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Everything posted by bonecollector

  1. bonecollector

    Agony of Defeat

    He's not that big for being dumb! Stay after him not much time remaining in the season. Good Luck.
  2. bonecollector

    1st Javelina

    Congrats on a your harvest. How do you like the new bow, I have the Diamond Black ice and love it.
  3. bonecollector

    Weekend hunt

    Nice work great shooting
  4. bonecollector

    Good Time in Mexico

    Great buck looks like he's got some nice mass. Congrats.
  5. bonecollector

    December Coues Hunt

    Great buck congrats on your first deer, its a nice one!
  6. bonecollector

    Please Help

    Good Luck stay after him get that buck on the ground, oh and stay patient it will happen for ya.
  7. bonecollector

    WHAT IS HE????

    Looks like a carp to me!
  8. bonecollector

    Jav-uh-lina Hunt

    Congrats on your first AZ big game animal, and nice write up also.
  9. bonecollector

    2010 archery carp

    Great job I dont think I would of passed him up either. Congrats.
  10. bonecollector

    New WR? Maybe "Bob's Buck"

    That is one gnarley lookin buck. Congrats to the hunter.
  11. bonecollector

    Time to get the sand bags ready!

    We could use the rain but thats a little much at one time! Stay safe everybody if it comes down!
  12. bonecollector

    My 5 Year old Nephew

    Nice getting him started early.
  13. bonecollector

    Best Sheep Capture EVER

    That's a great day nice pics thanks for sharing.
  14. bonecollector

    2010 Javelina

    Heck of a story and that's one ugly pig or is it a pig? I don't think I would be able to eat it after seeing that mess.
  15. Did u find him or just get his last name.
  16. bonecollector

    Makin Bacon!!!

    The pigs r ruttin!
  17. bonecollector

    ...Coues DEER Down.....

    Congrats very nice Buck with a bow still looking for my first bow kill
  18. bonecollector

    New Phone

    Do not get the LG touch my wife has had hers replaced 3 times in as many months. Its a big piece of doo doo. If I didn't get the Droid my second choice was the Samsung rogue.
  19. bonecollector

    Mounted Grey fox for yawl to see

    That's a nice mount job
  20. bonecollector

    pics through the binos

    Definately a shooter with a bow, good pics thanks for sharing.
  21. bonecollector


    Congrats on the kill. I missed one this morning at 40 yds down hill, not sure what happened shot right over his back. Who is going to do the mount job? I was thinking bout doing a life size mount if I get one.
  22. bonecollector


    Nice first Buck with a bow Congrats.
  23. bonecollector

    Bucks coming out of the woodwork

    Great pics stick one of them with an arrow, time is running out.
  24. bonecollector

    2010 AZ Landscape Calendar in!

    Received calendar today, it has some outstanding photography. We love it, thanks for putting it together.
  25. bonecollector

    The 2009 100" post

    Harold put your monster back!