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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. Whoa... that is one sick twisted dude. Perhaps he just has a weird sense of humor but this crosses the line.
  2. I hear the road near game and fish might be good. It's a bit of an inside joke, if you have been around long enough you might get it.
  3. azshtr

    Franchi 48AL 28 gauge deluxe SOLD

    Nice to meet you Mike. My Brittany went nuts when she saw the shotgun. Then gave me a look when it went in the safe. Dang they are smart dogs.
  4. azshtr

    Franchi 48AL 28 gauge deluxe SOLD

    It will pair nicely with my Franchi 20g O/U
  5. azshtr

    2 way Radios

    The China cheapies aren't bad, just not the same. I have both.
  6. azshtr

    Franchi 48AL 28 gauge deluxe SOLD

    I'll pull the trigger on that. PM sent. Give me a call. I live at 32st and Thunderbird... this was meant to be.
  7. azshtr

    2 way Radios

    To use a radio such as you link you need an amateur radio license. However the law also states that for emergency use anyone can communicate by any means available therefor as a safety backup you are fine. When it comes to radios you get what you for. I have a Baofeng I use as a backup to my normal radios. Yeasu FT-60 or equivalent are excellent radios but they in the higher dollar area. The main difference is ease of programming, battery life, range, water proofing and accessories. Programming the Baofeng (or other cheap knockoff type radios) will most likely take a computer hookup to do it. The main issue is that getting the repeater frequency and tone settings with the proper step up or down becomes a chore. Add the number of repeaters you want to program = a big pain in the tush. However in all fairness I use a computer to program my Yeasu radios as well. It's just easier and it also makes it more convenient to have a backup to my programming to simply reload the radio. Another nice feature the Baofeng doesn't have is the use of Banks. Most better radios allow you to have all your frequencies in various banks (Like an iTunes playlist). You can have bank 1 for around town, bank 2 for frequencies in northern Arizona, bank 3 for south etc. Battery life is an issue however they use common cell phone type batteries so having extras is no big deal. Power and clarity is noticeably lacking. My Baofeng doesn't really have a good volume control. It goes from off to mid volume without really having a low adjustable range. Also if I'm using my FT-60 the Baofeng looses it's ability to communicate way before the FT-60 does. Being able to hit a repeater can be VERY important as a safety tool. For those who don't know... repeaters are mountaintop radios that rebroadcast your signal at very high power and many are linked. Example is Shaw Butte in Phoenix is linked to Mount Ords repeaters. This means all I need is to be able to hit the Ord repeater and I can communicate with all of Phoenix if I need help. Repeaters also have phone capabilities so a radio can make a phone call with a repeater. Calls are unlimited for emergency and 3 minute limit otherwise. For simplex use (radio to radio direct) most any amateur radio (HAM) UHF VHF will be better than the family GMRS frequency radios due to the output power. Most hand held UHF VHF amateur radios are in the 5 watt range. My truck radios are 50 watt. That was a bit long winded but I hope it helps. Also getting a HAM license is easy.
  8. azshtr

    Its Bath Time!!!

    Cool to see a collared one
  9. azshtr

    Requesting help/advice for Unit 31

    Use the game and fish write up for a good starting point... The map mentioned at the end is on the GF web site White-tailed Deer Overview: These deer are found throughout the mountainous areas of the unit and in the lower elevations north of the Aravaipa Canyon and NE of Klondyke. The rough, limited access areas of the Santa Teresa’s Mts. and Pinaleno Mts. offer some remote hunting opportunities. Early season hunting is possible in the cool timbered areas along Hwy. 366 (Swift Trail) for those hunter skilled in hunting the timber types. This area is very steep and the 8000'+ elevation makes hiking difficult but provides a lightly hunted deer resource. Still-hunting and glassing are the most successful hunting techniques for all units. Areas: Tripp Canyon - Take SR 70 to west of Safford between Pima and Ft. Thomas. Go southwest on Klondyke road to FS 351, follow FS 351 and hunt side canyons and upper reaches. The Eureka Springs Ranch was sold and several new roads have been placed throughout the ranch. Several of these roads are located on private property and are not accessible to the public. If you have hunted this area in the past it is recommended to do some pre-season scouting. Klondyke Area - Take SR 70 to Klondyke road between Pima and Ft. Thomas. Follow to intersection of Bonita road. Go North towards Aravaipa Canyon Area. Access changes from year to year. If you plan to hunt these areas in 2014 it is recommended that you visit the area prior to you hunt opening. Pre-season scouting and good pair of optics are essential to success when hunting whitetail. Also, obtaining a Coronado National Forest map for the Safford district would be very beneficial. This map will provide you with access points and land status throughout the Unit.
  10. azshtr

    candidate for san diego 'photo of the year'

    What is the story to this great image?
  11. Seem's like a great deal for someone but I need to ask... So... what needed fixing? Last you mentioned this it wouldn't start and you had just bought it site unseen.
  12. azshtr

    game and fish cam

    Really? Most of us have a dog with us at some point in the outback I generally have her on a long check cord or running free... either training or hunting or heaven forbid... running free. I know my dog and can control her. Others that can't perhaps have jaded your view.
  13. azshtr

    When To Quit Shooting Groups?

    Cha Ching Targets have 5 dots on them, I use them all for just that reason.
  14. azshtr

    Potiental Realized Training

    Great job on the fitness and health improvement's. It was an eye opener for me when I lost 25 pounds. Much easier going up hills now.
  15. azshtr

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    My Elk tag is on the fridge so I see it everyday!
  16. I also don't want it outside.
  17. azshtr

    Mork is gone

    I heard and will repeat... Robin Williams made the world laugh, today he made it cry. RIP.
  18. azshtr

    Roketa 400. ATV Repair advice (update)

    The description sounds like no compression or as mentioned the starter is not engaging the motor. You would know if you were turning the motor over so I say X2 on checking the pull start.
  19. azshtr

    Call Me Crazy 30A!

    PM sent. It may or may not be useful but best of luck.
  20. azshtr

    mathews switchback bow

    The Denali is the best bow by Mathews! Just kidding, they are both close cousins and great bows.
  21. I play nice! I'll add that Amanda has a lot of patience. Some of the shenanigans I've seen on here (not much but some) would have had me responding much faster and harsher. Kudos to Amanda. Hip hip horay!
  22. azshtr

    Elk 22 S

    My son and I have a late Nov Bull 22S hunt. We have been scouting to learn the areas and roads. That is fun in itself. As we plan upcoming scout trips and where to go... If you don't mind me asking a generic question... how far south have you all seen elk? I'm seeing nice country that I think might be a bit low, but sometimes you can be surprised. I have not added it to my list of destinations yet for the near future as I want to see other country and don't want to waste time. I'm looking at 3800 ft or so for this area. You can PM me if you want. Thanks.
  23. azshtr

    Elk 22 S

    Thanks for all the pointers. I have scouted the areas south and east of Payson. Next up west. Then start to focus in on specific areas tighter. Any other PMs are welcome and thanks for those I received.
  24. azshtr

    Helicopter rental?

    Private property doesn't own the airspace. I like the idea.