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Everything posted by Huntmaster143

  1. Huntmaster143

    Unit 27 Coues

    Jeff, I plan on giving you a call, I have just waited until I got some maps and became familiar with the unit a little more before I called. I am more familar with it now, so I will try to hit you up this weekend if that works for you. Scott
  2. Huntmaster143

    Unit 27 Coues

    OK, I drew Unit 27 Jan. hunt with a bow as my third choice. Now I don't know anything about the unit other than it's a good coues unit. If anyone has hunted this unit and would like to share some info, I would greatly appreciate it. Now I have hunted whitetails here in Michigan my whole life, but have never drawn a western deer tag until now. What are the main differeces between Eastern deer and the coues? I drew a 16A archery elk tag in 2005 and wasn't successful, however, the hunt was alot of fun. Is the terrain/tree cover similar? What is the terrain like in 27? Any general help would be nice as I start my research for this hunt. Thanks, Scott
  3. Huntmaster143

    Unit 27 Coues

    Any other help? Looks like I need to focus on the National Forest.
  4. Huntmaster143

    Unit 27 Coues

    Jeff, I'll be in touch...I'm just morning over my Red Wings losing tonight. Thanks.