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Everything posted by bonecollector

  1. bonecollector

    ISO Hd Spotting scope

    There is a swaro 80 on facebook. I can post link if you like?
  2. bonecollector

    2018 elk regs

    Should just be 1 day earlier
  3. bonecollector

    3/4 ton truck to Mexico

  4. bonecollector

    Brothers Desert Bighorn

    Congrats again to your brother and all involved! Sheep hunting is like none other.
  5. bonecollector

    First timer

    Great story! Congrats
  6. bonecollector

    Outdoorsmans panhead

    That was fast
  7. bonecollector

    Bean bag superstore

    Why are bean bags so expensive?
  8. bonecollector

    Best Swarovski spotter to buy?

    Swaro stx 95mm
  9. bonecollector

    Please delete!!

    This 1 was the golden ticket so let's hope everything works out well today and the seller wins his vacation. This outa be good Let us know the outcome.
  10. bonecollector

    Please delete!!

    Is your buddy checking any of these offer up ads? Hope he gets his stuff back
  11. bonecollector

    My Sheep Hunt

    The long ram went 173 5/8 then the other 2 went 170 and 159
  12. bonecollector

    2018 elk regs

    Success rates arent accurate at all for any hunt without mandatory reporting.
  13. bonecollector

    Opinions Wanted

    Had a game warden tell me recently I could have a bow and rifle in blind with me at same time if I wanted to.
  14. bonecollector

    My Sheep Hunt

    Thanks guys! I hope everyone gets to experience a sheep hunt for themselves one day. A few more pics.
  15. bonecollector

    My Sheep Hunt

    Day 3 crawl out of the tent, I hear a vehicle with a loud exhaust racing up the road, I think oh great, I’m late again. As the vehicle got closer to camp I realize its most likely not another hunter as they were moving at a high rate of speed and blasting their radio. They drive by and go another direction than the way I was planning on going so I was relieved. 20 mins goes by, they come racing down the road again, weird. Then about 10 mins later 2 quads are coming down the road, I thought these guys were hunters, they go the way the other vehicle went. A short time goes by, these 2 guys on quads come back down the road. I don’t know who’s taking joy rides in the desert at 5am besides tweekers. Lol The 3 of us head out and get to our glassing spot. Mike spots a ram down low but loses it. Amanda finds a “dead” ram bedded in the rocks, wasn’t really dead, just didn’t move for a long time. I found 3 rams bedded together way up high. We decide we need to get a closer look. We get ready to make the stalk up the ridge with minimal gear. Amanda would stay behind staying in contact via radio while Mike and I went to get a closer look. We make the hike, everything is perfect, we get to where we thought we could get a shot off but from down below we couldn’t see there was a dip we would have to cross in order to see the rams. We had turned off the radio when we got into closer range, so Amanda was trying to get us on the radio asking us what we were doing walking right in front of the sheep. Well we crossed the dip, crawled to another rock outcropping going unnoticed by the sheep. Mike gets the spotting scope setup, I pick the ram I want, I get back in the rifle and cant find the ram. The ram had walked behind a tree putting him out of sight, Mike saw it but I didn’t. I was starting to get nervous, saying “I cant find it, where did he go”? There were 3 rams together so I didn’t want to shoot the wrong ram, I am already dialed for 405yds , just need the ram to walk out. The ram finally walks out, turns broadside, I squeeze the trigger, clean miss over his back. I reload the ram runs a bit closer looking down at us not knowing what just happened. I have the ram in my scope, squeeze the trigger again, ram flops over, “DEAD RAM”! I shed a few tears, I couldn’t believe what just happened. Mike calls Amanda on radio tells her ram is dead and to come on up. We take pics, skin and qtr ram and head down the mtn. with heavy packs getting back to camp at dark. I had many beers that night along with a shot of homemade whiskey that Amanda had brought along, we cooked up a piece of backstrap that night. It was a fun journey shared with family and friends. I wasn’t guided but I had help from a few different outfitter friends like Jay Scott, Craig Steele, and Eric Hunt. I have never met any of these guys before only exchanged messages but they were willing to help out. I have to thank Mike a ton, he was there from the beginning. Amanda came up on short notice and was vital to my success that day. Sorry for the long read if you stuck it out, Thank you!
  16. bonecollector

    Kifaru Siwash pack, High Country bow

    Dang how come I didnt find this a couple months ago.
  17. bonecollector

    How is this a thing?

    This is what social media has done to hunting.
  18. bonecollector

    My Desert Sheep Scouting

    Well after looking over maps for the last couple months, My buddy and I headed to the unit to finally get to look at some sheep. We found a couple rams and looked over a lot of country. These sheep live in some rough stuff. Looking forward to more scouting trips.
  19. bonecollector

    My Desert Sheep Scouting

    Lol. almost done. Had it all done but was waaay too long
  20. bonecollector

    San Carlos Rocky Mtn Bighorn 2017

    Congrats again, Nice ram!
  21. bonecollector

    How bout them Devils!

    ASU now ranked #5
  22. bonecollector

    Swarovski ATX 25-60x65mm Spotter w/ Case **SOLD

    Good price for a great spotter
  23. bonecollector

    Wow 2017...

    \|/ Up
  24. bonecollector

    How bout them Devils!

  25. bonecollector

    My 44BN ram

    Beautiful ram! congrats to you and Jay