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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. azshtr

    Missing offroader

    I don't know where to post this so I will post it here. This post regarding a missing person is going around various offroad and outdoor groups. Read about it here http://www.virtualjeepclub.com/showthread....3819#post513819 Please keep an eye out. Thanks
  2. azshtr

    270 help

    My advice is use a range finder and forget about how laser like your trajectory is or isnt. Learn your drops and compensate accordingly. Bullets with higher BC's ussually drop a bit more due to a heavier weight and lower velocity, hence your quest for a lighter one. However higher BC bullets drift less in the wind even at the lower velocities. The wind is harder to figure than the drop. Drops are easy to overcome. Windage can make you look like a fool. It is better to have as many advantages as you can have for doping the wind. If you want nothing more than a laser line trajectory cause it sounds cool, the 270 is the wrong choice to begin with. Use a flatter cartridge. Just my .02 Thanks for the info regarding windage. I switched to a boat tail from a corelock for less drop at 400 yds with the same grain. I know the range I can shoot, and the drop for given distances, and yes I do use a range finder and I practice. I was just curious what you guys were shooting. I haven't tried many different brands.
  3. azshtr

    270 help

    Thanks for the replys. I wanted to try a flatter shooting lighter bullet for longer range trajectory.
  4. Springfield XD 9mm subcompact 3". New, shot only a couple of boxes through it. Comes with all the stuff like new. I am the original owner. NO LONGER FOR SALE
  5. azshtr

    Springfield XD 9mm subcompact

    When I posted it I questioned whether I should sell it. I have a hard time selling a nice firearm. I am not selling this gun right now. I would hate to sell it them wish I had it. Since money is not the issue I'm keeping it even though it is not my CC gun. It would be good for a backpacking weapon though... just not in bear country:) I have a 45 for that. Sorry guys.
  6. azshtr

    Springfield XD 9mm subcompact

    Kirk, I can get a picture but this gun is the same as you will see here... http://www.springfield-armory.com/xd.php?model=2 It is black, almost new, no marks or scratches. It comes with the original case, original holster and mag belt clip, 2 mags, cleaning rod it comes with, etc. It has the good night sights on it. It comes with the same things as when new. I will through in a box of hollow points as this is my only 9mm.
  7. azshtr

    places to shoot

    I know a witlow that grew up ranching that area. Great guy.
  8. I watched a guy shoot a doe then haul butt back to his truck as well. Same ending for me... a call to GF and a check in the mail when they busted him on the way out. I was sitting a steep canyon glassing and had a fighter jet blast up the canyon. Really cool part was he was below me and the canyon curved so I watched him hook a hard turn and disappear around the corner. I would love to do that
  9. True, however to keep a good name to gun owners there are some things that don't need to be done. Carrying around hikers around town is one of them.
  10. "while the police didn't think he did anything wrong they charged him for disorderly conduct"? WTF! Just because some lady freaks he gets charged while doing nothing illegal! I don't think he should have brought the rifle, however, are we now such a police state that every flippin thing gets cited? What happened to a scolding and being sent on your way like when I was a kid? I am tired of where this society is headed regarding no common sense in public office.
  11. azshtr

    Sidearm Question

    that is perfect amigo . . . . especially when a lion or bear starts chomping on your leg! I was scouting my deer herd last weekend and chased three bears up a tree, scared me to living death! I HATE bears! I am packin an xd in 45 with three mags just to be safe! Good luck boys. 3 Mags? Planning a serious firefight? JK Nice gun... I have the same in the compact handle version.
  12. The wife decided on a revolver so I am selling her Springfield XD 9mm 3" Black. It is as new as they come and has had a couple boxes of rounds through it. No marks or scratches. Comes with 2 mags, original box and all the stuff they come with new. I bought this gun less than 6 months ago. I will throw in a box of Gold Dot Hollow points. This is a great shooting gun. $450 Dave
  13. azshtr

    Next New Gun

    Anyone looking for sub compact Springfield XD 9MM ?
  14. azshtr

    Semi-new hunter

    Call the unit game manager at game and fish.
  15. azshtr

    Campout up by Green's Peak

    Middletons... mmmmmmmmmmmmm. That is great whiskey. Made by Jameson's and around $100 plus per bottle. Me and dad both bought a bottle on our last trip to Ireland 8 years ago. Mines gone but I can't get dad to open his! I told him I want it in his will that I get it!
  16. azshtr

    Photos of our Alaska trip

    I was going to say the same thing. That bear is giving you the eye :0
  17. azshtr

    Savage .270 with 3x9x40 scope SOLD

    Those are not the finest guns in a fine firearm sense but they are great hunting guns. Beat em, use em, abuse em, and they will still get the job done.
  18. azshtr

    Frame pack Options

    Bruzer gear has a nice setup. I use the bigger pack and replaced the built in hip belt with the modular fannypack as the hip belt. That gives you a day pack and a main pack. Lots of options. Built tough as nails. http://bruzergear.com/
  19. azshtr

    Theyre up!!!!!!!

    Unit 33 Nov / Dec coues! I'm stoked.
  20. I might check on my rejected elk app. They said missing signature. I can't believe we missed a sig. Maybe so but that would really surprise me.
  21. I do work for them, they are a client of mine. They are stand up people with the highest standards. It surprises me you had a problem, but as you say they are fixing it. I would trust anything they do. I have handled most of the rifles they make and I am impressed with their stuff. Very cool toys. Highly recommended.
  22. azshtr

    Any Archaeologists here?

    You found Bigfoot.
  23. azshtr

    Busy Cameras

    Wheres the squirrel?
  24. azshtr

    user friendly gps?

    This is the one I use... http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=6015173 I have had several etrex units over the years. I agree that the compass feature was not useful for me either. The NG topos are good. One other item I would add... I am a huge REI fan for many things because the return policy is fantastic. I had two etrex unit go bad. This was after many, many trips in the field and abuse of Jeeping, hunting, fishing, getting dropped etc. Both times they started acting up I returned them to REI and they refunded me the original price, then I bought a new one. Both times the new models had come out and the refund allowed the purchase of a better unit with more features.
  25. azshtr

    user friendly gps?

    I use the etrex legend with maps loaded. It is an older one however and the current version that takes a chip is the venture I believe. You want the chip model to add the detailed topo maps. The etrex is a lot cheaper than the 60 series. The 60 series has more features. Etrex does what I need.