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Everything posted by azshtr

  1. azshtr

    Spot the Sniper

    All of them would have had me
  2. azshtr

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Ah jeez... here we go again.
  3. azshtr

    Found dead bull in 4b

    This thread has officially derailed.
  4. azshtr

    Found dead bull in 4b

    I think it already exists. I thought I used it here once. But I agree... guys please step away from the keyboard with snippy comments. Take a breath and understand you may not agree with everyone... in that case move on. PLEASE.
  5. For concealed carry my wife has a 38 SW hammerless model "Airwieght" or Featherwieght"... I don't remember the name. Nice thing is that being hammerless it will slip out of a purse with no snags, and also shoot from within the purse. As for bears... that would not be my choice of gun. The barrel is very short.
  6. azshtr

    Colorado Mule Deer Hunt

    Great writeup. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
  7. azshtr

    Scouting and the GFD?

    We've been doing a lot of scouting for an upcoming elk hunt. This next scout trip will be during another hunt going on. We always bring our bows to fling arrows. Has anyone had an issue with Game and Fish for having a bow out of your own hunt date. We don't carry them in the field, just at camp. The arrows would have field points just to avoid any conflict.
  8. azshtr

    Minox 15x58 ED w/ Aluminum Case - SOLD

    Follow up to those interested. WOW, these are nice glass. The eye relief and clarity are awesome. The eye cups are a tad hard on the nose but it's no problem. I've never had the pleasure of using really high end glass but for me these will do just fine.
  9. azshtr

    Arizona elk hunters

    The new forest road management plan. If you don't have one you should get the new official map as to what is an open road. The new rules don't require a closed sign on a road to be closed. The road needs to be on the map as open to be open. That's how I understand it. Maps are free at the office or call them for one.
  10. azshtr

    Arizona elk hunters

    Dang I've seen several fully loaded trucks on the freeways in Phoenix. Good luck guys and gals. I need to wait another month. However I will be out scouting 22s this weekend, and the next, and the next, if anyone wants to hook up.
  11. azshtr

    WTB 28 gauge 4 or 5 shot ammo

    I love the family style help available on this site. Keep up the clean web site guys and gals. And a HUGE thank you to Amanda.
  12. azshtr

    Arizona elk hunters

    For what? My guess is parking to far off road or use of closed roads.
  13. I can't even begin to count the number of fences I've crossed.
  14. azshtr


    XD's are great guns... free bump
  15. azshtr

    Minox 15x58 ED w/ Aluminum Case - SOLD

    Thanks for the awesome glass. You suckers sat to long. They are nice.
  16. azshtr

    Arizona elk hunters

    That reminds me to add the camera to the pack... Sorry had to rub it in.
  17. azshtr


    That is Usery. Great range.
  18. azshtr

    Minox 15x58 ED w/ Aluminum Case - SOLD

    Gad nab it... I'll take them. Not that I haven't already spent WAY to much this season... why stop now. PM sent
  19. azshtr

    Bushnell tanks

    That Jeep trail still exists. It's called Reno Pass. I'm not sure what shape it is in anymore though. Last writeup I saw was a couple of motorcycles took it from the lake side and ended up at the locked gate. They chose to drag the bikes under rather than go all the way back. The area was locked due to flooding / fire. My guess is the trashed condition and over use is why it remains locked.
  20. azshtr

    alleged camera thief

    Looks like you have good face shot.
  21. azshtr


    Yep for Tempe Camera Repair on University in Tempe. 480-966-6954
  22. azshtr

    Does anyone know what this is?

    Youngsters these days... sheesh. What's next, pants way down low?
  23. azshtr

    Bushnell tanks

    Yes it is open to foot traffic. The road in is not bad. There is a stream to cross a short way in which can be a trickle or a torrent depending on the weather. The usual flow is not bad. Don't be surprised to see tires tracks in there. The rancher has access.
  24. azshtr

    Extreme Fabrications

    Is that a poly chock on that shotgun? I have my dads belgium browning he bought when he was a kid and he put one on. I've never tried it and was considering getting a new barrel. Do you like it?