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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Guns 4 sale

    allen, how old is the 70? is it one of the oldest styles with the spatula safety that folds in front of the iron sight path? has it had a scope on it? on the first model the safety was on top of the bolt and and when you put it on safe the safety lever would rotate to block your sight picture. they modified some at first and then they changed the safety to how they all are now, so you could use a scope with one. i don't know how long they made them that way, but i don't have one. some day if i can find one i can afford i'd like to get one. i used to have a goal to have one of every model and one of every caliber. not neccessarily one of every model and every caliber they made each model, but one to represent em. they made probably 2 dozen models and a buncha different calibers. you have the best caliber o' course. as far as high priced, a gun is worth what you can get for it. later, Lark.
  2. .270

    lion season

    because the azgfd is stupid. they did it because a couple high profile guides didn't want anyone shooting liions when it was too hot for em to run their hounds. all the change did was take 25% of the lion season away from 99% of the hunters. i was out today in some top notch lion country that i've killed a lot of lions in and was wondering what i'd do if i saw one. got all pissed off all over again. it isn't a good law and has it has no biology to back it up. lions breed any time and have kit anytime. if someone says contrary, they're either a liar or ignernt. it's already illegal to shoot a female with kits. dammit, i wasn't gonna get pissed off tonight. Lark.
  3. .270

    first or second week

    back when i was a real bowhunter whenever i got a bow tag i would always hunt the first 3 days, go back to work and then take off the last 7 days. seemed to work pretty good that way. after the 2nd sunday most hunters went home and i had the woods to myself and the rut was more intense. a lot of folks say the rut is later than it used to be but i think it has actually sorta stretched out some. the rut seems to last a little longer, but not be as intense as it would be at times. moon seems to have a lot to do with it. moon has a lot do do with everything. it moves the ocean, so it can do other stuff too. but don't listen to all the stuff about weather to hot, to dry, to wet, to cold. it's all b.s. the elk are still there. just because they don't do what you think they should ain't no reason to gripe. you have a tag, the elk are whistling, it's a good time to be alive and in the woods. you have to adapt to what the elk are doing. my boy had a tag last year. elk weren't whistlin' too much. it was rainin' a lot. things just didn't seem right. so he shot a 375 inch 7x7 on the 3rd day and we went home. hunt hard and the other stuff takes care of itself. the elk are always there. just go get em. good luck. Lark.
  4. .270

    Attack of the Killer Buzzes

    maybe they were turd rollers (dung beetles). they're extremely dangerous. some of em rolled casey and gameholler off a cliff once. Lark.
  5. .270

    We don't have enough wolves?

    why not camels, wooly mammoths, mastadons, sabre tooths, bear faced cats, all them extinct animals. there are just as many o' them left as there are mexican gray wolves. these guys are just jackholes that are making a buncha money off of hollywood money and lawsuits. they get a bunch of stupid kids with no clue what is right to do their bidding them. get a bunch of movie starts to donate money and make assinine statements. and other stupid people fall in. and the wheel goes round. none of these introductions have done anything beneficial and have only accomplished putting hardship on outdoors people. nothing they do makes sense, monetarilly, scientifically or ethically. with the current attitude in DC these guys have a chance if they keep it up. if you think the crap we're dealing with here is bad, wait till they make em do this kinda crap east of the missisippi. it will serve the people there, that have no clue what the west is about, right. this is another example of what bleeding hearts can and will do when they believe lies and let liars lead em. Lark.
  6. .270

    Finally checked the cams after 4 months!

    you have a good place. is that on the rez? Lark.
  7. .270


    hopefully it's a "wolf". Lark.
  8. .270

    what's the best scope??

    you can't go wrong with a leupold but i'd get a vx3, but casey says stay away from the 6.5x20 so that's a good reason to get it. i never saw a nikon i cared much for tho. leupold, vortex, burris, zeiss, swarovski, always good options. nikon is the high end of the cheap scopes. the top of the line cabelas scopes seem to be fair also. i really like a .243, but 600 yards is gonna be a stretch. Lark.
  9. .270

    We don't have enough wolves?

    these guys are comical. i hope they put em in massachusettes and new york and virginia, etc. there ain't 40 acres back there that ain't either owned, fenced or has a building or highway on it. good heck. what a buncha idiots. and there's guys around here that are all for it. Lark.
  10. .270

    when does technology go too far?

