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Everything posted by darrcolburn

  1. These are the only socks I wear now when I am hunting and hiking. The Cabelas Ulti Max socks make my feet sweat and smell so bad that I threw them all away. I have used the Light Hiker Crew Micro Light Cushion and the Micro Crew Cushion. These socks pull up just above the top of my boots but you may want a taller model if your boots are really tall. I like the socks with a little more cushion when I am wearing a heavy boot and the light cushion with my lighter boots. Give them a try and I promise you will not be disappointed.
  2. darrcolburn

    KUIU Ultra 6000 Pack

    Desertbull I have both the Outdoorsmans and the KUIU Ultra. Both are great packs and you can't go wrong with either. Try them both on and see which one you like.
  3. darrcolburn

    KUIU Ultra 6000 Pack

    Eric I think the pack and frame are plenty tough. Send me a pm if you want to meet up and play with the pack. Huntjunkie I think the pack is big enough for a 5-6 day backpack hunt.
  4. darrcolburn

    KUIU Ultra 6000 Pack

    Eric, I think it would be a perfect coues deer pack! I am planning on using my pack during sheep season and on my son's late coues deer hunt. I live in North Phoenix (I-17 & Carefree Hwy area) and would be happy to meet you so you can try it out for yourself. The pack sells itself!
  5. Here is the flyer for this years Bowhunter Happening. If anyone is interested in being a vendor or helping out shoot me an email. I hope you all can make it! darrcolburn@aol.com BHH Flyer 2014 PDF.pdf
  6. I have 3 dozen new uncut Victory VForce V3 350 arrows with blazer vanes and the inserts. 18 are yellow and white blazers and 18 are orange and white blazers. Would prefer to sell all 3 dozen for $200 or would split up for $75 per dozen. Cabelas sells these arrows for $100 per dozen. Don't want to ship and I live in the north Phoenix area. Thank you
  7. darrcolburn

    3 Dozen New Victory VForce V3 350 Carbon Arrows

    They are 8.7 gpi
  8. darrcolburn

    Arizona Archery Goulds Turkey

    Congrats on a great bird. Gould's are an amazing bird!
  9. Kathi congrats on your NM Goulds! Lets see the pics of your birds Cliff and Kathi. I love hunting Goulds!
  10. The Grave Digger performed perfectly. I have a 26 inch draw length and my bow is set at 60lb for turkeys. I was shooting Goldtip Prohunter 5575 arrows. I hit the bird just under the point of the wing and the broadhead hit the thickest part of the breast bone breaking it in half. I had a really hard time pulling the arrow out. I prefer to have my arrow stay in a turkey rather than pass all the way though. The KE of my setup is low and not what I would use for elk. My good friend Brian Rimsza has shot 2 turkeys this year with the Grave Digger heads and they shot right through his birds but he has a more normal draw length.
  11. Thank you everyone. We had a great time hunting these birds. Congrats Cliff on your bird and good luck to all the Gould's hunters with the second hunt! I was using the Grave Digger broadhead and it performed perfectly on my bird. TJ and Amanda we will be hunting Gould's soon in Mexico.
  12. Thank you everyone for the comments. We had a great time and getting a bird was just icing on the cake!
  13. Thanks guys. Only saw a couple of fish on beds with the smallmouth being one of them. Parker threw his Senko to the smallmouth and watched him eat it.
  14. darrcolburn

    Alamo Lake Reports/Where to get bait?

    I am thinking about heading to Alamo with my boys to do some crappie and bass fishing. I have not been in for a long time and was wondering if you can minnows/waterdogs on the way to the lake? Any recent reports? Thanks for the help!
  15. darrcolburn

    Hyrdodippers ????

    Mark Jarret with Beast Mode Hydrographics did my stock in KUIU Vias. His number is 623-340-0284
  16. Please join us for the 35th Annual Arizona Bowhunters Association awards and fund raising banquet on March 1. There will be bows, guns and other items raffled off along with the commissioners tags for buffalo, bear and javelina. Please see the below flyer for more information. I hope to see you all there. ABA_Banquet_2014.pdf
  17. darrcolburn

    Arizona Bowhunters Association Banquet March 1

    I will work on the balloon raffle and $1000 cash blitz. Tickets need to be purchased by February 23. Each ticket purchased will receive $20 in raffle tickets. You can also purchase $100 in raffle tickets prior to February 23 for $80. Hope to see you all there.
  18. darrcolburn

    Arizona Bowhunters Association Banquet March 1

    We have not finalized what raffles and blitzes we are going to do yet. Did you like the balloon raffle? Always looking for ideas and suggestions. Thank you. Darr Colburn
  19. darrcolburn

    Results are out!!!!!!!

    33 Gould's tag for me! My oldest son also drew the 23 junior hunt.
  20. darrcolburn


    I will take the .240 weathby dies and brass. I am currently out of town for a couple of weeks with the raffle sheep holder. Please text me your number so I can figure out how to get you the $. Thank you! Darr Colburn 602-284-1722
  21. darrcolburn


    I will take the .240 weathby dies and brass. I am currently out of town for a couple of weeks with the raffle sheep holder. Please text me your number so I can figure out how to get you the $. Thank you! Darr Colburn 602-284-1722
  22. My oldest son Parker Colburn is 11 years old and has been going hunting with me since he was little. He has really developed a passion for hunting. Last year when he turned 10 he shot a javelina and a coues deer. This spring he shot a turkery. He shoots his bow almost every day. We were really looking forward to the archery deer opener and spending some quality father son time together outdoors. We put out our blind a couple of weeks ago hoping it would stay dry and the bucks would hit water. Parker drew a juniors rifle deer tag also but told me he would rather shoot a buck with his bow. Parker had a half day of school on Friday so we decided to head out after school for the weekend. We arrived at our blind around 3:30 pm and got settled in. It was pretty hot but not as bad as past years when we have sat together. At 4:00 pm a whitetail doe came in and drank at 30 yards. Parker commented if that was a spike he would have shot it. Another hour went by before Parker whispered dad there is a spike coming in don't move! The buck started drinking at 30 yards and Parker drew his bow. I whispered the yardage and told him to take his time and make a good shot. Parker shot low and missed the buck. The buck ran up the bank about 10 yards and looked around. After a few seconds the buck came back to the same spot and started drinking. Parker drew his bow again and make a perfect second shot. The buck ran over the dirt bank and disappeared. I have been on lots of hunts and shot plenty of animals. I can honestly say I was shaking like crazy, probably worse than Parker! We gave the buck about 15 minutes before we started tracking him. I let Parker do the tracking and I stayed back and filmed. The buck made it about 40 yards before he piled up. The 75 grain Muzzy did a total pass through taking out both lungs. I am so proud of Parker, this will go down as one of my best all time hunting moments! Here is the video link. <iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/-6xU_WRtWuQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  23. darrcolburn

    Opening Day Buck, First Archery Deer Down

    Sorry here is the video link http://<iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/-6xU_WRtWuQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  24. Here is the info for the 2013 Bowhunter Happening. New for this year Mormon Lake will be having a live band and beer garden Friday and Saturday nights. Prices are $65 for a family and $40 for an individual and that includes unlimited shooting Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Courses and registration will open at 7 am. We will have lots of vendors, raffles and give aways. The Paul Line Big Bear Course is always a big hit with the 8 and under crowd. We hope to see you all there! 2013_BHH_Flyer(2).pdf