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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. azshtr

    Anyone still need to kill an elk on the 3c late archery tag?

    Well... What happened? Crickets in here. Don't keep the crowds in suspense people. Hit or miss let's finish the story line.
  2. azshtr

    Need help, atv slid off the road

    My quad has a winch but I also carry a z line setup. The z line kit goes on the motorcycle as well. Very compact and capable. Here is an example and info. You can make your own at any hiking / climbing store. https://bestrestproducts.com/shop/recovery-gear-mrs-system/motorcycle-recovery-system-mrs/
  3. azshtr

    Grimaldis Pizza hosting antihunting fundraiser

    Perhaps, as an owner, you should consider the issue you are representing?
  4. azshtr

    Please help lost GSP unit 9 off fr302

    Awesome! I wouldn't be able to sleep if my pup was out there alone.
  5. Wait till you have to remove a cholla ball from the eye of your dog. I now avoid any area with cholla. The dog wants birds... period. You'd think they would learn seeing as how dang smart they are. I'm the one that needed to learn.
  6. azshtr

    Blocking FS Road !!!

    If I did that I would expect some nasty outcome when I got back. That is a** wipe to the max.
  7. azshtr

    Suggestions on new Front Bumper for Ram?

    Look up RPM Fabricating. Don's a great guy.
  8. azshtr

    Blocking FS Road !!!

    A pebble in the valve cap works very nice. Remove valve cap, insert small pebble, replace valve cap till air starts to flow.
  9. I have one to loan seeing as you're not a newbie here. I'll need a drivers license and proof of where to track you down I live in N phoenix as well. PM me. By the way... a nice tenderloin steak would a good return on the investment.
  10. azshtr

    Got the Muley Buck I was After!

    Wow. Just wow. I was going to give you a hard time (jokingly) for using a compound... nope can't do it... amazing buck. Congratulations!
  11. I ran into some near Seven Springs.
  12. azshtr

    Heading to California. Can I take my pistol?

    Well thank goodness for these strict gun laws... That will stop the killings for sure!
  13. azshtr

    Oh Boy....I mean Girl!!!

    All Troops and Packs have their own feel and flavor. My guess is you visited one sponsored by a LDS church. They are not all that way.
  14. azshtr

    MLB Playoffs

    GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. azshtr


    I know a law that would solve all these killings... make it illegal to kill someone! Then the killers would need to think twice. After all, all it takes is a law. #sarcasm
  16. azshtr

    Taking a Knee...

    You are my hero
  17. azshtr


    Come on. Don't fall for fake news. If anything came from the forth floor there would be a broken window and it would be on all sorts of social media. That was a reflection or fake. Stop spreading fake news. Wake up! Rant over.
  18. azshtr

    Perfect quail gun

    Awesome gun! I love mine. Whoever bought this got a deal.
  19. You tube "smarter everyday" guy has a show on various designs. All see through and slow mo.
  20. azshtr

    Giant desert muley

    Weird looking brush he lives in. Military camo would be perfect.
  21. azshtr

    2 male Brittanys

    Love my Britt
  22. azshtr

    Found - Locate Friend - UNIT 8

    Fingers crossed that this ends well.