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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Coues Gender Identification

    you guys do know there are ways other than antlers to tell a buck from a doe, don't ya? Lark.
  2. .270

    Hunting Celebrities

    if waddel was ever in my camp i'd pull down his diaper and spank him and send him down the road to his mama. Lark.
  3. .270

    Magazines or books to read

    anything by pat mcmanus. if ya like fiction, try bill quimby's stuff . he's sposeta be comin' out with a new one on the eastern whitetail too. Lark.
  4. .270

    Monsoons!!! And look at the antlers Julie brought me!

    f i had a dollar for every time i made that trip across ash flat to the tubs i'd have enough for a newe rifle. love that country. we went to greer for the weekend. got a lot of rain friday in the mountains. ran a little water in a few places. sure are lotsa baby elks runnin' around. didn't kill one coyote tho. Lark.
  5. .270

    Bear Wallow Wilderness area

    bear wallow is fulla elk. it's also straight up and down. you can get a good one there. and you won't have much competition. Lark.
  6. .270

    Hunting Celebrities

    turn micheal waddeh (that's how he says it becaue he's too stupid to know his last name has "l's" in it", loose in the woods and tell him to shoot something. he'd probably throw a fit and go home like a 4 year old. he "plays" a hunter on tv like guys play the part of cowboys or soldiers in movies. the don't have a clue what they're doing, they're just actors. all waddel and 99% of the other hunting personallities are is actors. plain and simple. i doubt that they've even gutted a fish, much less an elk or deer. shockey is a hunter. i still like to watch his show, but it's getting to be a little too much about being cute, like all the rest, too. used to like to watch the primos guys too until they lined up with uso and now they're show is total crap. anytime anyone is crawling into the camera, it's fake. 99% of em do it. they're just actors. even eastmans has turned into crap. i'd rather watch an old davy crocket show. at least you know they're just actin'. Lark.
  7. .270

    Lamell and the beaver

    any o' you guys ever know Lamell Ellsworth? if you look through the Az record book you'll see his name a buncha times. i'll give ya a little bit of background on him before the story. he was born, raised and lived his whole life in showlow. the big meadow across from the movie theater and rick's appliances is the old family homestead. that old barn was his. his house is just northeast of it. anyway, he was one of the last of the real hunters. usually used an old long barrelled .30/30 he inherited from his dad. in fact, it seems like he killed what they used to be called the big 10 with it. he liked to use an 18 foot cane pole to fish with and caught more and bigger trout than anyone in Az with it. i got to fish with him using the stupid things a couple times. he used 2 lb line, yes 2 lb line. one gold salmon egg hook and one fireball. when he hooked up a real big one he'd get it going in a figure 8 to tire it out. if it was too big, he'd chunk the pole in the water and let the fish drag it around while he followed it with the boat, until it tuckered out. he was an absolute master tracker and you could learn more just listening to him for an hour than you could in a lifetime in the field. he did what worked and he could out think any animal. he passed away a few years ago of complications from a stroke that kept him a wheelchair for several years. Lamell was about 5'10" i'd guess. barrel chested, skinny hipped, red freckled complection, blonde hair, had arms like popeye and was strong as h e l l. i mean real strong. and even when he was old he could walk young guys in shape right into the dirt. while packin' a bucket fulla traps. oh yeah, he was a h e l luva trapper too. there will never be another hunter like him. when i was driving up to his funeral i pulled over down by courdory creek to take a leak and walked back in the trees a ways and heard a buncha funny sounds and it was a buncha critters havin' a party because they heard he had died and they are happy as h e l l about it because they were a lot safer. he killed 8 pronghorns with horns over 16 inches. he did a lotta stuff that won't be duplicated. he has the #2 typical muley in Az and a 260+ inch nontypical too. he sold a lotta racks that were b&c too. anyway, to the beaver. Lamell had to irrigate his pasture. he went up and turned the water down the ditch and was driving back down the ditch to his pasture to make sure it wasn't blocked with anything. he seen this ol' buck beaver waddlin' down the ditch. this was probly in the late 60's and beavers were worth a fair price. he didn't have a gun but figgerd he could rassle it down, smack it in the head and kill it. so that's what he did. chased the beaver down the ditch, got on top of it and with his popeye jackhammer arms, smashed it's head into the dirt. it went limp. he figgerd, Ha, i got ya, ya ol' beaver. he said he was all proud o' hisself and grabbed the beaver right under it's little arms and hoisted it up to pack it to the truck. now you fellers gotta realize that a big ol' buck beaver is a lot bigger than ya think. a big one might go well over 50 pounds. anyway, he picked up this ol' beaver and it's tail was down about groin level. he said heard this big ol'"SMACK" and realized right off he was hurt cuzz the smack was his bag takin' a h e l l uva beatin'. said it almost knocked him plum out. lost his breath. hurt worse than you could even imagine. he said he was layin' in the ditch heavin' for breath and watchin' the ol' beaver waddle off down the ditch. said he was paralyzed. and he knew the water was comin' and he had to get out or he was gonna drown. he was off work for about a week with an ice pack in his groinal area. he said it hit him so hard that blood came out the pores of his skin. and that is sensitive skin. so, if ha ever decide to box a beaver, be carefull. this really happened. sometime i'll tell ya about Lamell and bobcat. Lark.
  8. well said str8shot. silent, it doesn't matter much who voted how right now. right now the gas drillers have the the law on their side, at least somewhat. they have the money and money is what decides how these guys on the hill vote. after the fact doesn't matter much. ya hafta change the law. pretty hard to do once it's enacted. especially when you figure out how many folks are employeed by it. any moron can see that at least some of what has happened ain't right. another thing to look at is, what kind of fix did this hippy guy have for the situation? did he have any kind of a remedy? nope. all he had was cheney bad, haliburton bad. when they got behind this natural gas deal, all the treehuggers and everyone was for it, because it was "natural" gas. it's clean. no emissions. heck, they talked like it would cure cancer. it's still a hydrocarbon. everything has a price. it might be a price in money, it be a price in consequences. natural gas is mostly methane. you can refine it and get propane and butane and some other stuff, but it is mostly methane. you know what else makes methane don't ya?
  9. .270

