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Everything posted by .270

  1. you don't believe me about tiny town? wanna bet some money on it? Lark.
  2. i never seen broke back mountain. is it any good? i did hear that game holler made his acting debut in it. said he was a stunt double. deliverance is a cool movie. and the best line from josie wales was "it ain't for eatin', it's just for lookin' through". and the correct quite for jeremiah johnson ain't "elk can't count". rather it is "elk don't know how many feet horses got". i know that movie by heart. and i have seen "the rounders". great movie. filmed up around sedona and camp verde. another one of my all time favorites is Junior Bonner. but if you wanna see the classic all time best western you gotta watch "the terror of tiny town". a western filmed back in the '30's that has an all midget cast and they all ride shetlands. i mean everbuddy is a midget. dance hall girls, cowboys, bad guys, black smith, bankers, everbuddy. great movie. Lark.
  3. .270


    it ain't ironic, it's prophetic. good luck on your quest to quit. hang on tight and you'll make it fine. there ain't nothin' i like better than a smoke. well, except livin'. i like livin' better than smokin'. so i don't smoke. it's just a real slow way of committing suicide. i have a good friend who has to turn off his oxygen machine to have a smoke. he's younger than me. it just don't make sense. there's lotsa things that ain't good for ya. tobacco is flat out bad for ya. outside of wormin' a hound, there ain't anything good about it. everytime you use tobacco you take time off the other end of your life. and remember, i'm the smartest guy there is. Lark.
  4. .270

    Long range rigs

    i only plan on shooting one or two times when i'm hunting anyway. like i say, i killed a purty nice bull at a shade over 900 yards with it last year. one shot. i can shoot 1/2" groups at 200 yards all day long. inside an inch at 300. i do have to wait for the barrel to cool after about 3 rounds. this ain't a target rig. it's strictly for killin'. google on the name Carlos Hathcock. see what he did with a stock 700 adl '06 and a redfield scope bought off the shelf in a sporting goods store in saigon. last i read they put his rifle in a museum. most target shooters have fat contour barrels because they don't get hot as fast. but once they get hot, they take a lot longer to cool. when they get real hot they pour cold water on em and start over. but one of the main reasons is they don't have to spend a buncha time and money doing machine work to turn the barrel down. thread it, chamber it, spin it on. and stuff like putting grooves in the barrel doesn't do much other than take a little weight off. does next to nothing as far as cooling. looks kinda cool. if folks wanna pack big fat barrels around, that's fine. i have several. i have a literall needle driver .22/.250. i seldom take it after coyotes. too heavy to catch up with runnin' coyotes with it on a regular basis. but that ain't a long range deal. 4 to 500 yards is all i can do regular on runnin' coyotes. my preference is a lighter rifle. with a muzzlebrake. that shoots really, really good. but then again, since Carlos died, i'm about the best shot there is too, so i have an unfair advantage. there's lotsa ways to skin a cat. i prefer the lightest catskinner i dan get. Lark.
  5. .270

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    i guess some folks just don't get it. anytime you put skin color in the equation negatively, it's racist. you really have a dim view of things. this is about a helluva lot more than somebody trying to get rich mowing lawns. this is about the security of America on all fronts. our laws, finances, ethics, safety, security, plain ol' American way of life, are at stake. if you can't make a living without paying illegal aliens next to nothing then maybe it's time to look at a different career. if there is some sort of amnesty or guest worker program wages are going to go way up. the only way to keep things the way they are is to continue to break the law and keep folks in poverty. as far as all the boycotts, big deal. there are gonna be so many other states doing the same thing in the near future that it won't work. the same things were said about employee sanctions. racist, white people won't do the work, we're gonna go broke if we can't keep abusing the mexicans, we're gonna boycott ya, blah, blah, blah. all this law does is make it legal to enforce the laws we already have. i don't see why folks can't figger that out. Lark.
  6. .270

    The Worst

    all them goofy coues deer hunters. Lark.
  7. .270

    Proved the existence of a mythical beast!

    that is one cool find. i've seen a few one antlered elk, but that thing is weird. that horn is right in the middle of it's head. i'd think that head would be worth a lotta money. at least a lot more than a spike antler. Lark.
  8. .270

    Thanks CouesWhitetail

    ok casey, just what is "assination"? some family reunion game you guys play? that just sounds real bad. as far as this sight, i really like it because it's real easy to be the smartest guy on it. i get lost in a lotta conversations and end up sayin' somethin' like "oh yeah, well @#%$ you!!", and figger i won the arguement. i never hafta do that here. i'm pretty sure i'm the best lookin' guy on this sight too. thanks, Amanda. oh yeah, if ya ever wanna do a calendar of cw.com guys, i'd be glad to model for ya. in fact, a cw.com calendar is a good idea. run with it. i won't charge no royaltys. Lark.
  9. .270

