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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. azshtr

    Hiking Trip

    That sounds interesting. I hear that there is one on the side of Humphry's peak but don't know of one in southern AZ.
  2. azshtr

    Tags yet?

    Mine just came in. I moved and was worried with the forwarded mail.
  3. azshtr

    Taurus 24/7 40 cal

    Bump... I'm about to post this on the Jeep site. If anyone is interested lets hear it!
  4. azshtr

    Taurus 24/7 40 cal

    I bought a Taurus 24/7 40 cal from someone on this board (forget who) for my girlfriend. She hits the target great but she wants something with a bit less kick. So this gun is back on the block for sale at $325 or trade if you have something more girl friendly for consideration. It is a nice gun, I just don't need an extra handgun. It is black with an extra magazine. For $25 more I'll throw in 2 1/2 boxes of rounds! What a deal SOLD PENDING FUNDS
  5. azshtr

    Taurus 24/7 40 cal

    It is this gun http://www.taurususa.com/products/product-...category=Pistol However it does not say PRO on it. I believe the PRO is just this years model but I do not know the difference. It is 15+1 mag and gun capacity. It fits my girlfriends hand fine but she wants a bit less kick. A 24/7 9mm might be perfect for her. I am in North Phoenix and work downtown.
  6. The title of the image says 34A so thats my guess
  7. azshtr

    Remington AR-15

    I just picked up an ar15 for the same reason. Should be here this week. Flat top upper so I have the same decision to make.
  8. I use it and like it. Easy to use, easy to add GPS waypoints and save the set for a hunt unit. You can also download the hunt units pre-outlined. Then take the preoutlined map and mark the waterholes and save the set for that unit. Upload into your GPS, print your maps, and your all set. It also self updates maps when available for the area you are looking at. Sometimes the roads are missing, or has roads which are closed. But thats the same with any mapping. Two thumbs up from me.
  9. I could be wrong of course but my opinion as a professional photographer... It is possible to get a solid exposure and then ghosting (trees coming through the upper part of the deer) with a flash combined with a longer shutter speed. However I would expect to get the equal amount of blurred motion of the deer below the solid exposure. As this deer was coming down after the flash went off it would first expose solid as you see but then keep moving during the exposure... the result should be ghosting of trees on the upper part as you see since the deer moved down, but then also blurring of the deer an equal amount below the solid exposure. I don't buy it... Photoshop.
  10. azshtr

    How good is your aim?

    4.03. Started getting a little sloppy
  11. azshtr


    I'm off to the showlow area... ye haw
  12. I had an evening free and revisited an old area I used to hunt. I stopped hunting this area as I started seeing too many peeps in it. After 5 years I went back and found the road almost overgrown in places, extreemly washed out and very difficult to Jeep (lifted and locked very capable Jeep) into, no tire tracks... even quads.... it was AWESOME. The desert looked great and the water tanks full. A nice hike of a couple more miles and saw lots of deer. I sat water from about 4pm till sundown. About 5pm in comes and nice 3 point WT. Very cautious. He hit hit the far side of the tank and was 58 yards. Then he started around the tank towards me, 40 yards, 30 yards, no shot yet as he was angling to me but he was following a track that would have turned him away at 20 yards... then he stopped, stared right at me and spooked. I was well hidden, wind in my favor, etc. I think it was esp, or he heard my heart! I loved it! Epic trip out hunting. Back to my old area, I know where a nice buck is, saw lots of deer, no tire tracks... couldn't ask for more. EDIT: And I saw a gila monster!
  13. azshtr

    Thats it...im buying a GUN!!!!

    I can hear the officer now... how did you get a tank in your tree stand?
  14. azshtr

    what are the odds of this?

    Might be more common in deer near nuclear power plants.
  15. azshtr

    How many houses do you have

    And why is it wrong to invest? If he / she has the money god bless them. If we had that kind of money we would have those types of investments also. NObama sure jumped on that one quick with a negative ad... should have thought it through first however. I think it backfired a bit.
  16. azshtr

    Where to buy Matthews Switchback XT???

    I am in Queen Creek. I used go to archery HQ all the time when I was a kid but now they seem too dang busy every time I go in. Great for them they are good guys who know there stuff but bad for me the customer. Maybe I need to give them another shot. I have been to Bear mountain quite a bit and have had pretty fair service there but sometimes it seems like i am putting a burden on them by bringing them business?? It is best to hit them middle of the day in the week if possible. They do get hoppin on the weekends and after work.
  17. azshtr


    Maybe thats who keeps messing with our game cameras. They don't like having their pictures taken.
  18. azshtr


    Now we are getting somewhere, NOT (Borat)
  19. azshtr

    binocular lens cleaner?

    Treat your binos just as you would a camera lens. First blow off the dust! Try not to use the compressed air type but rather a blow bulb or even just blow it off yourself. Then use cleaning fluid and tissues made for camera lenses. Binoc glass is the same a camera glass and what you need to protect (other than scratching) is the coatings. The wrong cleaner or abrasive can damage the coatings.
  20. Post it everywhere. Someone knows them.
  21. azshtr

    Anyone shoot a bear yet?

    I don't see a lion but I see a bear you might have missed. it I put a circle around it to help everyone else see it. It looks like he is trying to tell you something:)
  22. azshtr

    Mathews up for grab?

    Archery Headquarters has always had them.
  23. azshtr

    Rebuilding old binos

    You can try Tempe Camera Repair, 480-966-6954. Joey is pretty good with all optics. I spoke to them about my Bausch and Lomb 10 x 50 Discoverers and they said they could work on them. I am trying to find new eye cups for mine. I sent one in to Bushnell but have not heard back yet. They are good binos to glass with and I'm trying to keep them in service.
  24. azshtr

    Nikon 12x42 ATB black

    PM sent