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Everything posted by buffhunter

  1. buffhunter

    need info on leftover tags

    My check hasn't posted yet either but I would guess they wait to mail them till they clear
  2. buffhunter

    need info on leftover tags

    I got a 34A nov 30 to dec 8th left over...... I just called the game and fish office and asked how and when do we find out and the guy just asked for my name and birthdate and said you got hunt #1122.........
  3. buffhunter


    Its this Sunday guys I hope to see some CW Members there!!!!!
  4. buffhunter


    Nice job jody!!!!!!! I've always wanted to shoot a gold one or a white one!!!!!!!!! I'm jealous
  5. buffhunter

    need info on leftover tags

    Yes you have to download it and there are over 5K tags left over....... mostly everything south of I10 and south west of I10 And I19
  6. buffhunter

    need info on leftover tags

    Put it in the mail on Friday it will be picked up on Monday.... that's what I always do and also they will not accept it walked in it is mail only till august 8th......
  7. buffhunter

    Results Are Out!

    Same for my buddys now it says cannot check sportsman id #
  8. buffhunter

    Results Are Out!

    Nada for the whole clan looks like left overs
  9. buffhunter

    Card got hit today!

    That's what I like to here elkhutnaz!!!!!!!!! Go get you some!!!!!
  10. buffhunter

    Card got hit today!

    My buddy just got hit for deer less then a hour ago
  11. buffhunter

    Card got hit today!

    Well I hope there is another run of card hit tomorrow. Or no tags for me and the rest of the family...... but congrats to all that have been drawn!!!!!
  12. buffhunter

    Where will you be huntin Elk?

    September 4B archery bull for the wife and i
  13. buffhunter

    Credit Card Hits

    LOL JK when is it gonna start happening????
  14. buffhunter

    Credit Card Hits

    what would be a pending charge from game and fish for $265.00?????? I thought sheep was $272.50?
  15. 35 A&B muzzy any antlered Dec. 35B dec WT and then dec dec dec.......
  16. buffhunter

    Unit 4B Rifle Tag

    It should be a great hunt I had the archery tag last year lots of bucks in the 60s and 70s we saw 2 that would go 80 to 82 and one we thought was pushing 90+!!!!!!! Get off the beating path and you will find some good ones
  17. buffhunter

    What? No guess the Time/Date Contest?

    So do you guys think they are going to start hitting cards this weekend or during the week???
  18. buffhunter

    2012 Goals

    My #1 goal is to have my 5yr old daughter by my side when we call in a bull and I shoot him. #2 is to have her by my side as we put the slip on any buck and wack em!!!!!!!!!!! That would be my dream year this year!!!!
  19. buffhunter

    bow madness 3G ?

    Its a sweet shooter for sure. I like it the best outta all 3 of the bowmadness
  20. buffhunter


    Its getting close I just got the email to make sure your card is up to date by the 19th cards should be getting hit here in about 2 weeks or so!!!!!!!!
  21. buffhunter


    I bet I mis read
  22. buffhunter


    You don't have to shoot aluminum arrows just because your bow is old carbons will fly outta it fine too.
  23. buffhunter


    Isn't that stevens head "THE INVERTER"
  24. buffhunter

    elk setup opinions

    My wife shot her first bull shooting a pse vendetta xs at 53# 24.5 inch draw with goldtip. 55/75s and a rocket ultimate steel 100grn fixed 3blade. She shot her bull at 52yards with a clean pass through!!!!! You have nothing to sweat just put it through the lungs and your bull will die under 100yards!!!!!! GOOD LUCK SHOOT STRAIGHT AND LEAVE A GUT PILE!!!!!!!!
  25. buffhunter

    Kids ATV's

    Bummer I was headdin up that way Monday too......