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Everything posted by shanehamblin

  1. shanehamblin

    wts or wtt Vortex Razor 16-48x65

  2. shanehamblin

    wts or wtt Vortex Razor 16-48x65

    Back to the top.... Scope an tinesup adapter $1000
  3. shanehamblin

    Mexico was good to us

    I love that narrow heavy buck!!!
  4. shanehamblin

    The Graduation Bull

    Thanks for letting me hunt with you guys it was a blast!!! Awesome bull an even better people. Congrats again!
  5. shanehamblin

    Savage 6.5 Creedmoor CUSTOM for sale

    Really wish I could make this happen
  6. shanehamblin

    Stinkin Patriots

    GO PATS!!!!
  7. shanehamblin

    San Carlos

    I love those big nasty 2 points!!!
  8. shanehamblin

    Daughter had great first year of hunting,,,

    Not another walker!!! Lol good job man. Good job kyrie.
  9. shanehamblin

    Archery Antelope, Time to cash in the BPs

    Don't really care to kill an antelope with a rifle. I'll always apply archery. May draw 3 or 4 in my lifetime maybe more.
  10. shanehamblin

    Archery Antelope, Time to cash in the BPs

    I'm chomping at the bit for an archery antelope tag. Good luck hope u have a great time. I know these archery tags can be very very rewarding.
  11. shanehamblin

    Wilderness Athelete products

    I use the Energy and Focus drink mix an really like it. It gives you a natural energy making you feel awake an alert instead of the jitter feeling from other energy drink. I will be trying other products.
  12. shanehamblin

    Major back fire or coincidence?

    Good point since everyone on fb thinks they need to update every time they take a crap lol. Glad I'm not on there
  13. shanehamblin

    Major back fire or coincidence?

    What good is it to not have anything at all?? Don't know why anyone would give a false report but even if you get 10 that do so an your report reads 250 deer harvests instead of 260. Where we are now they don't know whether it's 500 or 0.
  14. shanehamblin

    Model 70 featherweight 25wssm

    Let me know if you want to sell the brass
  15. shanehamblin

    4x4 coues

    Lol you do score eye guards
  16. shanehamblin

    Major back fire or coincidence?

    I had a big long post typed up an dunno what happened but I'm not doing it again. To sum it up I agree with Gino an Devin. Would sure like to see our game n fish take some steps in the right direction an at least pretend an create an illusion that they're doing something to manage our herd numbers.
  17. shanehamblin

    Eye Guards!!!

    That is a stud. I'm more impressed with the massive bases. I'd say 105-108"
  18. shanehamblin

    Expensive optics - anyone have buyers regret???

    I'd never get rid of either pair of swaros. When you consider how important our hunting gear is my optics are on top of the list, especially in Arizona an other western states. I know my wife hates when I "need" new binos, spotter, or rifle scope. But do I regret it? Not for a second.
  19. shanehamblin

    Taxidermist Warning

    It's sad that there are taxidermists that don't respect what they're doing. Sorry to see you're mount. Hope you're able to get it fixed an worked out.
  20. Awesome! Amazing looking coues country. One of these days I swear I'll be there. These kids are good at tying up my wallet lol. Congrats guys looks like a blast
  21. shanehamblin

    Nice Buck!!!

    We'll probably see him in October after Devin shoots him lol. If he's even makes the hit list lol.
  22. Awesome trip Houston. Congrats on a sweet buck. Job security for clay lol
  23. shanehamblin

    American Sniper

    Seal snipers don't have spotters
  24. shanehamblin

    Have you ever messed up?

    I've never messed up except when I'm hunting of course
  25. shanehamblin

    American Sniper

    I was going to say the same thing!!!I told my wife the same thing. Credits start rolling and nobody moves, total silence. Actually until everyone got to the lobby they just whispered if they had anything to say