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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. azshtr

    if i get a drone licence can i have a sam battery?

    I was buzzed by one as it was landing. Those things are much larger than I was expecting.
  2. azshtr

    Springfield XD 45 - SPF

    Lot's of truth to this. I could afford the ring, the Jaguar, the house, the kids... it was the divorce that got me
  3. azshtr

    Wtb Glock 23

    The XD45 that is for sale is a solid choice over the Glock. Unless you just want a Glock for the name. (I'm not looking to start any Springfield XD vs Glock debate, both are great firearms)
  4. azshtr


    If I ever get around to replacing all the guns I lost in that boating accident, private sales for me as well.
  5. azshtr


    A tad off topic... we were training our bird dogs in the Bulldog Canyon area last weekend. The smell of cat urine was very strong. We were assuming it was cat urine anyways. Do cats leave that strong of an odor when they mark or were we smelling something else?
  6. azshtr

    Never look down the barrel of a gun!

    I think that was gods shot across the bow. He should take notice.
  7. azshtr

    Just said goodbye to a Great friend

    So sorry for your loss. That is the worst part about having these amazing creatures in our lives. From my vet the last time I went through this... Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
  8. azshtr

    Springfield XD 45 - SPF

    That must be the Australian version. JK… bump for a great .45
  9. azshtr

    They are starting to hit CC

    I'm to busy dancing to post… I'll be back
  10. azshtr

    Honeymoon in Arizona-

    This must be near a nuclear facility
  11. azshtr

    1991 Toyota 4x4 Low Mileage

    Bump… Nice truck. Love my 91 4Runner. Not the fastest but it goes and goes like an energizer bunny.
  12. azshtr

    Honeymoon in Arizona-

    Sedona for a Honeymoon. Rent a Jeep from Nina at Barlos Jeep Rental and she will point you in the right direction. Then rent bikes and find all the cool single track rides. Bury a crystal (that you buy in Sedona) at a Vortex to dig up the next day. Go up the Canyon. Drive up Schnebly Hill. Hit up the Brewery… NOT the restaurant in the Tourist area, the actual brewery is more in the business / residential area and has AWESOME hot dogs as well. Have breakfast at the Airport. Hike West Fork Oak Creek.
  13. azshtr

    140" Rumors...

    Better there than my haunt
  14. azshtr

    Christmas Theme - 'tis the season!

    I like it! Red for me.
  15. azshtr

    Unit 25m Mulley's ? McDowell Mountain Preserve?

    I don't hunt that close to town but I do use the Game and Fish web site as a starting point for many units I explore. Scouting those areas and boot leather is your friend. Good luck. (not trying to be sarcastic, getting out and looking as more than half the fun for me)
  16. azshtr

    Scope, Grill for sale

    PM sent on the vortex red dot
  17. azshtr

    Cool Video

    Hope this hasn't been posted before... Man vs Elk http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7d9_1384414331
  18. azshtr

    when i go to die, grab your camera....

    Wow. That probably didn't end well, but I hope I'm wrong.
  19. azshtr

    hunting lisence?

    And do your self a favor and save the PDF so you can reprint them. If yours gets wet (our paper is not the best) and you need to recall them from the AZGFD web site to print again... it costs money... which is a dig in my opinion. They want you to print them, but we don't have the water proof paper they do, then they charge again to recall them for printing... Rant over.
  20. For me... in flight only. And the dog needed to perform the correct way. A nice steady point, steady to shot, and then she gets to have the bird. Of course I'm just transitioning from training birds to real birds. She is learning to deal with wild birds who move much more. I don't want her to learn she can flush them... sorry probably not what your after.
  21. This is a rant and you can tell me if I'm off base. 2nd Amendment gun store in Tucson is holding a gun purchased by my brother beyond the required Arizona 3 days. The reason given was something like... we follow the rules of our California stores and the laws of California in this matter. While there is a small sign near the counter, it is one you generally wouldn't notice given the size and placement. After the purchase and money paid the form you then need to fill out also has this statement on the back in the fine print. So the store did state the rules if you really searched for them but otherwise did not mention it or discuss it. My brother only found out when he stopped in on day 4 as he was headed to Texas on day 5. His option is 20% restock (the gun didn't leave their stock) or wait. This same store sells guns and magazines not legal in California I believe. My rant is: This is Arizona, not California. There is a reason I don't live there. This store is doing business in Arizona and in my opinion should follow Arizona law. EDIT: It just occurred to me the irony. They call themselves "Second Amendment" yet follow the rules of one of the state with the strictest gun laws .
  22. azshtr

    A post just because it doesn't seem right

    Thank you jumping here but your not telling the whole story as I understand it... A 20% restock fee on a used firearm? My brother bought a used firearm. My brother was never told 10 minutes or 10 days. When he went for the firearm after 4 days the salesmen pointed to a sign, which I understand is fairly small and off to the side as "there was your notice". I'll add your salesmen specifically told my brother the 10 days is because of your stores in California. If they were wrong correct your salesmen, if I have my story wrong I stand corrected... I'd like to know which. I don't mind your policy, I do mind the way this situation was handled, and if your policy is a clear as you state it here. My brother had a trip planned for Texas on the 5th day after this purchase. If he knew of the store policy he would have purchased another Shotgun he was considering. He wound up going on this trip without the shotgun he had planned for. So... my brother SHOULD have been told 10 minutes or 10 days by store policy? He wasn't. The 20% restock is on used firearms as well as new? If so what are you restocking?
  23. azshtr

    A post just because it doesn't seem right

    I agree with the cancel the sale part. It was not clearly posted that would hold the gun longer than the 3 day requirement. But to charge 20% is out of line when it never left their stock. If he paid with a credit card (I didn't ask and he is now out of town) I would depute it as goods not delivered.
  24. azshtr

    A post just because it doesn't seem right

    I think its a desk at the DPS. Probably the same person who handles CCW permits.
  25. azshtr

    A post just because it doesn't seem right

    In Arizona... Buyer must not be a "prohibited possessor" under federal or state law and be • over 18 years of age in order to purchase a long gun or • over 21 in order to purchase a handgun. • present government-issued photo ID which establishes name, address, date-of-birth and carries a signature • Correctly and completely fill out and sign form government form 4473 • If not a U.S. citizen and not an immigrant visa foreign nationals will need to present proof of exception status • Be able to pay for his or her purchase • The dealer will then call or fax the Arizona Firearms Clearance Center for an Arizona clearance as well as a federal NICS(National Instant Criminal Background Check System) check. Usually the check itself will take less than a minute and the resultant answer is either a proceed, a delay or a deny. A delay gives the FBI 3 days to clear it up and before which the firearm cannot be sold. After 3 days the sale can take place automatically. A deny means the sale cannot go through and the purchaser can contact the Arizona Firearms Clearance Center to clear up the matter. • An Arizona resident may then take possession of the firearm. Non-residentsneed to comply with several additional criteria: In California they also then have the 10 day waiting period. This store is using the 10 day (I think) wait for the NICS as the automatic sale period. Either way... POST CLEARLY if your not following the law an Arizona Resident would expect. This is for a 20 Gauge O/U by the way.