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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Mesa Police Would Like Your Help

    what, no cornbag? they have them trail cameras everwhere. Lark.
  2. .270

    Shock to NBC

    it ain't "minorities" that are drivin' this kinda crap. most of what are called minorities are religious and not offended by the word God. this crap is being pulled my lawyers trying to make a buck Godless commies and socialists and various other idiots that want to take over. i guess if you look at it literally, commies and socialists and various other stupid idiot jackasses probly are a minority of some kind. anyway, stand up for what you know is right. Lark.
  3. .270

    Feet only a mother could love"pigs"

    that poor moose looks founderd. i didn't know ungulates would founder. when i was a kid on my ol' man's farm there were lobtser clawed pigs all over the place in the soft tater dirt and in the river bottom. wierd lookin' tracks everwhere. a lot of em had tracks that looked like lobster claws. the biggest midget deer (zat a oxymoron?) i ever shot had really long front hooves that crossed. not as bad as this pig, but they were really long and curly. and it was in the worst rockpile i'ver hunted. nature is pretty wierd sometimes. look at what it did you most o' you guys. Lark.
  4. .270

    Merry Christmas!

    merry Christmas to everbuddy. alla ya'lls have a good one. be gratefull for the good things and remember why we celebrate this holiday. Lark.
  5. .270

    It's Resolution Time

    i resolve to be less perfect at somethin' so that in '11 i can have somethin' to imrove at. Lark.
  6. .270

    WHAT UNIT ??????????????

    once we were skinnin' a big ol' buck at my dad's house and a guy dropped by and started wanted to know exactly where it came from. my ol' man asked him why he even bothered because he knew we were gonna lie to him. Lark.
  7. a 165 .338 has to be about as long as it is wide. does it have much of a BC? in reality, after 400 yards everything drops almost straight down. a shooters worst enemy, gravity, takes over, and nothing is very flat shooting. you have to know the range and know where the rifle hits at just about all ranges, in about 20 yard incriments. the .338 is a fairly good long range gun because of the high BC and it has a fair velocity for such a big ol' slug. good luck with the 165's. i have a friend who has a BAR in .338. he blows trees outta the way makin' a clear path for the bullet. Lark.
  8. why would you want to shoot such a short, light bullet in a .338? it's a big bore that is made to shoot big bullets at tough animals. and it is a pretty good out to 500 or so. i think i'd stay with 200's or 225's or heavier in a .338. Lark.
  9. .270

    New Mexico Eastern Whitetail?

    heck, i bet i read or hear someone call a javelina a rodent a dozen times a year. saw some idiot on a hunting show call em that the other day. i even heard bob hirsch say it on his radio show once. misnomer on a whitetail ain't near that bad. i know folks that insist their are 2 coues deer, the regular one and the mythical "fantail". Lark.
  10. .270

    What would you do?

    you finish it off, tag it and take care of it. don't leave a wounded animal because you're afraid of how to interpret a law. Lark.
  11. .270


    i can agree with a .284 winchester. helluva cartridge. but not that cork gun 7mm/08. unethical for sure. and you hafta turn in your man card to get one. Lark.
  12. .270


    first thing to look at is you. make sure you ain't flinchin'. get that to where you know it ain't the problem and go from there. trigger pull can really screw things up. so can a loose scope, loose action screws, poor bedding, a wore out barrel, or even a bad barrel. i've seen new rifles with bad barrels. and you have to make sure your ammo fits your rifle. it has to have the correct overal length or it will make bullets fly all over the place too. in a .270 you shouldn't have to worry about barrel twist, but in most calibers it's real critical. what kind of set up do you have, as far as rifle/scope/ammo combo? Lark.
  13. .270

    stuck case

    it's a good idea to clean resize dies real good if you haven't used em for awhile. just about anything will get sticky after sitting around awhile. one thing i keep around all the time is wd-40. i usually always spray a little in the resizer before i start. it will clean up about anything and it it is real good smellin' aftershave and ain't bad on sawiches or corn flakes. Lark.
  14. .270

