeath.html
  9. boy, you cops sure have thin skin. Lark
  10. .270

    off road sticker

    only 4 bucks to register it next year? that's cool. thanks for the info. Lark.
  11. it really bothers you that bad to be called an officer? i mean reall, really bad bothers you? ok, officer, officer, officer, officer, officer, officer.................................Lark. i couldn't help it. toss me a meatball and i'll hit it.....
  12. jamaro, you sure bush appointed the judge? i'll bet ya different. and do you have a clue what libby was convicted of? these guys were convicted of felonies that involved shooting somebody. they tried to cover up what they were afraid might be a crime. everything i've seen says otherwise. there was probably no crime committed. and if they'da killed the guy they coulda proved he had a gun, which was their claim all along. the crime was the attempt to cover it up. that is why there wasn't a pardon. now they have full use of the courts to try and rectify their situation. something that is a lot easier to do in civilian clothes than in stripes. if they do, fine. i hope they're succesfull. but bush didn't have a dang thing to do with it, other than springin' em from jail. birdog, i agree, i don't think i'd want em packin' a badge again. and no matter how things turn out, i don't see em ever being policemen of any kind again. and i be real suprised if they would want to. felony convictions carry heavy burdens. you really aren't s citizen anymore. can't vote, can't own a gun, can't even shoot a gun, can't hardly get a job, unless you wanna be a carnie. can't hardly get credit. it's a bad thing to be saddled with and i don't think these guys have done anything that should force them and their families to have to deal that forever. and i really have some heartburn with the fed prosecutors going to mexico, bribing this dope dealer to come back up here with total immunity and paying him 7 figures and expecting him to do anything but lie. and i have some real heartburn with immunity for the other bp agents who aided in the cover up, squeelin' on these guys, and only after they got immunity too. if it's in the cards for them to go through the red tape and quagmire that the appeals system contains and come out with a clean record, that's fine too. that's why we have a court system like we have, if you have the backbone and stamina to see it through, more power to you. it wouldn't have bothered me a bit if W had pardonned em. but he didn't. but he did give em a get outta jail free card and from everything i've read and heard from their families, they are real happy and thankfull for it. i wish em the best of luck and hope the rest of their lives are full of good things. just like i wish for all Americans. Lark.
  13. .270

    Juniors javelina success! Video added.

    good job. after you made him gut it did he wanna quit huntin'? i like to see photos of grinnin' kids. 'specially when there's a dead animal in it. Lark.
  14. i still don't get it? you say it's all his fault. i don't think he had a lot to do with any of it. they were convicted in federal court, sentenced per federal law, they were squeeled on by fellow officers, but it's all bush's fault? was he the prosecuter? i paid a fair amount of attention to this case when it wove it's way to conclusion, but i don't remember him have anything to do with it. he let em outta jail, about 8 years early. they have an avenue, that any other convicted felon can also use, to gain a pardon. he could've pardoned em, but he didn't because of the circumstances. but they are dang sure gonna have a party when they get out in a little while. i guess the messiah can pardon em. probably do it on the same day he fixes global warming and takes our guns. Lark.
  15. you still ain't splained why it's bush's fault? i listened to one of em's wife on the radio last thursday on my way home and she couldn't say enough good about pres. Bush for pardoning them. i guess she lives in phoenix. said they couldn't wait to thank him in person. she also explained why it takes awhile for them to get out and explained how much easier it will be to get a pardon after they are out. they were cool with the whole thing. if the guys would played it by the book nothing woulda happened to em. they got spooked because there is so much publicity on anything on the border. and they got squeeled on by other officers. bd judgement all around. bottom line is that these guys are gonna be home real soon and they are tickled as heck about it. Lark.
  16. .270

    New York

    a lotta dumbocrats have a good relationship with the NRA. sounds to me like as good a pick as we could hope for. hope she makes it. Lark.
  17. .270


    i uiseta just stick a primed case in a tater and bust it off and shoot my brother. he hated it, but for some reason it made me laugh like heck. he said it hurt real bad so i shot a carboard box with one and it went through both sides. when saw how hard it hit, well i really went to shootin' him then. Lark.
  18. .270

    Trapping and ethics

    don't misconstrue my statement "gutshot with a bow" as having anything in for archery. it was just a parable. if my shoulders were still good, i'd still bowhunt. i love it and when i was a good bowhunter i actually prefered it. all i'm saying is that everything is "unethical" to somebody. i'm all for trapping, all for rifle and bow hunting. heck, if they had a season where all you could use was a busted wine bottle i'd go on that too. i'm all for fishing. i'm also all for birdwatching, hiking, botany, entimology, logging, ranching, farming, mountain biking, 4 wheeling, mining, anything, as long as it's done legally, has merit, and as long as the others don't try to restrict me from doing what i want and take away my rights and freedoms. for some reason, most folks think that whaever they don't happen to like is "unethical". joint use, it ain't just for dope smokers anymore. Lark.
  19. .270


    i'm pretty sure if you find a sheep head, or even a horn, you better contact the azgfd before you pick it up. if they don't have a lead seal in them, it's a serious offense. i saw where a guy had some photos of a sheep head he found on this site. he best have a seal in it. they ain't too freindly to folks to don't. Lark.
  20. .270

