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Everything posted by bonecollector

  1. bonecollector

    I found a small shed...

    Nice find the shed and the spring.
  2. bonecollector

    No Browns, but some are black

    They did good finding some nice sheds.
  3. bonecollector

    Barbary pics

    Congrats on a good lookin ram.
  4. bonecollector

    Vortex Viper scope

  5. bonecollector

    First timer

    Nice pics for your first time putting out the cams. Look forward to more pics.
  6. bonecollector

    ADA decision

    The ADA doesn't owe us non members anything, but it would be nice to know where they stand for the possibility of future membership!
  7. bonecollector

    Bobcat with a bow

    What a great accomplishment, Congrats.
  8. bonecollector

    Little Tucson girl needs help.

    Saw the story on the news last night, it makes me sick. Prayers for the girl and family for a safe return.
  9. bonecollector

    Josh's First Turkey

    Congrats to Josh and Nick on some nice birds. Jason you sure have raised some nice hunters, you must be a proud father. Good luck to Matt, I'm sure he'll connect soon.
  10. bonecollector

    Junior turkey success!

    Nice bird and nice field photos! Coach looking forward to post.
  11. bonecollector

    AZ tags in mail yet ?

    Been waiting for my tag in the mail for years!
  12. bonecollector

    Goodby old friend...

    +1 Great tribute
  13. bonecollector

    Turkey Success

    First off the news about your wife just sucks! Congrats on the birds, job well done. Thoughts and prayers for you and your wife. STANDUP2CANCER
  14. bonecollector

    Big Lake is OPEN

    Nice fish Pine donkey. I gotta get out with the kids soon. My 6 yr old is chomping at the bit since I bought her Princess fishing pole!
  15. bonecollector

    Dodge truck steering problems

    Guys, Guys, Guys, The problem is easy "ITS A DODGE" Quit wasting your money and get a FORD!
  16. bonecollector

    Archery Pronghorn Antelope Slow Motion Shots

    Nice shooting, Nice footage. Congrats
  17. bonecollector

    nice bear

    Good pics, not a bear expert not sure of size.
  18. bonecollector


    Thats terrible. Hope you recover your belongings.
  19. bonecollector

    Blind Etiquette

    This happened to me at a water hole last year during the aug archery hunt. I left my number to the hunter to contact me and the very next day he contacted me. We agreed on what days he was going to be there and what days I would be there. We were in contact everyday when someone was sitting the water hole. Good luck
  20. bonecollector

    Who's Getting Excited

    Good luck to Josh. Hopefully you can find him a nice bird.
  21. bonecollector

    Ann Barnhardt --one tough women

    I wouldn't mess with her!
  22. bonecollector


    What size you lookin for?
  23. bonecollector


  24. bonecollector

    unit 21

  25. bonecollector

    How much does the azgfd make off hunting applications?

    Everybody needs to stop applying for hunts and buying licenses so they wont make that much money. Then maybe I can finally get a rut tag. :lol: