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Everything posted by bonecollector

  1. bonecollector

    Elk Season Part I (pic heavy)

    Wow, great bulls! Cant wait to draw another tag, hopefully wait is not as long as last time.
  2. bonecollector

    Wyoming Lope

    My uncle is there now with a few of his friends. I haven't heard from him yet if he has killed anything yet. Wish I was chasin goats this yr.
  3. bonecollector

    Bullet grain for 30-06

    If your interested in anybfactory ammo send me a PM. I have some and I no longer have that caliber rifle.
  4. bonecollector

    Wifes first archery bull

    Awesome job and nice shot at 60 yds.
  5. bonecollector

    Team Ross Outdoors Elk Success

    Great job filling tags with some nice bulls. Congrats to all!!
  6. bonecollector

    Two Trophy Years (Picture Heavy)

    Congrats to will in his first bull!
  7. bonecollector

    Happy Birthday Couestracker

    Happy Belated, hope it was a good one for you.
  8. bonecollector

    AZ unit 1 bull

    Beautiful bull, Congrats!!
  9. bonecollector

    My Elk Hunt video. "The Perfect Storm"

    Hope you guys enjoy.
  10. bonecollector

    Happy Birthday Bill

    Happy Birthday Mr. Quimby.
  11. bonecollector

    A little 6b elk success

    Congrats on your bull! What kind of decoy did you use?
  12. bonecollector

    Wife held out for a nice bull

    Awesome bull!! Way to hold out for a nice one.
  13. bonecollector

    Happy Birthday Chef

    Happy Birthday my friend!!! I hope its a good one for you..
  14. bonecollector

    2014 DIY unit 9 archery bull elk

    Cool looking bull, Congrats!
  15. bonecollector

    My Elk Hunt video. "The Perfect Storm"

    We did lose some meat but not much. We quartered it up and hung it in the trees to cool for the night. We took the backstraps and went back for the qtrs first thing the next morning.
  16. bonecollector

    Is it against the law to kill my dog

    Thats no good! Taxidermist could fix it though. It most likely wont look the same with a fake velvet on it though.
  17. bonecollector

    Tag Soup, with benefits

    You guys didnt tag out but you guys had a great hunt together that you will always have in the memory bank.
  18. bonecollector

    Arizona feril hogs

    I believe Lance with TLO knows where they are. I believe he posted a couple yrs back about a hunt he did.
  19. bonecollector

    Has this happened to you?

  20. bonecollector

    AZ Strip Buck

    Great job on a superb buck.
  21. bonecollector

    My 2014 Archery Bull

    Congrats on a great bull!!! Sounds like you had a great hunt with your family and friends along with you.
  22. bonecollector

    *** no tag soup this year

    Congrats on filling the freezer.
  23. bonecollector

    Tag soup anyone

    Sorry about your bull. At least you enjoyed your time with your wife and Dad. These elk are incredibly tough animals.
  24. bonecollector

    My Elk Hunt video. "The Perfect Storm"

    I wasnt sure if the bull was going to come strait at us or go the way he did. If he came strait at us that was my only opportunity to draw without getting busted. Mario gave me some great advice over the summer to practice holding at full draw for as long as I could and it helped me be successful.