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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    message to prdtor

    tried to send you a pm, but had just sent another one. anyway, yes, it is a lot faster to go across the rez. takes off over a 100 miles and a couple hours. take the geronimo trail to almost point of pines, turn east on the eagle creek ranch road. it's about 18 miles to the upper eagle road. comes out just south of the old rutherford store. the road is rough, but as long as it's dry you can make it ok. i wouldn't haul a camp trailer across it. i wouldn't go that way if it's wet either. you have to buy some kind of rez permit to be legal. you can get a fishing, varmint, or trespass permit. they're all $10. you can get it em in globe or at the rez game and fish in peridot. you can also go north from point of pines and come out in upper dry prong. hang a right at freezeout and stay on that road. probly better hunting up there too. Lark.
  2. yeah, and no more than he kills with that pudgun he just as well be an anti hunter. Lark.
  3. no,after we et what was left we all loaded up and went. wooohooo........Lark.
  4. in camp awhile back we decided to try somethin' new. we did the turducken deal once, but them things are 'spensive and it takes one o' piece for my buddy big john, me and all our kids. that's like a dozen of em. so we decided to make a mulecoozalina. stuff a javelina in a cooz deer and stuff that in a muley and cook it up. i wandered outta camp aways and shot about a 195 inch muley with a couple drop tines and forked eye guards. had him on my left shoulder and on the way back jumped a midget deer and hit it in the head with a rock and killed it. runty little nontypical lookin' thing. dang they're ugly. stuffed it in my fanny pack and headed to camp. told the boys they needed to get a javelina so they took off. i skunt the the deers and went to shoot some quail and maybe a porkypine to make gravy and stuffin' with. got a bunch of each and when i got back the kids had stuffed a javelina in the cooz and the cooz in the muley. i axed em where they got the javelina and they said "by the road". i figgerd that was all i needed to know. i started to stuff the quail and porkypines in the air pockets and thought i heard noises in there, but figgerd it was either my stomach growling from aniticipation or the kids fartin'. no big deal. anyway, got done and lobbed the whole thing in the fire. it really started movin' around then. then it really started makin' noise. i said "you sure that pig was dead"? "no, it was still alive", 'WHY THE heck DID YA STUFF A LIVE JAVELINA IN THERE!" i axed? "it fought to hard to kill it" they said. anyway, i drug the whole mess outta the fire and cut into it and what the heck jumped out but bullwidgeon. and he was pissed. he really stinks when he's upset too. peeeyooooo. and started cussin' too. "i told em i wernt no javelina but they shoved me in there anyway"!!!! "all i was doin' was hitch hikin' to the new michael jackson movie". i give the kids a disgusted look and they said "we just thought it was another talkin' javelina". i told em next time we make a mulecoozalina, at least undress the javelina before ya stuff it in there. can you imagine how bad that woulda tasted? kids. Lark.
  5. .270

