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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    i been tellin' ya they were out for days now. told ya so. Lark.
  2. .270

    Draw results

    one time i pulled my pants down and walked in the fish cop office backwards and they thought i was 2506. Lark.
  3. .270

    Happy Birthday Firstcoueswas80

    happy berfday. get a new banjo? no really, happy birthday. and many more. yer 25? my youngest kid is older than that. Lark.
  4. instead o' worryin' so much about mexican wolves we need to worry more about mexican coyotes. Lark.
  5. .270

    They are out

    maybe p.t. barnum was wrong. you can fool all the people all the time. it's like hunting' javelinas. lots o' fun, but real easy. Lark.
  6. i see where buz mills has dropped out of the Az gov race. for whatever reason his campaign never couild get it's wheels rolling. he spent a pile too. dean martin never had much of a chance. he seems to be a good guy. talked to him personally at a gunshow and i think he would have been ok, but he's just too vanilla in a time where need stuff with habanero's on it. so now it's time to get behind brewer. i really disagree with her ideas of more taxes. hate it. but she has bit down hard on this anti illegal alien stuff and seems to back up the 2nd ammendment fully. it's good to have strong candidate when the dem's have a wierdo that was raised from infancy to be a politician, in goddard. the guy is so spineless and weak it's pathetic. i don't know how many times he's ran for gov, but it's been several. if he gets elected he will do away with 1070, he will repeal the concealed weapon law, he will invite obama right into Az and will be another DC lackey. just like mr napalitano. you guys need to get serious about knowing what the issues are, get serious about knowing how the candidates stand. i'm sick about the crap campaing jd has ran. don't really care for the guy, but i know one thing, he ain't mccain. that's enough for me to vote for him. but it's apparant he doesn't know much about what he's doing when he sits there and lets mccain beat him up like he does when mccain has so many glaring flaws to be exploited. like his record. what has the guy ever done for Az? saved a couple military bases? that's the only thing he has to run on, that he's done. you sure don't hear him talking about his amnesty bill he went in on with teddy chappaquidick. and then he didn't even vote for it. and i hate the fact that he's married to Az's own mafia princess. he talks about how he never votes for pork, well heck, this state could use a little pork about now. how about getting us a little bacon instead of letting it all go to other states. i guess thomas will be the best bet for attorney general. at least he was tough on illegals when he was the county attorney. romley will do all he can to do away with 1070 and has already shown his disdain for enforcing the law and his support for illegals. too bad too, the guys is a real live war hero. did a lot more fighting that mccain did. you need to investigate seriously who you are going to bless with your vote from city council to DC. be informed. use google. find out who your state rep is, your state senator, you congressman and your senator. the info is there. spend an hour sometime and get on wikipedia or some other info sight and find out what these people are about. this country elected an absolute bastard to the presidency a couple years. mostly because people wanted to believe the media and were too stupid and lazy to find out who this guy really is. lets don't let it happen again. the reason we have all these different layers of gov't is to keep from having a dictator. inform yourselves, arm yourselves, use your vote just like your rifle. shoot it straight at what you really want to hit. take it serious and be intelligent, Lark.
  7. i call shennanagins and bull$h!t. i used to watch the x files all the time and that don't like they ones they had there. they had horns like a goat and were part human. you know, like game holler. i always thought he was a chupajavelina tho. Lark.
  8. .270

    The Future of Wolves in Arizona

    if darwin was right, the huggers woulda went the way o' the dodo a long time ago. i've said it before on this site. my uncle probably killed more wolves than anyone that ever lived. as a gov't trapper for 40 years he did some serious damage to the herd. and it was all gov't policy. as far as the extermination order, it wasn't just the grays. i read once that the last yellowstone wolves known were a female and a litter. the female was killed by a gov't trapper and the babies were caught and some kids and other folks at a lodge played with em for awhile and then they were drowned. sort of a sick soundin' deal to me. as far as the original gov't intent, to kill all predators, i think it was a real stupid thing. but after they did it, ya can't fix it. my uncle always said that he felt that the mexican grays and the sonoran grizzly killed itself. they never got afraid of, or respected, what men could do. never learned to run away and to stay away from homesteads, chicken coops and milk cows. he said it' didn't matter how many he killed, the guy protecting his livestock and property from wolves and grizzlies, that never learned to run away, is what done em in. what do coyotes, black bears and lions do when they see ya? take the first taxi outta there, that's what. watch a wolf if ya get the chance. what do they do? circle ya to see if you have anything they want. griz was the same way. that ain't somethin' some wolf lover taught em in wolf school. it's in their dna. it's their nature. all the while givin' joe homesteader a chance for a real good shot. it's too bad the grays are gone. it really is. but they are and there ain't no bringin' em back. back in the 50's when the wolf herd really went downhill, this state was one helluva lot less populated and developed than it is now. i'd bet there are 10 times as many roads and homes and stuff in the areas they roamed. and they couldn't hack it then. how they gonna do it now? they just ain't. no way. Lark.
  9. .270


    if you recall, before he got speared by that stinkin' stingray, the crocodile hunter could tell all kindsa stuff about crocs by stickin' his thumb up it's butt. i'm pretty sure that's the only way to tell on deer too. all you gotta do is stick your thumb up it's butt and you'll know. RIP steve. i loved that show. Lark.
  10. .270