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    coues slayer, do you realize how racist your last remark is? when it gets hot us white guys lay in the shade so throw a buncha mexicans out there do it. they'll do anything!? and everbody says 1070 is racist? and even if you really do feel that way, attitudes like that are one of the biggest problems with illegal immigration. i don't know if you really realize what you're saying but what it amounts to is that you want an automatic bunch of 3rd class citizens that will do work nobody else wants to do. the goal of legal immigration is so folks can come here and improve themselves and become part of the American system. not to come here and be put in a box where you can only do "wetback" work and not be able to improve on your life. anyone who thinks we need open borders for cheap labor is thinking how the "massa's" of the old south did during slavery. "we gotta have all o' these darkies to do the work white folk don't wanna do". we should want people to immigrate. we should never want to keep this wonderfull country to ourselves. we should want people to come here and see what hard work can do in a capitilistic system. raise their kids in a good safe place where hunger is nonexistent and fear is kept at bay. but they must do it within the process that is provided. enticing people to come here and bust their butt for nothing just ain't right. Lark.
  10. .270

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    all the pro-illegal folks think it is against the law to enforce the law. Lark.
  11. well, is jane gonna sign this anti illegal immigration bill? looks to me like if she wants to get reelected she's gonna have to. if she lets it sit it looks pretty weak and if she vetos it i think she ain't gotta chance for re-election. looks like there is a pretty weak bunch for her to run against on the republican ticket and i don't see that 4 eyed limp wristed goddard as being a very rough competitor. polls say 70% of Az residents are for 1070. so if she vetos it it could be a stake through the heart for her. this is gonna be a real intersting time in AZ. if she signs it and it goes into law we're gonna see a lotta protests and yellin' for awhile but after it becomes law most o' the folks that'll be doing the most hollering will be either in mexico or a state that doesn't have 1070. new mexico and texas are gonna hafta pass their own version of 1070 in order to keep a tidal wave of illegals outta their states. yep, interesting times for sure. as for me, i'm all for it. i don't see any need for it because it's completely redundant. we already have laws to cover everything this bill covers, they are just not enforced. this bill will make em be enforced. any other opinions? this is a big deal for our state. real big. even if somebody can get the courts to overturn it, it will be a long time before they can get it there. they tried the same thing with the employee sanction bill and lost big time. states rights are completely different than federal law and it's real hard for a court to overturn something legally passed in a state. anyway, lets her some comments. this is a big deal. Lark.
  12. .270

    sb 1070

    check out this headline from today. made ma laugh. dang sure a new style of "terrorism". Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/201...vandalized.html
  13. .270

    Open Sites

    only thing holdin' ya back is you. like stan said, a .30/30 is a helluva lot better than a bow. i still pack one horseback all the time. Lark.
  14. .270

    Illegal Immigration Refrom

    when has anyone here ever been stopped by a cop and not asked to provide I.D.? this isn't about looking like a mexican. it's about having to provide identification and if you can't you might get shipped out. in the past, if a cop stopped ya and you had no way of proving you were legal they usually sent you on your way. now they can press the issue. and this bill has nothing to do with closing the border. that's the feds job. this bill is to deal with folks after they get here because the feds won't do their job. if ya have a drivers license, everything is cool. Lark.
  15. .270


    excellent snapshot. i can't wait the poem jaime posts to refute your numbers. illegal aliens are killing America. the need to go home and make wherever they come from more like here instead of trying to make here more like there. Lark.
  16. .270

    Long range rigs

    big heavy barrels don't give you much unless your shooting a lot of rounds at one time. the extra weight can be a benefit for recoil but they do very little for shot to shot accuracy. heavy barrels dissipate heat better, but have very little accuracy benefit in a hunting rifle. what is inside the barrel; lands, grooves, throat, rifle twist, chamber, are 10x as important as what's on the outside. i made a .300 win mag last summer that is a legitimate 1000 yd rifle and i had a fairly skinny schnieder barrel installed on a model 70. i killed a muley at 565 and a bull elk at 900 with it this past fall. with a good rest it is amazing what it will do at any range. 800 yards isn't even hard. with scope and everything it tips out at about 9 pounds. used the original wood stock. leupold vari x 3, 6.5x20 with a custom retical. i purposely had the barrel machined down quite skinny just for the weight. senderos are stupid heavy. real accurate, but real heavy. good rifle for the price. another option for weight is a christensen. my son has a 300 ultra that is pretty amazing. but you don't have to go with a real heavy rifle to get one accurate. good barrel, good trigger, good scope and ammo that works in it is the trick. Lark.
  17. .270


    actually mcviegh was pulled over for having expired plates on his car. i don't think it was illegal for him to have the gun. if he had a car with current plates there is a real good chance they would have got away. but you're right, there wasn't any profiling. 1070 doesn't provide for cops to pull anyone over because the look illegal. it does provide for them to be able to ask you about your citizenship status if you break the law and are pulled over. of course i've seen cops pull people over for cracked windshields and for having a ball cap on the dashboard too. Lark.
  18. .270