    full moon

    if i have my choice, i like a full moon for most hunts. seems like they are up longer in the morning and and get up earlier in the evening. the full moon is like any other weather condition. the animals are still there. Lark.
  6. ya don't snort peyote. maroon. Lark.
  7. i got up at 430 for this? i guess i'm glad the lion woman was a joke. i wasn't there so maybe i don't have much call to crtiique. i have good reasons for not being there, but i still wasn't there. but i have a combo license and that gives me at least some right. everyone of these guys have some glaring problems. here's my take. hernbrode sounds like a antihunter through and through. he's the last guy outta this bunch that oughta be on there. he has an agenda, pure and simple. and it is contrary to what we know is right. deybus and noone didn't even bother to show up. sounds like a lack o' commitment to me. john harris sounds like a coyote lover. predator control on a case by case basis ain't good. especially when we have some real predator problems. i don't like the "wildcat" statement at all. bobcats don't bother much of anything. solitary, not a bunch of em, eat what they kill. but lions is another deal. i'm against anything that further limits the ability to shoot lions. others should be too. williams sounds like a hunter and that maybe he has his ducks in a row. maybe. being from graham county originally i remember some cases he really screwed up as county attorney and that makes me a little cool on him. lucero sounds interesting, but like the others in the meeting, i have some real concerns about land owner tags. if this wasn't something that he didn't want, he wouldn't have admitted to it there. this must be something he's thought a lot about. hermbrode needs gone. no need for a hugger on the commission. these other guys have some real holes in their views. here's my take. the wolf program has been a complete and total failure. from the start. no pure wolves to start with. the curs they have are pen raised. they're done nothing but decimate the elk herd and cause grief to everyone that has anything to do with the land in the areas they've been realeased. time stop the charade and quit supporting it. they're in it to the tune of over $1 million per wolf. the mexican wolf is extinct and needs to be buried. i don't see any reason for wholesale shooting of lions. the kofa lion deal was handled in a horrible way tho. echos of sabino canyon. they should have got some hound men to go in there several years ago and take care of the problem. i doubt that the kofa sheep will ever recover from the damage. but i think that taking away lion season for the summer is devisive and was done to benefit a few lion hunters, at the expense of the other 99% of the guys with hunting licesences. anyone that wants to limit lion hunting in anyway isn't good for us. with the few guys with hounds in this state and the lions that get shot just because they saw them and the case by case stuff the gov't trappers do, i think we can do a fairly good job of keeping lions from doing much damage. again, no room for anyone that wants to limit lion hunting. landowner tags aren't the answer for anything. landowner tags take away from public tags. i'd rather have nonresidents have free rein like uso wanted. the only landowner tags that are very marketable are bull elk and maybe kaibab deer. problem is there is very little private land where these 2 animals live. landowner tags in places like new mex and colorado are used to open up private land to everyone. some units in colorado are 100% private land. not far from that in new mex in a lotta places. too bad it's come to that, but it has. Az. is completely different. outside the southeast part of the state, their aren't many vast tracts of private land. i don't see how landowner tags are any benefit to anyone but a few people. worries that one of these guys thinks enough about it to put it out on the table. if you couild frankenstien these guys and take the best parts and put em together you might come up a with a pretty good commissioner. but i see some real glaring character faults here. audsley is visibly upset at the lack of participation by sportsmen who attended. and he's justified. but the 2 guys that didn't even bother to show up just need to be scratched off the list. don't care how good they are. they shoulda been there. hernbrode showed his spots real well. get rid of him. don't even consider that joker. he's bad for Az. that leaves 3 guys. which one is best? i don't know. but i don't see any of the 3 three being what i think we need. oh yeah, and if anybody knows audsley's address, i want it. his house needs egged. woman from the mlf. that was pretty good. you have some potential. Lark.
  8. you just wish you wuz as witty as me. and what's the deal with city worker? i'm retired and ain't never worked for no city. well, 'cept for the chaingang deal. city worker. maroon. Lark.
  9. .270

    .270 wsm or 7mm wsm???

    he figgerd that maybe you were deaf and dumb Lark.
  10. .270

    Solunar Tables

    i thought only fishermen used these things? and you midget deer hunters call muleys carp? if ya hafta have a sundial to hunt coues then they must be like the sucker of the deer family. Lark.
  11. audsley, you're kiddin' about the woman from the mountain lion foundation aren't ya? you guys ever read their website and charter? or hear of prop 117 in california? tell me you're kiddin'. please. this is number 2 on the list of what the mountain lion foundation "believes". taken directly from their website, on the "about mlf" page. copied right off their website. musta been a really good lookin' woman for a buncha died in the wool sportsmen to wanna give up that easy. 2. The Mountain Lion Foundation opposes the sport hunting of mountain lions on the grounds that it is biologically and morally unjustified. Sport hunting of mountain lions is neither a legitimate wildlife management technique nor a morally justified recreational activity. the mountain lion foundation thinks game animals are nothing but food for lions. check out their website. Lark.
  12. .270

    mulies in miami

    hey, your the one said it, not me. stay off them tracks. they have these big ol' things called trains on em sometimes. trust me, you don't wanna hit one. even if you are chasin' pigs. Lark.
  13. .270

    mulies in miami

    went to the gila valley today to deliver my goofy uncle to my aunt's house. while were going through miami, right where they hauled all o' that crappy leached out dirt outta town, right across from where the polaris dealer used to be, there were 6 mulies in the weeds. right in town, right in the middle o' where that crappy dirt used to be. kinda cool. Lark.
  14. i think obombus is pretty much a lame duck already. the election in the east today is a real sign of things to come for him and pellosi. the dems got slaughtered in virginia. lost the gov office in joizzy. really, a republican is gonna be the new joizzy gov. looks like the dumbocrats are gonna win in the 23rd district in new york tho, but it is new york and the republicans did an absolutely horrible job in selecting a candidate and when they told her to leave she shifted her weight (which is a bunch, looks to dress out about 350) to the jackass party. so she was just a rino anyway. (looks like one too). anyway, the shockwave that has gone through these states is all in retribution for cap and tax and obamacare. people don't want it in vast majorities and these elections are the first shot in the rebellion. the midterm elections in 2010 are more important than the presidency. especially right now. the republicans don't even have to win a majority, just get enough guys elected to filibuster anything pellosi and read come up with. it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that whoever runs against read will win. this election today will change a lotta democrat congressmen attitudes in how they vote on obamacare. one thing a politician will do is kill his kids for votes. if obombus thinks they (his own party members who are afraid of not getting re-elected if they vote yea on obamacare) won't sell him for 30 pieces o' silver, or a few votes, and vote against his stupid dang programs, he needs to think again. that creep corzine is conceding on the tv as i type. he spent $120 million of his own money on this election. what's that tell ya? this is still America and it is bigger than one stinkin' chicago gangster and folks pay attention and eventually figger things out. they're figgerin' it out now. there's an old saying. want in one hand and $h!t in the other and see which one fills up first. enough of these jokers who've been doin' all the wantin' are seein' their other hand fill up and realize they can want all they want, obama ain't fillin' it up. you hafta back up promises, and he can't do it. Lark.
  15. .270

    .270 wsm or 7mm wsm???

    the super shorts were built on an action that wouldn't load or eject that short fat cartridge worth a dang. they were a very poorly engineered thing from the get go. they got a little better when they did some work to the action. the first ones were completely stupid in how they worked. factory ammo would jam the action shut. you just about always had to load them single shot, because the action wouldn't feed from magazine worth anything. everyone tried to make a shorter fatter cartridge than the other guy and this was the result. Lark.
  16. .270

    mulies in miami

    what the heck wus ya doin' drivin' down the railroad tracks? since i left, the maroons have done n' took over the gila valley. Lark.
  17. $750 to mount a midget deer!! ain't coues deer half price? they oughta be. you can use a mouse form on em. that's a nice buck, tho, even for a pigmy deer. did he shoot it on the nantac? i see it in the background there. when i went to eagle the other day i went across the the rez. seen a lotta Apaches wearing orange. saw a kid, looked about 16, over by pine flat tank with a spike muley. Lark.
  18. i'm all for anything that keeps gameholler outta the woods. Lark.
  19. .270

    .270 wsm or 7mm wsm???

