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Everything posted by .270

  1. No landowner tags in Az. Period. It ruined new mex. Lark
  2. No landowner tags in Az. Period. It ruined new mex. Lark
  3. .270

    Ice Fishing

    In December sunrise looked like it had about 5 gallons of water in it. Lark
  4. .270

    Panthers vs Broncos SB

    Too bad. I was hoping for a trophy for Az. When the honey badger went down their entire defense had to change and they Couldnt figger it out. Today was a rough one. Lark
  5. .270

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    I think 208 has it figgerd. That's the first thing I thought when I read it but didn't say it outright because I always get acused o' bein' anti outfitter. When I truly ain't. Lark
  6. .270

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    youre wrong on bundy. There are "NO" grazing fees involved. His grazing permit was invalidated decades ago and he never removed his cattle. What he owes if anything, is fines. He has tried to pay grazing fees every year and they won't accept em. And He never blocked access to public land. What folks here don't like is having to pay access fees to land that is half public and has public funds used to maintain the roads. Lark
  7. .270

    Holy Global Warming in January

    Looks like a fair size one. Never say never. What I wanna know is who kidnapped el Nino. Lark
  8. .270

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    What needs to be done on checkerboard land is to draw a line right through the middle of it and tell the rancher, "ok, which side do you want?" Let em pick a side and then that is their private land. All in one place. And the other half becomes the public land. They can still run livestock, but the "public" land is opened up to the "public". Lark
  9. .270

    Returning tag for reinstatement of bonus points

    There is a forum here that is only for the azgfd. There have been 2 posts by them since June. Neither of them say anything about meetings or about this topic. If they were serious about input, they'd have said something. They would also have an email box that anyone could provide input through. But they don't want to hear from folks. I gave up on the azgfd years ago. There have been many times over the years that even after huge protest they still enacted things because they know so much more than everyone else. I just apply and hope I can get a tag every once in awhile. This program could have 99% against and the azgfd would still approve it. Because a few folks with connections want it. Joe hunter will not benefit from it. It won't improve herd numbers. It won't improve opportunity for the average guy. It might improve odds for someone who can afford to play it and who has connections with someone inside who can help em fudge a little. I remember how shocked the azgfd acted when the tag grab was going on. Said they knew nothing about it, even tho one of the guys heavily involved in it was a former commissioner. If you believe the azgfd on that, I have some bonus points to sell you. They always use the "conservation" gun. "Oh, it is for the animals". "We are just trying to improve the herd". They act like deer eat money. There is one thing and one thing only that improves things in Az. Water. And you can't buy rain or snow. When we get water, things get better. When it's dry, things get worse. You could cut the azgfd budget by 25% and the herd wont know it. You could also increase it 500% and they won't know it either. The more money the azgfd squeezes outta us, the more people they hire, more computers they buy, the more studies they do and when they get all the data back and add it up they say "we need more rain". Talkin' crap to guys that are sick of it ain't the way get any support. Not being upfront with the guys that pay the bills ain't either. Lark
  10. .270

    Returning tag for reinstatement of bonus points

    That's kinda what I'm saying. Get sick of guys acting like they're the sharpest knife and anyone that disagrees is stupid. Personally, I don't see any need for this and also feel it's a disguise for a way to increase the odds for a chosen few. Lark
  11. .270

    Returning tag for reinstatement of bonus points

    It's incredible to me that if anyone questions or disagrees or has a different opinion with anything the azgfd does, someone always paints em as stupid of ignorant. Plant?Lark
  12. .270

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    there's probly folks with connections that have dibs in the high demand permits already. Lark
  13. .270

    Returning tag for reinstatement of bonus points

    So ya gotta be in some kinda club in order to get a turned in tag? This thing is gettin' better all the time. Lark
  14. .270

    Here we go again

    Any time they let a fruity little twerp play a bad@$$ like Hugh Glass, things are messed up. My rule is if it has horses or Tommy Lee Jones in it, I'll watch it. Lark
  15. Edge is a ?!&@ too. Just wanted all you cow hunters to know what a 340 bull looks like. So trophy hunter don't cheat ya. Some folks have different ideas about 340. Lark
  16. I think the devil might be a plant by the azgfd. Lark
  17. .270

    T/C Hawken 50 Caliber Loads

    Maxi balls shoot real well out to 100. I'd sight it in at that range. Just remember that animals don't react much when you lung shoot em with an all lead bullet. Usually run off like they ain't hit. Lark
  18. .270

    Returning tag for reinstatement of bonus points

    I can see all kindsa shennanagins in this deal. They can't get through a draw as it is without some kinda fiasco. And I don't understand why you'd wanna give a tag back. Hel l, I hunted pigs while I was on crutches once. I can also see where some guy could find out if he was the next in line and pay a guy with a tag to turn it in. Lark
  19. Johnny is a $&@#£¥%+!!!! Lark
  20. .270

    T/C Hawken 50 Caliber Loads

    I've shot a truck load o' critters with my old tc hawken .50. Always used 90 grains of ff with a 240 gr .429 cal hornady xtp hollow point in a sabot. 100 gr of pyrodex with the same bullet oughta work too. Lark
  21. .270

    What track is this???

    Looks like all 4 feet of a squirrel or some other small critter, bouncing across the sand. Lark
  22. .270

    2016 is off to a great start!

    Fine work. Great buck. Welcome to the club. Great beard too. Lark
  23. Just for the record, this is a 340 bull. Lark
  24. .270

    1901 Story of Game and Fish leader dead

    Hey, don't start an interesting story and quit just went it gets good. Make somethin' up at least. Lark