    sb 1070

    to celebrate the signing of 1070 i went to fillberto's. Lark.
  19. .270

    Student Walk Out

    the news said the kids that walked out of trevor brown were going to march to the capital but they started walking north. the capital is southeast of there. then they ran into the kids walking out of maryvale and they got in a fight because they don't like each other. if that ain't funny nothin' is. and it really shows the intelligence of the kids. no wonder we have some many illegal aliens. they're lost. Lark.
  20. .270

    ocelot found near Globe

    i didn't even think o' that. dang sure could be. them sorry sob's have been caught time and time again fabricating evidence. Lark.
  21. .270

    ocelot found near Globe

    sorta interestin. ain't globe quite a ways north of where you'd typically see one? i'm leaning toward the loose pet theory. Lark.
  22. .270

    sb 1070

    well, bless her heart, Jane signed it. i'm gonna hafta quit bashin' her quite as hard. good for her. now we have to go through the process of the stupid lawsuits where folks say enforcing the law is against the law. all the hand wringin' and wailin' about racial profiling if you get in a wreck or get busted speeding or any other thing where ya gotta show your I.D. it's gonna be a long haul and we hafta make sure to elect folks who will uphold this new bill. we gotta keep that dork goddard outta office first. i still don't know who to vote for in the U.S. senate race. i know i don't like mcain but JD ain't too shiny either. lesser of 2 evils. i know mccain has been there a long time and hasn't done much but whine about stuff. but dang, this is a good start. a real good start. and jaime, what the heck are you talkin' about? the gadsen purchase? do even know what it was? it was basically the last shot in the war with mexico. the U.S. "conquered" mexico. even took over mexico city. whipped em all over the place. and mexico fired the first shot in that war and santa anna got his butt kicked again. so instead of taking over the entire country, which a lotta folks wanted to do and it would have been better for everbody, after the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo, we "bought" the gadsen purchase from mexico. they sold it to us so we would leave the rest of the country, that we conquered, alone. sold it for their price. not ours. mexicans can whine all they want about the gadsen purchase, but they started another war they couldn't win, just like the war for texas independence, and lost again and ended up "selling" a real small part of northern mexico. when we coulda took over the whole dang place. we did get Az, new mex, utah, california, colorado, and parts of several other states, but then again, they fired first. they never would have been able to hold onto those states anyway. too far from mexico city and they were too weak of a country. but again, what does that have to do with 1070? Lark.
  23. .270

    sb 1070

    my first ancestor here landed at plymouth mass in 1630. i also have a full bleed creek great x6 gramma. so i can claim injun blood too. my kin fought and died in every war we've ever been in. my kin settled the west. if i ain't a native American, nobody is. this ain't about race. the people protesting it are using race because it gets press. it's about the law. Az is bleeding to death because of a lot of things but one thing that we can have direct control of and can change and make a huge difference in, is this "illegal" alien deal. it will save the state billions per year. billions. crime will drop so much it ain't funny. we'll have a surplus of taxes because we won't be supporting parasites. there will be more jobs. the roads will be safer. we won't have to deal with all this safe house, kidnapping, drugs, theft, fraud, murder, smuggling, etc, that is all directly attributed to illegal alien activity. get off the race deal, it's bull$h!t. come up with some real reasons that have merit. and don't give me anything about they're doing the jobs Americans won't. there ain't anything Americans won't do. the entire world is on our backs and has been since WWII. we support everyone. we're like the sun and everyone else revolves around us. period. we have a very precise, set, legal means of immigration. use it or go to jail and then get sent home. and i dare anyone against 1070 to look up mexico's immigration laws and compare them to ours. you can't even immigrate from town to town or state to there without forfeiting your rights. can't even vote. this ain't about race or culture color or religion. it's about the law. our law. obey it or stay home. Lark.
  24. .270

    sb 1070

    my first ancestor here landed at plymouth mass in 1630. i also have a full bleed creek great x6 gramma. so i can claim injun blood too. my kin fought and died in every war we've ever been in. my kin settled the west. if i ain't a native American, nobody is. this ain't about race. the people protesting it are using race because it gets press. it's about the law. Az is bleeding to death because of a lot of things but one thing that we can have direct control of and can change and make a huge difference in, is this "illegal" alien deal. it will save the state billions per year. billions. crime will drop so much it ain't funny. we'll have a surplus of taxes because we won't be supporting parasites. there will be more jobs. the roads will be safer. we won't have to deal with all this safe house, kidnapping, drugs, theft, fraud, murder, smuggling, etc, that is all directly attributed to illegal alien activity. get off the race deal, it's bull$h!t. come up with some real reasons that have merit. and don't give me anything about they're doing the jobs Americans won't. there ain't anything Americans won't do. the entire world is on our backs and has been since WWII. we support everyone. we're like the sun and everyone else revolves around us. period. we have a very precise, set, legal means of immigration. use it or go to jail and then get sent home. and i dare anyone against 1070 to look up mexico's immigration laws and compare them to ours. you can't even immigrate from town to town or state to there without forfeiting your rights. can't even vote. this ain't about race or culture color or religion. it's about the law. our law. obey it or stay home. Lark.