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Everything posted by .270

  1. .270

    Government Ban on Bullets (lead)!

    yeah, yeah. we're all sheep. obamas real gun control scheme is to keep everbody broke and unemployed so they can't afford one. oh wait, i forgot, that's all bush's fault. can't expect him to fix anything in a year and a half. and i guess just because he is a disciple of saul alinsky shouldn't alarm anyone. or thinks che' is really cool. or keeps folks around who look at mao as a hero. or the fact that he has 3 of the founding members of the weathermen on his staff or as friends and advisors. or had a guy on his staff, his crap finally caught up with him, that swore that 911 was an inside job. or the acorn deal is no worry either is it. at least not to anyone who can't read. yeah and this stimulus is really working too. look at all them jobs. where we gonna find folks to do em? and the border, now there's a success story for ya. "what do you mean Az passed a law that makes it illegal to be illegal? sue em, dammit, besides, that bush's fault too". the one i really liked was when they finally got the oil well plugged, he wanted em to unplug it again. because they didnh't get a good measure on how much was leaking. pure genius. and shutting down all the deepwater drilling. that only put 20,000 folks outta work. another inspired decision. must be inspired, because the same folks that wanted a lead bad were all for it. yeah we're all sheep. and fascists and nazis and racists and rednecks and uneducated hicks and morons and inbred and birthers and flatearthers and anti global warming and christians, etc. i'll list a bunch of em to save you the work. i'll be glad when obama ain't the president anymore so i can, in the words of his wife, "for the first time in a long time, be proud of my country", again. Lark.
  2. .270

    Government Ban on Bullets (lead)!

    zakly. anyone who trusts these jokers needs to do some really deep reading. in less than 2 years the uaw owns general motors. with a stroke of a pen the stock holders lost everything they had in it and it was given to the uaw. and we paid for it. if the health care bill holds up, we'll all die young. cap and trade will put everyone out of business. so will the "wall street" watchdogs. all while folks just sit by and think, this is America, they can't make make us a 3rd world country. only way America goes down is with an ink pen, not a war. this time it was a little thing like lead bullets. shucks, we can always use copper. until they decide it's too valuable for electronics or some deal (which did happen in WWII, but there was a real reason for it). or next will be some ingredient in primers or powder. take one look at who obama has surrounded himself with and think about it a little. we can't give even a fraction of an inch. if you think this joker is your friend, you need some new friends. or your friends do. Lark.
  3. .270

    I think she killed something

    generally, doe lions don't have horns. only the buck lions do. usually just a spike is typical. Lark.
  4. .270

    I think she killed something

    no, you can tell it's a female because it ain't got no horns. Lark.
  5. .270

    Government Ban on Bullets (lead)!

    plan on it. and once again, anyone who voted for obama needs to slug theirself in the face every morning. if you can't do it, get someone who didn't to do it for you. the next thing you can count on, write it down, is they will make some neccessary ingredient to either powder or primers illegal also. they'll say the mercury in primers or one of the ingredients in powder are some sort of hazardous waste. again, mark it down. folks really don't understand what happened when obama got elected. him and all his lackeys are communists and they won't quit unitl America is dead. these guys have more $h!t on their agenda than you can even imagine. Lark.
  6. .270

    Check This out

    it's the only way they could get anyone to visit their website. most u of a grads are too busy deliverin' pizzas or can't read or own a computer anyway. how do ya get a u of a grad to leave? pay him for the pizza. u of a has joined the california boycott. they said they are going to continue their boycott of the rose bowl. Lark.
  7. .270

    Kind of early in the night but....

    now that mccain is in for 6 more years and will be like 112 next time he's up for election, i can see him doing even less than he has that past 20 years. he might run out and try some other bill that will be deemed unconstituional and cost a jillion bucks in the mean time or keep up with his "no earmarks for Az" policy that just means all the money goes to some other state instead of us. or maybe he'll leave his mafia princess for another chick even younger than her. it's been apparant for several months that jd wasn't gonna win and i have some serious doubts about his capability, but i know one thing, he ain't mccain. and that was enough for me to vote for him. i hope thomas pulls out the AG deal. at least he's hard on border crossers. i don't see horne being much of an asset there. if brewer can keep the momentum and whup up on that dork goddard-napalitano it'll be a good thing. he won't be the AG or the gov and be out of politics in Az. anytime he's a civilian, it's good for this state. i can't imagine what he'd do to Az as gov. with napalitano, she just didn't do anything. that moron would try to do something, and it would be wrong. the nov general election is gonna be interesting. some interesting races in Az. hopefully harry mitchell will lose. but there are some real interesting things to watch in other states. florida, california and nevada especially. use your vote like a rifle. Lark.
  8. .270

    badger decoration

    badgers are one cool animal. like the wolverine of the lower 48. always in a bad mood. that is a real good mount too. looks like he's ready to bite ya. a taxidermist friend o' mine mounted a badger and a bobcat fightin' over a dead jackrabbit once. Lark.
  9. .270