    life is good

    just got done feedin' the critters. today is my daughter's birthday and she wants elk heart stew and homemade bread for lunch and my wife is gettin' it ready. the house us fulla good smells from the heart in the fryin' pan and bread bein' made, the sun is comin' up and we got Christmas carols on the radio. i'm a blessed man. Merry Christmas friends. hope you all have a good one. remember the reason for the season and be happy. have a Happy New Year too. and remember that even when life is rough, it is always better than it seems. Lark.
  15. .270

    sad story

    this is a pretty sad story. hope he had fun. Lark. http://www.wmicentral.com/site/news.cfm?ne...05965&rfi=6
  16. .270

    stuck case

    rcbs makes a stuck case remover. if you're gonna reload, get one. good thing to get for xmas maybe. somebody else makes one that you have to drill out the base of the case and tap it and pull it that way. i don't like that kind. the rcbs has a little apparatus that pulls the nexk excpander through and then it has some hard steel rods that you drop down the neck and smack with a hammer. but really, if you're gonna reload, get a stuck case remover. Lark.
  17. .270

    23 buck

    cowboy hat, .270, long range, nice buck. this guy is just too cool. he ain't quite as good lookin' as me, but he's got everthing else down pretty good. good job and a real good buck. Lark.
  18. .270

    Weather helps with lions

    fine job fellers. real fine job. Lark.
  19. .270

    Custom or Home Job?

    most processors do a good clean job, but they like to cut the steaks way to thick and don't trim up the fat and sinew and stuff so we do our own. always have. have a big commercial size grinder. my wife has a extra large vacuum packager food saver deal. don't use paper anymore. the tube deal for the burger is great too. bought a tenderizer head to make cube steaks outta them tough dang round steaks, and it does a heck of a job too. it's a lotta work, but at the prices they charge anymore it won't take long to pay for a grinder and other stuff. Lark.
  20. gameholler is a total ahole even if he does post a photo and he shoots a cork gun. actually i wanna see the photo too. nobody ever sends me any photos. well, they might, but sheriff joe won't let me have my phone in here. Lark.
  21. .270

    Buranut Hunt

    i saw allen's name and phone number in a truck stop in tucson. "FOR A GOOD TIME CALL BURRONUTS". had an 800 number too. hey allen, shoot a really big one. a really, really big one. no, not a muley. Lark.
  22. .270

    New Mexico Eastern Whitetail?

    if bill hates folks bastardizin' the english langij, he must have a dart bord with my pitcher on it. i've only killed 2, both with rental cars. one southwest o' chicago and one by eldorado texas. the both looked just like the dead one i seen by springer. Lark.
  23. whattaya expect em to do in dc? they want reinforcements. there ain't nothin' but jackasses and horses asses in that town anyway. take look at grijalva. them things gotta be his cousins, Lark,
  24. .270

    New Mexico Eastern Whitetail?

    so whatter we 'sposeta call em? i ain't memorizin' all them subspecies. they're east o' here. sooooooooooooooooooooo? how can they be tejas whitetail if they're in new mex? texmex maybe, but i don't see how ya can call em texas whitetail. maybe the come from oklahoma? heard there was fruit ready to pick around raton. Lark.
  25. .270


    dangit, just when it was gettin' fun they nuked the thread about the stranded hunters. what did i miss? i want to add one thing. i'm real sorry to hear about the stock feller that died in the tree accident. what a rotten deal. from what i've heard and read, he was a decent guy with a family that he cared for. and he was a hunter. that's enough for me to like him. condolences and best wishes to his family. cwd will probly have something pathetic to say about it, but like i said, nobody ever hurt me with their mouth. this storm was a rough deal and i guess there are still a few guys that aren't accounted for. hopefully they're all ok. but this is a lesson for us all. what is it the boy scouts preach? BE PREPARED. take a extra sleeping bag and few more cans o' beans and spam and make sure that there are matches everywhere. bone up a little on wilderness survival. if you have a match and some ammo, pull a bullet and start a good fire. always have a knife. always. these new gps/radios are slick deals. so is a cell phone. be prepared boys. bein' siwashed is a rough deal. it's happened to me, so the rest o' you rookies are real susceptible. again, all the best to the stock family. gonna be a rough Christmas. and all the best to the guys they're still looking for. maybe muleyman won't hijack this thread. hunt hard boys. Lark.