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Everything posted by bonecollector

  1. bonecollector

    Another noob with questions

    Im about to put a tripod up for sale, pm me if your interested and I can give you some more info about it.
  2. bonecollector

    Another noob with questions

    Here is a link to the gutless method. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7AHA2TyqHo&sns=em
  3. bonecollector

    Ulmer Edge

    I have the Ulmers on my arrows and hopefully I can let one fly this weekend. I recently acquired some and I was very impressed on how accurate these heads are and like Mtnman said the practice mode is a big plus.
  4. bonecollector


  5. bonecollector

    Goal for Friday

    Nice, good luck.
  6. bonecollector

    Bear Opener 34A

    Nice box.
  7. bonecollector

    Is an Elephant just a big deer? not really.

    Very impressive, nice job.
  8. bonecollector


    Pm sent.
  9. bonecollector

    Just passing through

    I usually place a "stop" sign by my cameras. Sorry had to lol
  10. bonecollector

    Where's all the new Velvet pics?

    Lets see some new velvet coues pics.
  11. bonecollector

    Where's all the new Velvet pics?

    Thats exactly what happened to one of my spots.
  12. bonecollector

    Bear Opener

    So who is headed out this weekend to do a little bear hunting? Good luck to you and stay hydrated, its still hot out.
  13. bonecollector

    Where's all the new Velvet pics?

  14. bonecollector

    Dagestan Tur

    Thats some beautiful looking country. Thanks for sharing your trip.
  15. bonecollector

    Bear Opener

    So is 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, and 6B.
  16. bonecollector

    Aoudad skull pictures

    Good work.
  17. bonecollector

    Pulled cams (update)

    Nice pics.
  18. bonecollector


    Nice cat.
  19. bonecollector

    Stuff for sale

    First is the Loc Jaw/Rifle Railz setup. Comes with everything that came with it brand new. $150.00 Stoney point Monopod. 3 positions $20 SPF 6pk brand new uncut Carbon Express Arrows Pile driver 250. $45 SPF No trades please.
  20. bonecollector

    Stuff for sale

    TTT Only thing left is the loc jaw/rifle railz
  21. bonecollector

    Too early for a role call??

    Packed my pack on Monday night and have been going crazy since then. I cant find my freakin tag anywhere. I think I might have shredded it with all my older tags I had laying around from the unsuccessful trips.
  22. bonecollector

    6b bear

    Congrats on a nice bear. Way to get it done.
  23. bonecollector

    A few NY Bucks with Dad

    Good times and memories for a lifetime!