    Trapping and ethics

    ain't that a kick in the groin? you can't legally trap in Az., public land anyway, which to me is what Az. is, but you have to have a license if you do, on private land. wonder if anybody ever thought of high fence trappin'? fence in the varmints and have folks pay to catch em. i know that trapping did a lot to keep coyotes and lions in check. didn't keep things perfect, but there were a lot of coyotes trapped every year and enough lions trapped incidently to help. numbers of both have really came up since then. as far as ethical, quit using that word. all it is is a fancy word for someone's opinion and you never want to legislate opinions. my family trapped for generations. i still have a buncha traps. not much use for em now. good ornaments maybe. all legholds and any size and shape you can think of. leg hold traps don't bother me in the least. what suffers more? a coyote in a trap overnight or a deer gutshot with a bow? or for that matter, a kid gettin' aborted? there's some ethics for ya. life in general can be rough. life in the wild can be a mean thing. the final result of trapping, hunting, fishing and abortion is that something dies. at least in the first 3, there is a good reason for it and a benefit at least to the perons who gets to keep the catch and use it. trapping is no better or worse than anything else in the wild world. it's just a thing. and it did provide a needed service. and it is a lot of fun. well, it was. Lark. p.s. ok, the abortion comments are really tasteless and i meant it that way. because abortion is considered "ethical". and a lotta folks that consider it ethical, consider hunting, fishing and trapping unethical. i'm tryin' to kill birds with one stone. portray my feelings about trapping and get folks to understand why i keep hollerin' about "ethics". it's a loaded weapon and it will go off in your pocket if you ain't careful.
  21. .270

    Ammo Encoding rumor

    that's good for Az. what the feds do is another story. i know i ain't waitin' on em. i had a lot before. but now i'm gonna get all the reloading supplies i can. probably a rumor, but one guy, who ain't an idiot, told me to buy primers. said there were folks working to limit or outlaw them. cheapest part of ammo is primers. you also can't shoot without em. be vigilant. Lark.
  22. .270


    there was a lot of discrepancy in how the old rule was handled. there were several cases of azgfd guys really hammering folks with heads and a lot of other cases where azgfd guys just said it looked ok and let it go at that. i remember a couple years ago an azgfd officer making some pretty strong threats on this site about what he'd do if he caught someone with a head he thought was too fresh. now they have a rule that should make things a lot easier to manage and take some of the personality out of the equation. if you find a dead animal and there might be something fishy about it, call the azgfd and they'll have an officer get ahold of you and you can show it to em and if they fell there ain't a crime, theyll give you the head. at least that's been my experience. Lark.
  23. .270


    i like all his talk about a 5 year plan when a term is only 4. he wouldn't be campaigning for 2012 already would he? no, not the savior..........Lark.
  24. don't you get it? they broke the law by trying to cover up something that spooked em. he coulda left em there. and completely justifiablely too. but he didnt', did he? heck, why didn't he let charlie manson out? they can still get a pardon after they do their probation. i could have agreed totally with a pardon, but he didn't give em one and i didn't have a say in it. but he still let em outta jail and i guarantee YOU that THEY are real happy about it. maybe your man obama will pardon em tomorrow. just to show everbody who's boss. Lark.
  25. why is this "bush's mess"? he didn't have anything to do with the trial. get over it. you got your guy in the oval office and he is going to take away more freedoms and guns and tax us worse than anyone in history. but you're gonna get what you wanted, i guess, or i'm sure you wouldn't have voted for him. and remember what i just said. but get over the blame bush crap. the fact is, if they didn't try to cover things up, they wouldn't have gotten into any trouble. in fact, if they'da killed him, they probably would still be working, because then they could have proven he had a gun and he couldn't have come back up here and give the liein' butt testimony that he did. they tried to cover stuff and so did some other BP guys. when the whole thing blew up the other BP guys squeeled on em in court with the guarantee of immunity. shooting the guy was no big deal, it was the attempted cover up. i agree that the sentence was too harsh. that's what you get when you have mandatory sentencing. the judge had no other recourse. and i really disagree with immunity for their fellow officers (and it was their testimony that sank em) and i dang sure disagree with not only immunity and pretty much celebrity status for the dope dealer that they had to go to mexico and find and give him a buncha money and total immunity from prosecution so he would come back and testify. and his testimony was probably all a lie. but if the guys wouldn't have done what they did, we wouldn't be talking about it. i agree with the commutation, but i would also whole heartedly agree with a pardon. but they commited crimes. in the scope of the rest of the world, not really big crimes either, but because they got spooked and tried to shine things up some and because of mandatory sentencing laws, they really got pounded. i also believe that what happened to these two guys (and pretty good guys too) had a lot to do with why the BP officer in southern Az wasn't convicted on similar charges. not enough jurors bought the testimony of illegal aliens. if he'da had fellow officers testify against him, he'd got hammerd too. so maybe at least one good thing came out of it. i wonder if bush got in a last minute pardon for the guy who shot the elk in the subdivision in showlow and for kirt darner? Lark.