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Everything posted by bonecollector

  1. bonecollector

    whos ready for the 2011 august archery deer?

    Getting ready, starting to practice shooting out of the blind in the back yard.
  2. bonecollector

    Win a Rifle Railz/Loc Jaw Combination

    I guess I have to buy my own Loc Jaw and Rifle Railz. Congrats to the winners, awesome buck!
  3. bonecollector

    Chuckles the 6x7 (pics and video)

    Good looking bull, too bad you guys couldnt get him. At least you guys got a chuckle out of it.
  4. bonecollector

    Wallow Fire

    Sounds like some good news Pine donkey, hopefully your place and everyone else's will be saved. Great job to the Hotshots trying to fight this fire and save as many structures as possilbe.
  5. bonecollector

    Buying selling sheds

    I think lv2fsh on the forum buys sheds.
  6. bonecollector

    Unit 1 Fire?

    Thanks for the update.
  7. bonecollector

    My 2011 Sothern Az Bear

    What a nice bear, Congrats.
  8. bonecollector

    Wallow Fire

    Tucson john, I hope your place goes unscathed it looks nice. I hope everyone's homes are safe from the fire.
  9. bonecollector

    Timberland Outfitters Buffalo hunt Videos!!!!

    Very nice job on the video. Congrats to all involved
  10. bonecollector

    2010 August velvet buck back from the taxi

    Nice Buck and mount job. I hope someday to get a velvet Buck.
  11. bonecollector

    Sick of the Arrogance

    uh oh!
  12. bonecollector

    9 Scouting Memorial day

    That bull at 6:55 looks like he's off to a very bad start!
  13. bonecollector

    Coues Shed

    Very nice shed with great tine length.
  14. bonecollector

    Finally made it to the Black River

    Looks like fun was had by all, what a trip.
  15. bonecollector

    My wildlife evening

    Wish I lived somewhere like that where I can see wildlife out and about.
  16. bonecollector

    trailcams in 24b

    There are no deer in that unit.
  17. bonecollector

    2010 December Whitetail. Back from the Taxidermist!!!!

    Nice Buck and taxi job.
  18. bonecollector

    Black FJ @ BPS

    Saw you today at Bass Pro around 2pm. Nice Rig!
  19. bonecollector

    CWT Get-Together Flagstaff Area Lakes!

    Awesome pics.
  20. bonecollector

    Black FJ @ BPS

    Im thinking about the Browning Xbolt in .270. I saw you had some browning stickers on your rig, you shoot one?
  21. bonecollector

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Bday, hope it was a good one!
  22. bonecollector

    Black FJ @ BPS

    It was crowded, more than cabelas was yesterday. I just went to check out a few rifles, cant decide which one yet. I guess I wasnt there as long as you were as I parked right next to you and you were still there when I left.
  23. bonecollector

    More Cam Pictures

    A lot of nice pics, thanks for sharing
  24. bonecollector

    2 in one day

    On my way to Globe early Saturday morning around Gold canyon a white chevy passed me and I followed you all the way to Globe. I didnt catch your name but we said hi at the stop light in town. A white Jeep with a black sticker on the back parked on side of the road near the pinto valley bridge. I was thinking it was Amanda's husband.
  25. bonecollector

    A Few Pics

    Got my first bear on cam, looks like a nice colored bear. 2 pt still packin This buck looks hard horned? Whats wrong with him?