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Everything posted by buffhunter

  1. buffhunter

    Bowfishing tournament?

    Joe just let us know and we would help get the word out. How did u guys do on sunday? To cold and wet for us so we split. Im putting one on april 14th and 15th at rosie if you or anybody else is interested. Just let me know Dom
  2. buffhunter

    CC Hits

    Coues79 you hit the nail right on the head!!!!!
  3. buffhunter

    CC Hits

    You guys wont believe this but i just checked and nothing!!!!!!!!!!
  4. buffhunter

    CC Hits

    No more rumors to get us all excited yet??? Lol
  5. buffhunter

    CC Hits

    not yet just looked
  6. buffhunter

    Toby the Toad (video)

    What a beautiful bull i love roll backs they are my fav!!!!!!!
  7. buffhunter

    Elk/Antelope results

    We can only hope!!!!!!!
  8. buffhunter

    Elk/Antelope results

    So when are they gonna start hitting those dang credit cards???????
  9. buffhunter

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    April 3rd @ 9:55AM
  10. buffhunter

    Elk/Antelope results

    Good glad to know and good luck to all!!!!
  11. buffhunter

    Elk/Antelope results

    Havent got my email yet. Hopefully its not just to those that drew tags????
  12. buffhunter

    Does anyone know when the 2012 draw results will be in by?

    Yes very true. But those that applied on line with a CC should know if they have a tag here in about 2 and a half to 3 weeks. I would think
  13. buffhunter

    New Minimum Draw Weight

    The shot was not in the lungs because 12in of penetration is in far enough to get both lungs. My wife had a clean passthrough at 52 yards on her bull with a 24in draw length and pulling 48# but she was shooting a rocket ultimate steel fixed head and took out one rib on the way in and one on the way out. +++++++1 People do not understand this I have seen a coues jump a string at 20 yards with a bow shooting 320fps. My point is people have been killing animals for years with recurves shooting arrows far less than 150fps. It all comes down to becoming a hunter and getting close and shot placement. And gear up right fixede heads and heavier aarrows!!!!!!!!!
  14. buffhunter


    We had bucks rutting does down in 35b this last weekend
  15. buffhunter

    5B south Archery Cow Elk Success!

    Oh ya and congrats on a job well done!!! Once I shoot a bull over 330 I will start putting in bull 1st choice and cow 2nd choice. I miss just being up there playing with the elk and having elk meat in my freezer all the time. Congrats again Dom
  16. buffhunter

    5B south Archery Cow Elk Success!

    If she is a good average cow like 260 to 280 hanging weight just meat and bones and have a bone out cut you will be lucky to get 50% back more like 40% Sou would be happy to get back 110 to 130 #s of pure beautiful elk meat!!!!!!
  17. buffhunter

    140-130 inch buck

    Well I got the offical score FLIPPIN HUGE and 7/8ths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. buffhunter


    Well im chomping at the bit. Got a 4b pronghorn tag in my pocket and im stuck at work till tomorrow night then gone for 10 days. So has anybody smoked a antelope yet this morning??????
  19. buffhunter

    Fantasy Football

    Never done it before but I would be interested. Ill be gone for the next 10 days. On my pronghorn hunt but let me know.
  20. buffhunter

    Mulies on Ft. Huachuca?

    The north west corner of the fort will hold mulies and some good ones too
  21. buffhunter

    just a few days.....

    Kenny good luck man!!!!! Me and the wife have 4b can't get up till sat night but will give it heck for 10 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. buffhunter

    NM Speed Goat

    Congrats brian good job!!!!!!!!! One heck of a first archery pronghorn
  23. buffhunter

    19A Hunt starts Friday.. I'm ready

    Congrats that's awesome hope to do the same here in a week
  24. buffhunter

    3A Rifle Antelope

    Could you push him into 4b for me in about a week or so????? Lol
  25. buffhunter

    Mule Deer 6a

    Try the power lines down south off the 260 good glassing and have seen quite a few mulies down there