    Electric Skinner

    my grandad had an electric skinner 50 years ago. whenever i would go to slow he zapped me with a hotshot. that's a slick setup. you put a lotta thought and imagination into it. first thing i saw was the vicegrips and wondered how you were gonna roll up the window on your pickup or change channels on the tv. but you guys probly ain't old enough to remember those days. Lark.
  10. i pack a .30/30 a lot. bought another one at the last gunshow i went to even. sierra makes a 125 gr hollowpoint, flatnose, .307 diameter bullet for .30/30's. if you handload, get some and use em. they are far better than the old 150's and 170's. you can get a lot better velocity and the hollowpoint really works well. they make those new leverevolutions, but the only experience i have with them is in a .45/70. but try the 125's. they work well. Lark.
  11. did you guys see the show about pete shepley when he broke his arm right after he got an Az elk tag? broke his arm ropin', just below the shoulder. i mean mangled it. had to put plates and rods and screws and a grease zerk in it. he made a sling deal that went around him and his release hooked to it, near his shoulder. he would hook the string to the release and push the bow with his left arm to full draw and work his right hand up and pull the trigger. he killed a bull that way. you'll be ok this season. might need some work later on, but for now you just need to let it rest and get ready for that one shot. it's a rotten deal to get hurt right now, but you still have a tag and your arm is still attached. give'r h e l l. Lark.
  12. mine got so bad that i couldn't get my wallet out of my pocket. had to put my belt in my pants before i put em on. had to keep my knife in my left pocket because i couldn't reach in the other one. couldn't hardly even comb my hair. it was so arthritic it was about stove plum up. had a 2 inch bone spur growing into my biceps that cut about 35% of the muscle and it hung down in a little flabby ball. when ya have gorilla arms like me, that's a lotta muscle. had another spur about 1 1/2 inches growing sorta into my shoulder blade. there were a buncha little ones. it looked like a burr on an antler. i wanted to make a bolo tie out of it but they chunked it out with the rest o' the stuff and didn't save it for me. the new joint is amazing. smooth as glass and very little pain. i have to be a little careful when shooting a heavy recoil rifle and the dr released me with only one restriction. no archery. i shoe my mule, hammer stuff, tool leather, shovel, pick, everthing i want. i've been told i can get a permit for a crossbow tho and i'm looking at that pretty serious. arthritic shoulders are a little worse than an injured rotator cuff. and on the rotator cuff, it depends a lot on where the injury is. most folks think it's a rotator cup and has something to do with the socket, but the cuff is the group of muscles that attach in different places that allow you to move your arm in a circular motion. you get little tears and stuff where they connect to the bone and it causes all kindsa problems. my left one has some slight injuries in the cuff, but it has the beginnings of a buncha bone spurs. he said he can fix it in about 30 minutes. it's on my list, right after knee replacement. i will give you one real good bit of advice. get a good dr. a lot of the problem i had with my right shoulder was because of some real bad advice by a dr. "she" told me surgery wouldn't help. what she really meant was that arthroscopic surgery, the type she could do, wouldn't help. i finally went to a dr a friend recomended and he took one look at the mri and said to see another guy, because i needed total joint replacement. i didn't even know they did shoulder replacement. i had an elk tag, so i waited about 7 months before surgery. the guy that did mine does over 100 shoulder replacements per year. rehab was sorta rough because of all the atrophy from letting it get so bad, but even he was amazed and how fast i recovered. a lotta that is because i'm one tough sob, but a lot of it was because he put things back right. get a good dr. if anybody ever needs a reference send me a pm. i'll tell ya his name and number. Lark.
  13. heck, i had to have my whole joint chopped out and a new titanium ball and teflon socket installed. and a buncha kevlar cord to pull the shredded biceps back to the bone. he did a little rotator cuff work, but the right one was in farly decent shape. whatever you do, don't let em cut on it or imobilize it until after the hunt. i'd take it easy and if your bow is tuned up real well, limit your practice to just a few shots a day in the week or so before the season. i'd take it easy for a week or so right now and let it heal up some. if you've been shooting a lot you might just have a sore joint or some bursitis. if they suck that toothpaste junk outta your bursa sack, well that is just a whole lotta fun. makes youre eyes go back in your head for a minute. i've had heck with my shoulders. kept me from bein' the greatest bow hunter ever. one thing to keep in mind is how you sleep on em. when they're sore, try real hard to not sleep on em. dr. told me that sleeping with a lot of weight on your shoulder can really cause some problems. as far as this season, if you take it easy and don't over do it, you should be ok. just let it heal up as much as you can until then. shoot a big one. Lark.
  14. .270

    Info needed for smith&weson handgun

    shouldn't be too hard to decock it. just noisy. all ya gotta do is pull the trigger. not too cool in the house. unless you're wanting to wake everbody up. some of the 10's have a heavy barrel like the 13. you see a lotta 10's that were police guns from foreign countries that made it back here. my 13 is a maryland cop gun. says so right on the strap. good pistols. you should be able to get a hammer and install if fairly easy. Lark.
  15. .270