    They are out

    willhunt4couse, welcome to my world. these guy ain't got a sense o' humor for nothin'. my inside guy at the azgfd called and said they were up now tho. just checked. got sheep and deer. it's good to be me. Lark.
  11. .270

    CWT getting Spammed By nikecnshoes

    right on. anybody don't like spam is a commie. Lark.
  12. .270

    CWT getting Spammed By nikecnshoes

    everbody in cell block f agrees with ya. Lark.
  13. .270

    game cameras and vandalism

    ya oughta sell claymoore mines and hook em up with a trip wire to the cameras. when ya take there pitcher with one o' them they won't bother em anymore. Lark.
  14. my grandaughter was born in april. 120 grand in debt. obama has to go. the sad thing is he has already made himself a billionaire in a year and a half and he doesn't really care. o' course he didn't really care to start with. i think there's a good chance he won't even run in 2012. Lark.
  15. .270

    it's good to be me

    shove it in a scabbard and beat it up on a saddle. maybe shoot an occassional surly bear or lion or coyote. the old one i use now was made in 1928 and has been shot countless times and sometimes doesn't work right. Lark.
  16. .270

    it's good to be me

    i get about 5 requests a week from guys on this site wantin' me to adopt em cuz they wanna be my kid and i hafta be careful anywhere i go because wimmin chase me wantin' an autograph and stuff even tho they don't know who i am, they just think i look famous. i never really have understood it but i guess it all comes down to i'm just lucky or somethin'. tall, smart, good lookin', smart. it's really sorta embarassing sometimes. but this past week has been too cool. my birthday was wed. so i took off to the mountains to see some pals and look for antlers and a few things like that. while i was off in a canyon, on my birthday, sweatin' like bulllwidgeon durin' pig season, i got i don't know many calls i got tellin' me some cool news. some really cool news. got to see some old pals i ain't seen in awhile. my buddy big john fixed me sourdough waffles for breakfast one day. went to the gunshow today and got a really cool model 94 winchester for a great price. and my wife even went with me. stopped off at the best fish place in town and had a superb chunk o' seabass. the garden is puttin' off more maters and squorsh than i know what to do with. anyway, it's been a good week and i gotta brag. hope everbuddy else is havin' a good time too. Lark.
  17. .270

    CWT getting Spammed By nikecnshoes

    what's the big deal. i love spam. spam gravy, fried spam n' cheese, spam n' eggs, peanut butter and spam jelly samwiches.............Lark.
  18. .270

    it's good to be me

    if i knew how to post photos i'd do it all the time. it's one of the 3 things i can't do. it's just a .30/30. real nice clean one. it's a post 64 but it has the machined steel blued reciever instead of the cast, powder coated one so many have. it has nice black walnut stocks instead that swamp wood some have and it doesn't have the stupid safety. made about '70. the guy said he test fired it, but that could possibly be the only round through it. real clean. it's a shame to do to it what i'm gonna do tho. i'm still shocked my wife went with me. if you were there, she was the only gal there without tatoos. and foxes even call her a fox. Amanda, happy anniversary. we celebrated 36 last month. on our 35th my wife was saying she didn't remember breakin' 5 mirrors. Lark.
  19. .270

    25-35 load ?

    i was at the gunshow today and saw some 25/35 reloads. also got a smokin' deal on a model 94 .30/30. then had at least 10 guys try to buy it from me. Lark.
  20. obama and his lackeys are truly $h!tty people. good folks will really get after this. sorry sob's. Lark.
  21. .270

    25-35 load ?

    if your .25/35 is an old lever action it might be twisted pretty slow and have a hard time shooting the bigger bullets straight. the hornady and hodgon books usually all have loads for a .25/35 in them. have fun. Lark.
  22. .270

    The Future of Wolves in Arizona

    there might not be any such thing as a black mexican gray. but it's just the dog popping out in these things that gives em the color phase. one more thing, wolf people all voted for obamanation too. Lark.
  23. .270

    Big bull contests?

    i can't think of a better place to have a bull contest than this site. the winner will definitley need a big pile, i mean bull. Lark.
  24. .270

    Draw Result Waiting Blues Got You Down

    just checked!!!!!!!! results are up!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lark.
  25. .270

    The Future of Wolves in Arizona

    when they released the wild wolves in the yellowstone area in just a couple months they were pretty much on their own and doing fine. they were wild animals. didn't take em long to start killin' the heck outta things. and the usfw still lied and hid facts and did all kindsa dishonest crap to keep them on the endangered list, because they didn't want to lose the control they had gained. now they have also done real damage to the other animal populations in those areas, because of the unchecked preying the were allowed to do. but because they had wild animals to start with, it worked. at roughly the same time the so called mexican wolf was released. (it ain't really a wolf because they are all part dog). they have been coddled, fed, doctored, moved, watched over in every way, and they are no closer to having a sustainable population than they did when they started. they are like the mikah waddeh of the dog family. if they would have released a buncha dogs at the same time, and forgot about em, the dogs would be taking care of themselves by now, because they aren't a crossbred, inbred, babied bunch of worthless critters, like the "wolves". the mexican wolf program is, and always will be, a waste of time and money and a lie. the mexican wolf is extinct. there will never be a sustainable population. they are looked after by stupid people. they are a stupid animal with little wild left in them. the entire program is never going to be anything more than an expensive burden on folks that like to use the land. anyone who is involved in the program is basically a liar as far as i'm concerned, because it's well proven it can't and won't work and they know it. Lark.