    no cussin'?

    yeah, the amandanator is thinkin' she's pretty tough. i'll show her. i'm gonna start cussin' in navajo. code talkin'. Lark.
  10. .270

    no cussin'?

    ok, i just rit a reply to a thread and this thing changed the word h e l l, to heck. what the h e l l is that all about? if i can't cuss i'll get sick. this is bull$h!t! look, it did it again. Lark.
  11. .270

    no cussin'?

    where were ya? was time for "burning man" again already? Lark.
  12. h e l l no i don't like it, but show me an alternative energy source that works. and again, haliburton doesn't own any wells. quit blaming them. if they would hire haliburton this leak in the gulf would be plugged by now. those guys know what they're doing. what they are doing is legal and they are doing it for some folks that don't want the exposure. they are profit oriented and don't care what folks say as long as they can make money. that's just the way it is. as far as the clean water act, why isn't the gov't enforcing it? what these guys are doing is completely legal until someone stops them. if folks are living on land that doesn't have water or mineral rights, then they are S.O.L. that ain't a nice thing, but that's the way it is. and if they have leased their mineral or water rights out, same thing. if they own the water and mineral rights and their wells get polluted, by drilling, then they have a case. but i guarantee you a lot of these guys already had well problems. i know guys in colorado and texas who have wells that do the same thing and they have for decades. i know guys in quemado new mex that have crude oil in their well water. water tables and oil and gas strata can and are in the same place on a regular basis. and again, the reason there is so much empasis put on natural gas, which is mostly methane, same thing beans make, is because coal, oil and uranium are so demonized by the libs when there really isn't a realistic alternative. natural gas is supposed to be the neatest thing since sliced bread, it's still a hydrocarbon. it still blows up and it'll still kill ya if ya ain't careful. this film never said anything about what the gas companies position is legally and what their rights are. and it never said anything about what the rights of the people with the bad wells are either. all it said was cheney bad, haliburton bad. never said a thing about pickens and buffet and the other billionaires that are really calling the shots. if they got an exemption on the clean water deal, then who voted for it? i'll bet ya a buncha libs did along with with those nasty dirty conservatives. cheney is one guy. he had one vote in the senate and only in case of a tie. all vp's have the same vote. without the votes of a clear majority in the senate and the house, this bill, whatever it is, doesn't exist. this guy never said anything about that. he was never objective, never even attempted to show both sides, never elaborated on the true spirit of the law, never elaborated on the true rights of the affected people. all he did was said cheney bad, haliburton bad. he said that mule deer, pronghorns and sage grouse were endangered. a pure out and out lie. like i said, any time someone makes a donumentary, they want it to come to a conclusion that supports their view and that is exactly what this guy did. i sorta liked the banjo pickin', but that's about it. there's a lotta stuff that is wrong with about everything. one kid with a camera ain't gonna cure em. unless you're a convicted felon and ain't an illegal, you have a vote. use it. cheney didn't do this. he mighta been part of it, but he needed a lotta help from a lotta folks. and all those folks saw how much money they were gonna get out of it. just like they always do. this gas drilling explosion is going on because people have made a scapegoat out of oil and coal. same reason they have this stinkin' leak in the gulf. they won't let em drill in shallow water because the tree huggers can see the rigs from shore. so they make em drill in water a mile deep where they really don't have good technology for it yet. we've got a fairly good handle on containing oil and coal emissions in power plants and cars and stuff. but folks want to keep pounding on it so they try other things and the other things ain't working very well. until we do what works and works well and quit listening to liars, on both sides, and start doing what is smartest, all the time, hippy kids with cameras will have all kindsa things to make documentaries about. sit back and look at everything involved and look at everything correctly. the answer is always somewhere in the middle. you have passion. good on ya, but always look at the big picture. if only one view is allowed, it's a dicatorship. this kid only allowed one view. Lark.
  13. .270