    gameholler has officially stripped a gear. the pudgun (7mm/08) is 300 fps faster than the 7mm wsm? in what world? the 7mm shortmag never took off because it ain't an improvement over the 7mm rem mag. in fact, you have to really work hard to approach equal. and that's if you compare 7mmwsm reloads to 7mm rem mag factory loads. if you reload the the 7 mag it will run off and leave the short mag. the .270 wsm has quite a following because it is a lot faster than a .270. when they came out with this short mag junk they figured out one case and then started shovin' different calibers in it. from .25 to .35 if i remember right. and the only one that has made many ripples after the original splash is the .270. it will probably hang on. the .300 wsm might too, but i don't see much use in it either. too many other .30 cals' that it can't even begin to run with. the shortmags might have a little advantage in true accuracy because they ain't belted. but it's quite miniscule, especially for hunting accuracy. if i had to choose one it'd be the .270 wsm. the 7mm is gonna dissappear soon. Lark.
  20. bill, again, i know how it's done. heck, there's probly money changes hands in the process. i'll bet a good dog against whatever ya got that they ain't the only guys that filled out the forms. if you don't have a political background, you ain't considered. and our wildlife suffers because of it. sportsmen need to look around for guys that would be good candidates. level headed, intelligent folks with no bias who won't be swayed by politics and get em signed up.i sorta think they still won't make it on "the list", but it needs to be tried. audsley, say whatever ya want about wildlife being politicized, it ain't right. it needs changed. it's time sportsmen, the guys that pay the bills and have a real and true interest in conservation, have meaningful input in the process and have some choice about who gets on "the list". as long as the process stays the same, nothing will ever get better. wildlife doesn't have a poltical preference. they don't have a religion. for the most part, they're all colorblind. they're existence, anymore, depends on good decisions by men. if we continue to let politics drive it, we'll have nothing but crossbred, inbred, semi-domesticated curs left. if folks are just gonna sit on their hands and say, well, that's they way it's always been, then i guess we get what we deserve. Lark.
  21. bill, i understand what you're saying. i really do. these guys on this list might be great guys, but they are politicians. and by accepting the list and only choosing a guy from the list, sportsmen are buying into it. if we complain about it the all azgfd has to say is "hey, we sent ya a list and you picked a guy from it". why not give them a list? and i hafta agree, a lot of the time sportsmen who are involved heavily in different "conservation" organizations can be kinda militant it seems and may not be good commissioners. elk guys want more elk, deer guys want more deer, bow guys want more bow taqs, etc, etc. they don't neccessarily look at the big picture. but i still refuse to believe that every person appointed to the commission needs to be politcally connected. what's wrong with a guy with plumber or electrician or carpenter or mechanic next to his name instead of politician? there are a lot of smart guys that can see the see the big picture that aren't pollitically connected. if you put a politician anywhere, he's gonna make decisions on politics and not on what is right, every time. the last guy i would want on the commission is an ex game warden. he's too biased and too connected. every person on the commission needs to have a true desire to further wildlife conservation, for the sake of the wildlife, and they need to be connected to hunters and anglers closely, because they pay the bills. all i have seen for years is commissioners who are swayed by politics. if the commission would've stood up to the feds maybe we wouldn't have this stupid "wolf" program we have now. or this lead poisoning scare with the condors. we wouldn't have some of these absolutely ridiculous endangered fish programs that are eventually going to stop all sport fishing. if we had a commission that could see past politics we wouldn't have lost 25% of lion season. we wouldn't have elk season permit numbers for next year set before the elk seasons are over this year and before success numbers are gathered and before the winter surveys have been done. we wouldn't spend a fortune on different wildlife surveys only to have the data set aside because, in the words of the azgfd, it wouldn't be politically correct to impliment the findings. if we had commissioners that weren't pushed by whatever politcal wind that comes by they wouldn't make knee jerk decisions like stopping a varmint calling contest that was completely legal and making a law that was shot down so fast by the state supreme court that it wasn't funny, a law that would've led to the ban on every fishing derby, big buck contest and any other wildlife associated competition in the state. and it cost the azgfd a lot of money to try it too. sorry, but