    as far as i'm concerned, as long as its legal, it's ok. legal=ethical. thats my opinion and all ethics are is your opinion about a subject. but there are a lot of things that are legal that i dont particularly care for, but if someone wants to do it, i don't really care. go ahead but stay out of the gray areas and don't do stuff that's bad for the rest of us. and i don't want somebody telling me i'm unethical when i'm legal, just because they don't agree, either. i don't like to see folks put out bait. salt, food, scents, all that stuff. in my opinion a guy oughta learn more about the critter and where he's hunting it. learn where the salt and water and feed is naturally and then go from there. i've poured out brine a few times in saddles and stuff, where there were old cattle salt licks that weren't kept up. done it several times to see what kind of tracks come to it. never sat on one. too boring to me. i'd rather make a stalk and miss than sit all day on a bait. just ain't my style. cornflingers and food plots and all that crap are just lazy and cause too many fights and will eventually make the azgfd make some sort of stand, like they had to with bear bait. but as long as it's legal, it's ok. it just ain't for me. if you wanna do it, fine. but you're cheating yourself out of experiences you can't believe by sitting on a bait. quads and trucks and stuff are fine too. as long you don't tear stuff up and stick to roads and trails and only go off road to retrieve an animal. you can always punk anything out on your back. but if you can get a quad or your pickup to it without doing serious harm to the land, have at it. i've done it a bunch. and i've punked a buncha stuff out on my back and with a horse or mule too. just don't tear stuff up, because eventually you'll piss off enough folks that the cops will hafta step in and make it illegal. the road up eagle creek past honeymoon is locked for 1/3 of the year because of a couple jackasses tearing the country up with their quads and fat cat bikes because they were too lazy and greedy while looking for elk antlers. 2 or 3 guys screwed it up for the hundreds of decent guys that stuck to the roads with their vehicles. trail cameras are sorta cool, but nothing i'm interested in. i think it's funny when guys whine about one getting stolen. what do you expect? heck, i got my air compressor stolen right outta my yard in the day time. folks steal stuff. you leave stuff in the middle of nowhere and it ain't gotta chance. but i think the photos that guys get are interesting. optics, range finders, long shootin' rifles, they're all fine and i use em. don't have a bunch invested in optics. i have good binoculars and a spotting scope i keep on an old rifle stock, but that's it. don't even own a tripod, but i am thinking of getting some big binos and a tripod. range finders are just too cool. i used to have eagle eyes, but no more. i need all the help i can get. one thing that really pisses me off and doesn't have much to do with techno stuff is these rich sob's that buy an auction tag, that joe hunter has no chance at, and then pays some outfitter and 15 of his lackeys to find him a big one and camp on it until richy rich can jet out and shoot it. i don't care if it's legal, it's bull$h!t and anybody that is involved in that kinda crap is bad for the sport. if you're gonna invest that kinda $$$ in something then invest a little time, bootleather and elbow grease too and be a man about things. sissys. but again, that's just my opinion and opinions are like buttholes, everybody has one, and all of em but mine stink. only thing that pisses me off is stupidity and lazyass. don't be stupid and don't be lazy. don't be a drag on the good guys. Lark.
  11. .270

    Happy Birthday Firstcoueswas80

    that's actually pretty funny. you're gettin' better. now get back to them banjo lessons. Lark.
  12. .270

    Drew The Wrong Tag?

    i think this happens quite a bit. i have a friend this year that got a cow elk tag and he didn't apply for any cow hunts. he had an archery bull tag last year so he didn't lose any bonus point and just kept it. luckily it was in a unit near where he lives. he called the azgfd and they said he could send it back if he wanted. i've known several guys over the years that have had it happen. i know a lotta other guys who said it happened but after a little research, they figger out they screwed up. like using year old regs for hunt numbers and stuff. Lark.
  13. .270

    concealed weapon

    i knew it was 90 days but didn't know if it was from when she signed it or what the deal was. i always have one anyway. now i can just put my little euro-.22 in my pocket instead of in a holster. good deal. Lark.
  14. .270

    concealed weapon

    is it legal yet to put a pistol in your pocket without a permit? i don't think i ever saw a date about when it actually went into effect. obama didn't file a suit against it too, did he? Lark.
  15. .270

    Amanda's legal defense fund!

    ever since i got a krispykreme delivery sign for the roof o' my vette cops never bother me, except to ax for samples. so how much are these tickets gonna cost? i ain't had one for decades but i heard they're a couple hunnerd bux now. rough weekend for sure. i stilll say runnin' was the answer. my cousins are on cops all the time doin' it. Lark.
  16. .270

    Amanda's legal defense fund!

    which county was it? i've heard the a lotta cops are pissed over the photo radar makin' em go back to work. ya never see one when ya need one. you shoulda outrun em and we coulda watched it on tv. they never coulda figgerd out which jeep with a CW sticker it was anyway. i always carry donuts to chunk out the window and they always stop for em and i get away. Lark.
  17. .270

    Sick Coues Doe

    i know what ya mean. it's hard to say it, but i think gameholler needs put down. he's tried suicide, but all he has is a 7mm/08. Lark.
  18. .270

    is it legal?

    is it legal to pick up the head and antlers of an animall in Az? from the way i read the rules, it ain't. any opinions? Lark.
  19. .270

    Got the Tag

    whichever one will make the biggest dent. Lark.
  20. .270

    Remington sportsman 76

    do you have the clip for it? Lark.
  21. .270

    Draw Problem?

    i know of 2 cases where they said the same thing, one time residents and one time nonresidents, both times the guys proved they were right and the azgfd had to issue em tags for their first choice, over and above the original quota for the hunt. if they think they're right, don't drop it. i think this happens quite a bit. Lark.
  22. .270


    anybody see the new jack link's commercial where the sasquatch farts in the fire and it looks like napalm? i still have a piece o' burrito hung up in my sinus somewhere. it's funny. Lark.
  23. .270

    Happy Birthday Firstcoueswas80

    the caseyosaurus. big butt, little head. they are the original ancestor of the javelina i think. Lark,
  24. .270


    yup. if they give oscars for commercials that one should get it. Lark.
  25. .270

    is it legal?

    ok, is there anybody that ain't a no good 7mm/08 shootin' rat bum that knows if it's legal to pick up heads? from what i read in the regs it says that any head you find you have to call the azgfd and then if they can't decide how it died they keep it and if you pakc it out you're in the wrong. did i read it right? i remember a few years ago about the hairless deal, but i was thnking they changed it. oh yeah, alla ya'll's would love to have a full head o' hair like me. might be a little gray tho. Lark.