    no cussin'?

    %$#@^ you gameholler. you no good $@^&% rotten !@*&%$ tree hugger gun shooter. dangit, it did it again! this ain't right. this is censorship. dang commit website anyway. what's next? gonna burn field and stream magazines? ban the flag? cussin' is American, dammit. what is wrong with the word h e l l anyway? it's a place. you hafta go through it to get to aj. Lark.
  14. ok, i watched it. there have been problems with natural gas in well water for as long as there have been wells. the new gas wells in this area could be the reason. i guarantee you a lot of the water wells had problems before the drilling started. guarantee it. but, as soon as the guy said his folks were hippies and when he talked about pete seeger, a real famous commie, and then started to blame everything on cheney and haliburton, it was pretty east to see which way it was going to go. keep several things in mind, every "documentary" has a conclusion they want before they even start. real easy to see that this is this guys goal. haliburton does not own even one well, of any kind, they are a well service company. they supply equipment and technology to the guys with the leases. the guys that are really pushing natural gas are guys like t. boone pickens and warren buffet, both big time libs. for some reason folks hear the words "natural gas" and they think it is some safe, nice, environmentally friendly thing that won't hurt anything. it's still a hydrocarbon. it still burns. it's dangerous as heck. folks, just like this hippy descendent that made this film, have demonized coal and oil to the point that everyone is scared as heck of it and thinks it's gonna kill us all and don't want anyone to use it and they have forced energy companies to try to develop natural gas supplies because it is supposed to be warm and friendly. the only real alternative to hydrocarbons for energy production is nuclear. period. if you want electricity in your house or a car to drive, then it is going to burn hydrocarbons. solar, wind, even hydro, don't and won't ever cut it. especially solar and wind. they're a joke. the wind isn't constant and it gets dark every night. the amount of polution that goes in the batteries for solar systems far outweighs the the polution of coal or oil. the truth is somewhere in between what this guy produced in his movie and what the gas companies say it is. it's too bad all around. but until folks get a grip on what is real and what ain't, this is gonna be the way it is. and don't expect obama or any other career politician to fix it. as long they get their's and the taxes get paid, everything is fine. where is all the outrage in this lib congress we have right now? you heard anything from anyone congressman or senator? nope. and most of the guys in this "documentary" are being paid real well by the gas companies for the right to drill on their property. and unless you own "patented" land, you don't own anything but the dirt on the surface, you don't own the water, minerals or timber. if that's the case with some of these folks, i don't know what to say other than maybe they shoulda thought about it when they either bought the land or sold the water, mineral and timber rights. look at both sides, the answer is somewhere in the middle. and when he said that mule deer, pronghorn and sage grouse were endangered it was an out and out lie and he lost what little credibility he started with. and never trust a hippie. Lark.
  15. .270

    Carmen Mountain Whitetail

    there ain't any such thing as a fantail. coues deer live in the sky islands. google it. almost every population of coues are sorta inbred, because they don't travel much across the desert that seperates the sky islands. therefore each population develops it's own special traits and differences from the other populations. every little range has slight differences in antler shape and size, hair color and markings, body size, etc. from what i've seen, what folks call fantails are young bucks with pretty good genes that have neat little rack on a really small body. my dad killed several he says were fantails, but they came from places that had big populations of coues and there is no way that coues and "fantails" that live together aren't going in crossbreed regularly and wipe out one breed or the other. one of the bucks my dad shot was a 6x7 + eye guards and it was maybe 6 inches wide with beams about as thick as a pencil. had a drop tine on each side and was quite non typical. it was a dinky buck. he gave the rack to his grandma and i don't know what happened to it, but i sure i still had it. he had to wrap the old metal tag around in twice so it wouldn't come off. Lark.
  16. .270