i'm sick of political favors making decisions about our wildlife. i know what it took for jack to get appointed to the commission. but i think he's a breath of fresh air in a room fulla old farts. the way he took it to the hugger over the lions awhile back shows he ain't afraid to make a few ripples. even if my reasoning does confuse somebody. give me the choice between a real guy that is the same to everyone and has real experience with real things and a politician and i'll always take the real guy. wildlife has to be managed. there isn't a truly wild place in the lower 48 left. higways, cities, subdivisions, farms, canals, roads, reserviors, fences, mines, etc,etc, have chopped up what was once endless wilderness into small areas that have definite boundaries. even the ones designated as wilderness, aren't wilderness. progress has spread everywhere and the places, wildlife and fauna that haven't been directly changed by it have to be managed in individual ways. a shotgun doesn't work. the people that have chosen to take the mantle of wildlife conservation upon theirselves have to do what is best for the wildlife and set politics aside. i don't see polticians having that ability. in the words of the greatest conservationist, al gore, a tiger never changes his spots. Lark.
  22. so bullwidgeon's gas was off yesterday afternoon so he went to his neighbors to ax if their's was workin'. his neighbor said, "Hey kid, halloween ain't till tomorrow. Nice javelina costume tho". Lark.
  23. it was the most expensive one leupold made at the time. angle finder and all that crap. never did figure out how to use all the that stuff. i wanted it to tell me how far away stuff was. and it never did that very well. seemed to be real temperature sensitive. hardly worked when it was cold. and you had to push the button 3 times to get a read. that was part of the system. this leica, you point it, push the button and it tells you how far away it is. i didn't leupold would eve make anything as crummy as that thing was. Lark.
  24. guess i drunk too much diet mountain dews today. still awake. anyway, put a new schnieder barrel and a leupold vari x 3 6.5x20x40 with a custom reticle and turret on FARKILLER, my .300 win mag model 70. barrel was installed by kokiak precision. i can highly recommend this guy. good work. took some time to get the velocity of the bullets to match the reticle, but a few trips to the range with the chronograph and a lot of different loads finally worked out. my youngest son went with me today to do the final zero. my new shoulder doesn't hold up too well to lostsa shootin' and i'm just getting a little shaky anyway. new setup with a good rifleman holdin' the gun shoots 3 shots all touching at 100 yds. well under 1 inch at 200. knocked the gong of the chain at 422. hit a baseball sized hole in a rock at 690 yards. twice. hit a deer sized rock at 850 dead center. (these last 3 shots were all with me doin' the shootin') only dissapointment in the whole deal was my new leupold range finder. can't recomend it at all. took it back to cabelas and traded it in on a leica 1200. (they gave me full price on the refund, so i can recommend cabelas too, think they'll give me a clothing line?) the leupold was supposed to range 1500 on reflective surfaces. 900 on a tree and 800 on animals. sometimes it would range in the high 600's on reflective stuff. sometimes. wouldn't range an alluminum barn at 500 when we were in colorado goat huntin'. wouldn't range pronghorns at 100. i know they're hard to read because of the hollow hair, but deer and elk were the same. had to hit a rock or tree in the neighborhood to make it work. first click with the leica read 1302 of the side o' the cardinal staduim. my kid has one and his is fine. anyway, if anyone is interested, i can highly recoment the schieder and kodiak's work. spendy, but the results are amazing. the varix 3 with the custom reticle is too cool to even try to explain. also kinda 'spensive, but not compared to swarovskis or some of the zeiss'. real disapointed in the range finder tho. top of the line leupold and it wasn't worth much. heck, i can guess out to 600 close enough for most stuff. most of the time it had a hard time on anything over about 350. well, there is my product review, and we all know i'm the smartest guy there is, so heed it maroons. Lark.
  25. .270

    high fence bulls

    i've never "got" the high fence thrill. don't understand it at all. i also don't get sitting in an elevated blind over a cornpile either. sitting water or natural salt or feed is entirely different. i'm sorta on the fence about guys establishing a salt lick. don't even know why, but i guess i don't quite get that either. i guess as long as a guy is putting in some real work in the wild, i'm for it. food plots, cornflingers, senderos, permanent blinds, supplemental feeding, high fences, etc, ya just as well hunt cows or other livestock. and then when these huntin' show puds talk about hard they had to work to sit in that blind for a few hours, i about puke. i think the antlers look cool, but i ain't gonna spend any time after a high fencer. Lark.