Hi, GreyGhost85,
I am writing to thank you for pointing out how we misspelled Coues on the piece of artwork we had in the booth at Trophy's steakhouse. My sister in North Dakota did all of the framing and had another company do the name plates and they got it wrong and we didn't catch it. As to the taxidermy work I am sure you are referring to my lifesize Coues mount. I had qiute a struuglle with hides for the mount. The original got ruined in shipping, so I bought asecond one from the tannery and it was no good when we got it as the hair was slipping, and the third one which we used because w ran out of patience to get the mount done had a problem in the neck area, which my taxidermist couldn't fix completely.
Evidently the day you ate at Trophy's we must have been while my wife and I along with our two sons who also manage where back to South Dakota for my nephews wedding. If you had talked to any of us four your questions would have been answered. Our staff knows quite a bit about the animals, but have been instructed to direct the patrons questions to us as one of us or more is in the restaurant everyday.
Thanks again for your comments
Kevin,Becky Kiel and Brett Dettler
Owners Trophy's Steakhouse