    Info needed for smith&weson handgun

    is it a .38? if it's a 12 it will say airweight on it. if it's a .357, then it's probably a model 13. they are all 3 a k frame, but without an adjustable rear sight. same basic frame as the 18 and 19, combat masterpiece and combat magnum. i carry a model 13 a lot. i wish they made a model 13 with the skinny barrel you can get on the 10. Lark. p.s. model 12's are for standard velocity .38's only.
  16. .270

    new youth hunter

    my daughter in law gave birth to Orion, named after the hunter constellation, at 945 tonight. 10 lbs, 23 inches. he's already bigger than a coues deer. gonna go get him a backpack tomorrow so he can git my buck out this year. full set o' teeth, needs a shave and is already cussin'. he nursed for awhile and bummed 2 bucks offa me and walked to the snack machine and got some jack link's. his mama and dad, Shawna and Gunner, are fine too. good kids and now good grandkids. what a blessing life is. Lark.
  17. .270

    new youth hunter

    i'm happy about the deal. good lookin' kid. looks a lot like me. has a big head too, so he has lotsa brains like me too. they were a little concerned because he lost almost a pound overnight, but then they remembered they circumsised him after they weighed him the first time. Lark.
  18. .270

    Gett'n em out

    if my boys are with me we just build a fire and eat it for lunch and pack out the head. Lark. ps. if you leave the neck bone and leg bones and othe bones in when you cook it, it puts a lot of flavor in it.
  19. .270

    Gett'n em out

    we have a big grinder, a tenderizer, a couple different vac packaging machines, and all the other stuff like knives and everything. the grinder is really handy. but if you don't have a grinder there is a real slick way to take care of all the stuff that you normally grind up. take the shanks (lower part of the legs), neck, ribs, all the trimmings, etc., and put em in a big pan, add a little salt and pepper (don't use garlic on game, makes it taste funny) and put it in the oven for 12-16 hours. cover it with a lid or foil. bones and all. when it's done the meat just shakes off the bone. then package it up and freeze it. when you wanna make tacos, green chili, burros, enchiladas, beans, gravy, just about anything, just nuke a package and fix it up. you get every speck of meat that way and it is great. my wife will take about half of it and make green chili with it and freezes it. my dad lives on the stuff. absolutley his favorite thing on earth. he mixes a little mayo and mustard with it and makes lunch meat for samwiches. a crocpot or one of those big electric roaster pans works real well too. i know it's a real problem for a lotta folks to find something to do with all the leftover stuff you would usually make hamburger out of and this is a really good way to do it. never throw the neck away. from anything. it is topnotch this way. for green chili, the more sinew the meat has, the better. if you cook it long enough the sinew disolves and makes things real juicy. anyway, try it. it's a great way to take care of meat. Lark.
  20. .270

    Gett'n em out

    i haven't killed a lotta midget deer, but everyone of em has been a backpack job. of considerable distance and difficulty. main thing is gut it and skin it and get the temp down to what ever the atmosphere is. get the heat out of it. they are small enough the heat leaves pretty quick. get em out and get em in an ice chest. and before you go, go to the store and buy a wyoming saw. that is the best tool i own. you can reduce a couse buck to not a lotta weight pretty easy. leave the spine, the head minus antlers, lower legs, all stuff with no meat on it there. the saw doesn't weigh a pound and on a coues you can reduce it by 20 pounds without even trying, with a saw.
  21. .270

    Be honest!

    i don't think i could eat anything that looks like that lion tam has. and how do you guys know how gas tastes? i know a buncha guys that always say "that tastes like $h!t!!!". i always ax em how they know? Lark.
  22. .270

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    i hafta agree on the buttout tool. them things hurt! Lark.
  23. .270

    Back in the world of the living!

    i knew that some organ removal a few stitches wouldn't be able to keep a hockey enforcer down very long. glad you're doing well. Lark.
  24. .270

    Be honest!

    you eat pigs and chickens don't ya? they'll eat anything. i ain't gonna go outta my way to eat a bobcat, but if you want to, go ahead. i saw a photo and story of a guy eatin' a bear on this site today. i've had lion and it's ok. i've had bear that was ok too. had some that was awful too. when i was a kid we cooked some coyote on a stick over a fire. a coyote we'd trapped several days before and skinned and was layin' by the barn. it was worse than it sounds. i'd rather eat a shoe or own a 7mm/08 than eat coyote again. i saw some guys eatin' monkey on tv once. that's too much for me. looked a lot like a couple guys on this site. the monkeys anyway. if ya wanna eat predators, i'm all for it. if "you" want to. Lark.
  25. .270

    Wyoming lion regulation change

    i was watching the boone and crocket show the other day and they said that wyoming was going to make some big changes in a lot of units because of the severely declining deer herd. glad they did it. now we'll hafta wait and see if the huggers can find a lib judge that'll let it stand. you know that's comin' next. Lark.