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Everything posted by darrcolburn

  1. darrcolburn


    ORG is a must have for Arizona hunters. Great, articles, adivse and resources. Craig, Richelle, Lee and the rest of the crew are great people and do a ton of research putting the magazine together. Money well spent.
  2. darrcolburn

    30-378 Brass

    i will take them. Give me a call (602) 284-1722. Thank you
  3. darrcolburn

    Bowhunter Happening July 19-21 Mormon Lake

    Here is a link to some pictures from last year. I hope you all can make it. http://www.arizonabowhuntersassociation.blogspot.com/2012/07/2012-bowhunter-happening.html
  4. darrcolburn

    How much does a Mexico hunt cost.

    Fully guided hunts usually are $4,000-$5,000. We charge $4,750 for our Mexico hunts and that includes your gun permit, food and seven full days of hunting.
  5. Ric, I have that same factory rifle. Who did all the work on it and what did it cost? The .257 Weatherby is my favorite caliber.
  6. That is an awesome setup for coues deer! Someone needs this gun.
  7. Thank you everyone. We had a great time at the junior's camp. TJ it was great to see you and thank you for volunteering for a great cause. Thank you again for everyone that organizes and puts on the junoirs camps. Parker is already talking about next years hunt!
  8. darrcolburn

    SOLD! Manfrotto 701HDV Head for Tripod

    Great head and price. Love mine.
  9. darrcolburn

    A few bass pics

    Nice fish and great pictures. Looks like you guys had a couple of great days on the water.
  10. The Outdoorsmans will work with any smart phone.
  11. The new Outdoorsmans version is much better. Call Cody and he can get you set up. There is a picture of the Outdoorsmans Adapter in the new Western Hunter Magazine that just came out. The Kowa adapter your phone can't be in a protective case and just works for the iPhone. The Outdoorsmans will work with any smart phone.
  12. darrcolburn

    Gould's Hunt Giveaway and Free Spring Turkey Seminar

    Jay and I want to thank everyone that attended last nights seminar. We had fun and hope you learned a thing or two. We also wanted to thank Bass Pro Shops for letting us use the room as well as Daniel Franco from Burnt Timber Outfitters. It was great to meet some new people as well as catch up with old friends. We are really excited to take Peggy to Mexico to harvest her first Gould's turkey!
  13. darrcolburn

    Arizona Commissioners Buffalo Tag

    The buffalo tag sold for around $15,500 and the bear sold for around $3900 I beleive.
  14. The Arizona Commissioners Buffalo tag will be auctioned off on Saturday night at the Arizona Bowhunters Association banquet. Here is a link to more info. http://www.arizonabowhunters.org/
  15. The Arizona Commisioners Bear tag will be auctioned off this Saturday night at the Arizona Bowhunters Association banquet. Here is a link for more information. http://www.arizonabowhunters.org/
  16. Here is the flyer for the 8 week indoor 3D league that starts on February 20 at Ben Avery. You can shoot as an individual or a team. My boys and I shot this league last summer and had a blast. There were over 100 registered shooters! See you there. Indoor_3D_league_Flyer-ABA.pdf
  17. We hope to see you at the banquet. Banquet_Invitation_2___2013.pdf
  18. Banquet_Invitation_2___2013.pdf We hope to see you at the banquet.
  19. darrcolburn

    First Deer Hunt Video

    Here is the video of my oldest son Parker going on his first deer hunt and shooting a coues deer. This was one of the most special hunts I have ever been on. Thank you for watching.
  20. darrcolburn

    Parker's First Deer

    \ My oldest son Parker Coues Colburn turned ten this year and was finally old enough to hunt big game in Arizona. Parker drew a juniors deer tag and was excited for his first deer hunt. We did some shooting at the range and I was confident in his shooting. Jay Scott and I did some scouting the week before the hunt and found several coues deer bucks to go after. Parker could not miss school on opening day so Jay and I headed out to glass in the morning while Parker went to school. My plan was to glass in the morning and then drive back and pick Parker up from school and hunt the evening and the weekend. We headed out with the Polaris Rangers loaded and ready for the weekend. Friday morning Jay and I glassed up several bucks and ended up having 6 different coues deer bucks bedded. Jay stayed to keep an eye on the bucks while I headed back to Phoenix around noon. I arrived at school and Parker jumped in the truck and the first thing he asked was did you see any bucks this morning? I smiled and told him we had several bucks bedded that I thought we could get to before dark. We raced back to our spot and arrived with about an hour of shooting light left. When we got back to Jay he told us the bucks were up feeding and in the same spot. He also said that another 4x3 buck joined the original group. Parker and I hiked up to a point and I started glassing for the bucks. I found the biggest buck and ranged him at 175 yards. The buck was straight down hill and looking up in our direction. I laid our packs down and made a rest for Parker to shoot off of. I explained to Parker where the buck was and he told me he could see him. Parker was able to find him in the scope and told me he was ready to shoot. I told him to wait until I got the video camera rolling. A few seconds later I asked him if he was very steady and he said yes and he was ready to shoot. At the shot the buck jumped and disappeared down hill out of view. The shot looked and sounded good so we gathered up our stuff and quickly hiked down to where I last saw the buck. I quickly found his tracks and then blood. 100 yards farther down the hill we found Parker's first buck. I don't know who was more excited, Jay and I or Parker. We slept on our cots under the stars and headed home the next day. Parker's coues deer buck has 4 points on his right antler and 3 on his left. I could not have dreamed of a better experience for my sons first buck. A big thank you to Jay Scott for being there on one of the best hunts I have been on.
  21. darrcolburn

    Parker's First Deer

    Thank you again for all the positive replies and nice comments. Parker is still on cloud nine! I was able to film the hunt and it will be featured on Cabelas Out West weekly web show in a week or two. I will post the video when it is done. Darr
  22. darrcolburn

    First Day Double Down

    Great job. That will fill the freezer up!
  23. darrcolburn

    Morgan's first Big Game

    Way to go Morgan. That is a great pig.
  24. darrcolburn

    my sons 1st buck

    Great job Trace! Sounds like a perfect shot and a great buck.
  25. darrcolburn

    Jared 2012

    Way to go dad and tell Jared congrats. It is nice to have hunts come together like this, it keeps you coming back!