    Anyone remember??

    i just checked, the results are up now! man, that's early. i got first choice on everything. Lark.
  17. .270

    How will you make this shot?

    i could make that shot with my rifle over my shoulder lookin' through the scope with a mirror and only one eye open. 450 in the wind? i'd aim a little into the wind and shoot him in the lungs. part of hunting is shooting. practice a lot and tmost shots ain't that hard. that's a fair sized animal and has a bunch of kill zone. don't let lack of confidence keep you from shooting. practice until you're confident. Lark.
  18. .270

    Wounded Bear, what do you think caused it?

    i hate you guys. if i'da fought that bear he'd be in a wheelchair. Lark.
  19. .270

    white elk

    our boys took me and big john to the mt's for father's day. spent 4 days in the big lake area. fishing wasn't very good as far as numbers, but it was good to be with the boys. they caught a jillion crawdads too. ate too much, belched, farted and cussed way too much. told a lotta lies and some truth. the pronghorn does and cow elk were trying to have babies and stinkin' sob coyotes were out in force trying to get a cheap meal off poor animals in the throws of labor. saw a lot of them every day. nearly every elk herd had coyotes following it. i sent a couple on their merry way to heck. missed some too, but at least i made em run off. we saw a white cow elk several times. saw it again this morning. if you're in that area look around st josephs reservoir. there was a fair sized bunch of elk hanging around there and laying in the wet grass and water to escape the bugs. this cow ain't a albino. looks real silver. had a dark nose and some dark hair on it, but it is so out of character that it was kind of hard to spot because it looked like a rock or something. only white elk i've ever seen. we saw it several times and the herd seemed to spend most of the day out in the open. anyway, it's good to have good kids and it's good to have a good time with em. one thing about it, your boys never really grow up, they still stay your little boys in a lot of ways. really a great weekend. Lark.
  20. .270

    RV high school

    a small plane kamkazeed the round valley high school. burned down most of the high school building. looks like they saved the auditorium. quite a crazy deal. my pal willy lives just north of the dome on the side of flat top. he said it made so much noise he thought it hit his house. don't look good for the guys in the plane but they said it didn't hurt anyone at the school. RV is a rough place to fly sometimes. Lark.
  21. .270

    What do you pack for lunch

    you fellers put way too much thought and work into this. if somebuddy is with me i just take their stuff away and eat it. if i'm alone i'll just kill a snake or somethin' and eat it. snakes are good for ya. just skin it and swallow it whole, tail end first. on the way through, yer guts disolve off all the meat and the skeleton comes out whole. cleans ya out better than a bran muffin. you'll be so clean that when ya fart you'll whistle for a couple days. and it kinda tickles on it's way through. Lark.
  22. my grammar had a lotta rules too, but none of em were about spellin' nothin. most o' her rules were about no fartin' in the house, no pigs in the house, no lightin' farts or pigs in the house and no feet on the furniture. Lark.
  23. so why didn't they kill this one? sun lakes is a lot farther from bear country than thatcher. it was a male, therefore they shoulda killed it, right? i'm confused. i thought if it was a male they "had" to kill it? we need some consistency here. kill em all if they have testicles, ain't that the rule? well, i'm glad this one didn't get the death penalty for wandering around. Lark. http://www.azcentral.com/community/chandle...e-abrk0609.html
  24. calderon needs to shut up and keep his butt and his opinions on his side o' the border. along with the 12 million jerks he sent up here. even if 1070 did have anything to do with it, he is still on the wrong side of the border to have any input. that ain't the wind blowin' along the border, it's mexico suckin'. Lark.
  25. this is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. a bear wanders through town in the gila valley. a very common occurence this time o' year. it's almost daily there in the spring and summer. so they call the azgfd and they tranquilize it and take it out and kill it. because it was a male. what kinda stupid assed directive is that? there are quite a few mountains in Az to release a healthy bear on. i don't understand at all why they killed it. Lark. http://www.eacourier.com/articles/2010/05/...b9016867326.txt