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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. No one has the obvious solution! Get a cat.
  2. azshtr

    want to buy,,traditional archery equipment

    I have a nice Bear Kodiak recurve to sell. PM sent
  3. azshtr

    Archery Hunting Unit 24A

    You have the right idea. Just get out there and do it. Learning a new area is a time thing. Just go hunt what looked good to you. Deer are there! Find them. Enjoy exploring. Don't expect anyone to give you what they spent years learning. Instead... enjoy just getting out and exploring. I'm still learning 21, 22, 23 and I've been hunting them for many, many years. Go out year round as well.
  4. azshtr

    Looking at getting a hand gun

    Love my Springfield XD 45. Accurate, easy to handle, well built, and powerful. When fronted with a larger critter, like a bear, I'd certainly feel safer with the 45 than any smaller caliber. That said, a revolver with longer barrel would give you more accuracy at a distance.
  5. I am a much more calm person now that I have learned to embrace a "whatever" mentality. Not much bothers me anymore... it's just "whatever" and off I go to do my thing. They have to live with themselves and their own Karma, and I have mine... I like mine better.
  6. azshtr

    interesting bit on msn

    Check this out http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071028/ap_on_...d_bigfoot_in_pa I say its a bear
  7. azshtr

    Identifying objects with a scope

    Thats the main reason I switched to bow. Now am willing to rifle hunt but the country is much more remote. Seems to be better educated hunters way in deep.
  8. azshtr

    Dall Ram Down

    Greg was a neighbor of mine around 12 ish years ago. What happened to him?
  9. Starting to look like a lynch mob here
  10. I'm in need of advice or a point in the right direction. I have a Savage 110 270 and just bought a used Leupold VXII scope to mount on it. I purchased a set of Nikon mounts and rings but the scope is about 1/4 inch to short to fit (meaning the 1" barrel is not long enough by 1/4 inch). The mounts are not adjustable. The mounts are 5 1/2 inch apart center to center. I don't know that much about my options and don't see any help or info on the web. The weaver style mounts that came with the rifle leave a lot to be desired but did mount closer together than the Nikons. It seems that A) This scope is shorter than others. I don't see any specs on any scope listing the 1" barrel length. Or I need mounts that are not centered over the screw holes but rather sit closer together. Or C) I need a gun smith to mount this. I don't want to by a new scope. I don't see any rings that would be different. Any smart person can jump in with advice... well you all can jump in anyways Thanks
  11. azshtr

    Mounting a scope

    Never liked weaver mounts. I used the Leupold one piece base and it fits fine. Thanks for all the help.
  12. azshtr

    Mounting a scope

    Thats what I need. I emailed Leupold and have not heard back yet. Thanks for all the help.
  13. azshtr

    Mounting a scope

    I searched high and low and didn't find that mount selector site. Thanks for the help.
  14. azshtr

    Unit 36a

    That was directly from the Game and Fish web site. Check there for a lot of help. Its actually a pretty good source of information.
  15. azshtr

    2006-2007 Burro mountain archery buck

    I'm not sold. I don't see anything holding the head up and every dead dear I've seen with the head held in this position has an open mouth. Maybe they froze it but other than that it doesn't look right. This looks like a photoshop job to me.
  16. azshtr

    Scouting help!

    I have left over tags from last year. I'll go 10,000
  17. azshtr

    Scouting help!

    Not only do they sell popcorn the local game seams to like it. Perhaps you could use it to set a bait situation?
  18. azshtr

    2006-2007 Burro mountain archery buck

    How did he get the head to stay up like that?
  19. azshtr

    Scouting help!

    I know that unit well. Go in through the Papago Park side and up towards the Hunts Tomb area. Good glassing from just over the tall barbed wire fence. Lots of great game. However you are accessing through a park system so you need to stop in and declare your intentions of hunting with the park ranger office. I don't think they allow gun hunting so bow only. Let us know how you did... or how long you did
  20. azshtr


    That dude is possessed!
  21. azshtr

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    My scientific method is foolproof! I averaged all scores and my guess is... 119 2/8 When can I collect my prize!
  22. Yes but remember just because its been "reformatted" all that really took place was the directory was wiped out. The data is still there till it gets overwritten by new data. Thats why you should never dump, sell, give away a computer or hard drive without first doing a secure reformat / wipe of all data. The secure wipe puts random data on the entire disc eliminating any chance of getting information. (actually even then the serious hacker types can get some data.)
  23. azshtr


    ➔ If unable to activate emergency medical services, transport to the nearest emergency room or urgent care immediately. Carry the victim to the car or van. Direct another adult to call ahead and alert the emergency care facility that antivenin treatment may be needed; I tried to carry a 100lb lab that was bitten. I didn't make it 1/4 mile. I couldn't imagine trying to carry a hunting partner! Perhaps if there were enough in the hunting party. But I wouldn't want to waste time recruiting new help. The dog did make it.
  24. To recover any lost images use something like this http://www.adrc.net/data_recovery_software/index.html Don't do anything else with the disc or you will be overwriting the old data with new data. The recovery software ignores any directory and looks at the disc data and shows you all files on the disc.
  25. It could be that the directory got messed up and the pics are still there. But if you formatted it would have messed up the chance of recovery. A picture gets taken and recorded on disc, but when you open the disc what you see is the directory as to where things are put. If the directory gets messed up it looks as if nothing is on the disc. In reality you can use a recovery program to "see" what is on the disc. You still could if you reformatted but some of the data is probably overwritten.