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Everything posted by buffhunter

  1. buffhunter

    Draw results?

    Your so lucky. Those like you receiving these early notifications were drawn for sheep on the Navajo Reservation. Baaahhhhhh. Gotta have some wishful thinking!!!!! But prob just get my mini savings account that loses money back
  2. buffhunter

    G&F's computer screwed up

    Myself and my whole crew does for always JUST IN CASE. I bet you a bunch of people do.
  3. buffhunter

    Draw results?

    Dammit TJ we like the inside info that gives us the date Not "I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DONT KNOW AND IM NOT GONNA TELL YOU' I get enough of that from my daughter. LMAO. Congrats to you im glad you got the tag you wanted could you find out what Dec tag I drew and what unit I have for sheep this year too. LOL
  4. buffhunter

    Timber! Russ shoots a 7x7 with his bow!

    Are you kidding me that was awesome man the blood had to be pumping on those first 2 shots, and even worse on the last one. I know what bull fever is all about all too well. I am glad everything worked out for you congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. buffhunter

    G&F's computer screwed up

    Dude not trying to get your pantys in a bind just I havent herd of anybody drawing their 3rd 4th or 5th choice on a premium hunt this year I have herd about it in the past but most of the time I think they fergot what order they put their hunt #s down. I always make copys of my apps just for the fact to show somebody that dosnt beleive me.
  6. buffhunter

    Draw results?

    Yes, but they usually come out a few weeks early. I'm surprised no one is talking about their twice removed brother in-laws cousin who works at G&F said the draw results will post on ?????????????????. LOL. Ya I was kinda being a smart #$%. But ya I know no inside info yet its hard to believe
  7. buffhunter

    For all the lucky AZ antelope tag holders

    I drew a 4b archery pronghorn tag I sure hope I can have a opportunity at a buck of that caliber!!!!! Congrats to you and your father
  8. buffhunter

    5A elk Drew a leftover archery early bull Hopi tag

    You should not have a problem we called in 13 bulls under 50 yards in two days in 5a. Just stay Mobil and bugle till you get a answer then get in there on foot and cow call them in
  9. buffhunter

    G&F's computer screwed up

    Or a 3rd 4th or 5th choice pronghorn tag.
  10. buffhunter

    G&F's computer screwed up

    Really??????? I don't know anybody that drew a 3rd 4th or 5th choice rut bull tag this year archery or rifle. Usually you hear people going nuts about that?
  11. buffhunter

    Draw results?

    Don't they put a date saying the results will be out no later than.................?
  12. buffhunter

    6A Rifle Antelope

    Saw about a 72 to 75 in buck on the east side of buck mountain
  13. buffhunter


    With some great help with our new friend ELKMAN7x7 we called in 14 Bulls under 50 yards that we could shoot in 2 days. My wife being 8 MONTHS PREGO!!!!!!!!!! Shot the first bull elkman called in @ 50 yards with her new PSE Vendetta XS @ 47# with a 24 1/2 in draw length and still got a complete pass through. These new PSEs are unreal. In turn I took the 13 bull we could of shot. A little easier @ 28 yards with the fastest bow on the planet the PSE OMEN!!!!!! OF course my dang wife has to kill her first bull 1 day before my first talk about jealous!!!! LOL I would like to send out a special thanks to Member ELKMAN7x7 for all the help and hospitality THANKS MARK!!!! Well it wont let me download pics of my bull for some reason but here is my wifes I will try to add mine later.
  14. buffhunter

    Leftover Archery Tag

    How did you find out???????????
  15. buffhunter

    Left Over Tags

    Mine and my wifes got there sat last year and we drew a leftovers. Hope to have the same one in a million luck again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. buffhunter

    Guess the score contest - April 2011

    133 7/8th That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. buffhunter

    Best Elk Bugle call?

    Try the mac daddy by wayne carlton. Sounds like a young bull gets lots of answers and you can cow call with it real easy. Plus with the grunt tube you can throw your cow calls around real good, and when there close I shove the end of the grunt tube in my arm pit and cow call to sound like im alot furthur away than I really am......... It is IMHO the easiest call to use on the market for bugleing and cow calling.
  18. buffhunter

    Draw results are out!

    My wife and I drew 4b archery pronghorn tags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should be great!!!!!!!! Never set foot in the unit but cant wait to learn it. I am 2 for 4 with the bow spot and stalk need to make it 3 for 5!!!!!!!!! And make my wife 1 for 2. Good luck to all that drew and best of luck next year to those who did not draw. SHOOT STRAIGHT AND LEAVE A GUT PILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. buffhunter

    34b archery

    Yes I know him PM me with any questions
  20. buffhunter

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    Myself and my wife drew 4b archery pronghorn tags. Thank you for blessing us Lord............ My father was zipped but he shouldent feel to bad the last 4 years he had 3 archery pronghorn tags and killed 2 and also had a bull tag passed up too many small 6 points looking for that monster. Congrats to all that drew and I wish everyone who did not draw the best of luck next year.
  21. buffhunter

    2011 Draw Results

    Is everybody sleepin in only 29 people viewing right now????????????????????????? I guess they just have a life I have none till these results. The thing that sucks is I have no computer at my resturant so I will be calling the 602# and checking about every 10 min today. Everybody is gonna be pissed cuz their food is gonna get burnt cuz I will be day dreaming all day. LOL :lol: :lol:
  22. buffhunter

    2011 Draw Results

    Go figure the day after the deadline for New Mexico. Just my luck
  23. buffhunter

    2011 Draw Results

    I guess about 2 hours till we know if were gonna know today or not............................. Come on somebody screw up and push the darn button by accident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. buffhunter

    2011 Draw Results

    +1 Love it but hate it too