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About 308Nut

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    At the rifle range or behind the computer in The Last Frontier

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  1. You can get bases with a downhill slope. Essentially it allows the objective to be at lower plane than the eyepiece. The whole scope will be at an angle in relation to the receiver instead of level. Yes, I’ll allow you to extend your range by the MOA value you choose. 20 MOA rails are the most common. here’s an example: https://www.opticsplanet.com/nightforce-1-piece-20-moa-base-for-savage-new-style.html
  2. Do you have an MOA base? You can get tapered rails to 40MOA
  3. I own both. Two of each. They’re both great. Both have advantages in given categories and neither make the other obsolete. Match your load to your circumstances with either and you’ll do alright. the biggest argument among 308 haters is that the 308 has waaay more windage than the CM. That’s very true if you’re not compensating at all and you’re running light bullets. My best CM load has 51” of 10MPH wind at a grand at my average hunting elevations and temps. My best 308 is 55” but comes with higher recoil yet also has over 200’# more energy. This is comparing the 147 versus the 208. Both heavy for caliber options. One of my favorite 308 loads has 62” of wind (176ATIP loaded fast) which is 11” further out than my CM load. Either way, it’s a missed target. Any long range shooter worth their salt would never not compensate for wind. It’s the misjudged that causes the errors. An error does NOT mean you’ll miss by 11” more inches versus the CM. Let’s say you judge 10MPH but it’s actually 7MPH. It’s a 3.3” difference not 11”. The gap is much closer than most shooters realize and a bad wind call is a bad wind call. Flatter trajectory is helpful but not critical since the advent of affordable range finders. Lower recoil is nice too but between the two isn’t a dealbreaker. 308 Advantages = Phenomenal barrel life, higher impact energy. 6.5 CM Advantages = lower recoil, flatter trajectory, slightly better windage. 308 offers manageable recoil and the CM offers reasonable barrel life. Windage difference is negligible unless using old bullet styles and lighter weights. For deer size game, both have adequate energy. pick one in a quality platform and use heavy for caliber bullets and it’s hard to fail with either. Personally I prefer the 308 but I don’t feel handicapped with the CM.
  4. 308Nut

    Synthetics vs wool

    After hunting in AK for years with synthetics, I made the switch to wool and have not looked back. It regulates your temperature like synthetics but doesn’t promote bacteria growth like synthetics. I can pack one shirt on a sheep hunt and come home after five days of sweating and barely have body odor. After 1/2 day of sweating in a poly shirt I can’t stand myself. I can pack less clothes which is huge on a backpack trip. Just my preference.
  5. Sounds good. I’ve got two sealed boxes from the same lot with your name on them. I’ll PM you in a couple of hours. In the middle of something rn.
  6. I’m not looking to sell. It seems like I have more buying power with trading. I have 300 but 100 are spoken for.
  7. Looking for 147 ELDM. I’ve got a list below of items for trade: 140 ELDM 140 VLDH 140 SST 143 ELDX 162 ELDX 190 ABLR 200 ELDX 208 AMAX Nosler 280AI brass. Some virgin and some fired. 6.5x284 Lapua brass virgin.
  8. 308Nut

    Tick Tock

    Again all joking aside, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to do a lot better. I’m not one to correct every grammatical error but your communication skills need a lot of improvement. That’s probably why so many guys are razzing you so much. I’m sorry if I poked fun at your expense. Seriously though, take a break.
  9. 308Nut

    Tick Tock

    Are you taking any English classes?
  10. 308Nut

    Tick Tock

    All joking aside, how old are you?
  11. 308Nut

    Tick Tock

    Correct. We don’t need an alternative profile to show the size of our balls. Lol!
  12. 308Nut

    Tick Tock

    I used to be part of their program. I canceled my membership sometime after that.
  13. I meant other members posts... I hope the draw happens really quick!
  14. 308Nut

    Tick Tock

    This is nothing compared to the crap show in 2004 when USO threw a wrench in the gears. Granted, that wasn’t AZGFD’s fault but they had to do a complete re-draw.