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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. azshtr

    Taurus PT 92 SOLD

    Thanks for the kind words. Has your son seen the gun yet? I can post a pic but this is a new gun, if you google a taurus pt92 9mm stainless thats it. Here is the gun from a web site. It does have the tactical rail as on this image. For those that don't know Taurus owns the baretta 92 factory in Brazil including all dies and designs... that is what the Taurus PT92 is... a Barreta under the Taurus name. It comes with a lifetime warranty. Sales pitch over...
  2. azshtr

    Taurus PT 92 SOLD

    Ok maybe not so firm... any offers?
  3. azshtr

    FS: Mossberg 410 and Marlin 22

    Sold on .410
  4. 2 Guns like new for sale... Mossberg model 500 .410 with black stock for sale. This gun never gets used. No marks, rarely shot. Asking $175 obo. Marlin single shot "lil buckaroo" 22 that is just sitting there. Nice wood stock. Some kid should put it to use. No marks. It comes with a tasco scope but also has sights if you want to take the scope off. Asking $125 obo Thanks Dave (azshtr) at 602-400-3373 or reply here
  5. azshtr

    FS: Mossberg 410 and Marlin 22

    Sold on the 22. Glad another kid will enjoy it. Keep the kids shooting!
  6. azshtr

    Backpack hunting.

    OK, where are the deer?
  7. azshtr

    San Carlos Hunt

    "Bunny slam". Thats pricless! I did take one of those huge jacks up north while elk hunting one time. Hiking along and a dare to try to hit the jack in the distance... judged around 65 yds and let the arrow fly. What a shot! That Hyot was slow but dang accurate!
  8. Hope to never stumble onto one of those plots. Scary stuff.
  9. azshtr

    myspace group

    Is this down or am I to dumb to find it?
  10. Not to preach but seriously consider this... you moved out and now must work. You will probably never find the time to continue an education when you must support yourself. If at all possible work it out with the folks to move back home and get an education. Your talking about the rest of your life... can't you live by their rules for just 4 years! Dude... your not even 18 yet!! I'm off my soapbox now.
  11. azshtr

    Family Strengths

    I'm a commercial photographer. product advertising type stuff. Hey Rembrant... I shoot your stuff!
  12. azshtr

    Backpack hunting.

    Great thread, Extreem light packing tyvek tarp and stakes 3/4 pad 20 deg bag... if colder sleep in some clothes pepsi can stove, one pot, one spoon freeze dried food water pump and bladder survival kit hunt stuff A bit more but thats the main of it
  13. Hey all... I've been a member here for quite some time. I usually don't have much to add to your experience and therefor have been a tad quite. I have question you might consider e-scouting. However consider this... if you help me with a little knowlege I will be happy explooring "my" area and stay out of your beloved unit "42" I generaly hunt solo with a bow in unit 22 or 21. 22 is the lower half but I want to do a minimal style backpack trip into the mazatzals. Pack in, spend a few days, and pack out with a deer In your experience what is the best access to get in? Barnhart, Deercreek, wesat side via bartlett or Horsehoe? Any help is appreciated. Thanks dudes. Again I hunt solo... I am tight lipped and am willing to scout but its a big area... a starting point would help.
  14. Almost like the antlers were enlarged and placed on the bull. But its probably just me looking for something fishy. That bull is huuuuge.
  15. azshtr

    A little help in 22

    Just for clarification, if not everyone got my humour, I used "42" the way everyone here does when refering to a certain favorite unit; as a diversionary tactic. Then again I shouldn't give away that this MAY happen here. Therefore all e-scouters never mind this post, I did mean "42" I now return to the regular program.
  16. azshtr

    A little help in 22

    Thanks for the help. Nothing like exploring new country. Just didn't want to watse what precious little time I have to get out. Time these days is tied to: remodel, 2 kiddies, and work.
  17. azshtr


    Try adding a drop of glue at the start of the fletch that covers the top of the fletch and arrow. Just a dab. It will help to keep the fletch from tearing. If the fletch is coming off along the length... something was not done right.
  18. azshtr


    An arizona ez fletch works great, is easy to use, and no reason to pay a shop to fletch your sticks. Go for it.
  19. azshtr


    I think I need to call my dad. Thanks
  20. azshtr

    amazing elk horns

    Thats it exactly. Its in the regs. Call GF and they determain cause of death (or lack of foul play) and you can then claim it.
  21. I had that figured out long ago... if you download the image the name is on the file:)
  22. azshtr

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    Jeez hunterdude, chill. I said no offense intended if I was wrong. I thought he was pulling our leg for fun. I'm new to this site and don't know how to post pics, don't have time right now to figure it out, but I did an enlargment of 003 and it looks to me like the color, contrast, and resolution of the head doesn't match the body. If I'm wrong fine... just like I said in my original post. I thought he was goofing thats all. Nice buck! Like they say, " there is always a critic in every crowd"... this comment goes both ways I guess!
  23. azshtr

    Nice Coues Deer buck

    Did you actually shoot these? As a photographer who works with photoshop daily, I down loaded and looked very close at these images. They look like they could have been photoshop'd. Maybe not of course... but maybe? The heads seem to have a different resolution and contrast than the body. Its hard to tell at web resolution. Am I right? If not, no offense intended.
  24. azshtr

    Unit 30B

    I've hunted the Dragoons for years, there are some nice bucks in there. Hard to find but the big ones are around. The problem we have is the ranchers who think they own the land but only have grazing rights. We actually had one come into camp and wanted to see the tags / hunting liscense's for the deer we had hanging. That was back in the 80's. I think he was the same one who has been butting heads with the feds over his cattle lately. Got a little of track there... the bucks are there, just have to find them.