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  • Birthday 03/03/1983

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    cottonwood az

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    getting a little frustrated...

    Stay the course. Go with your gut,odd's are it's your hot spot for a reason. The Rut changes alot of things,alot of the bull's you see now,you might not see on your hunt. They will move back in! It's easy to get discouraged when cattle are in the area,but the elk are still around. Ive been told that elk hate cow's,but ive got pictures of elk drinking in the same spring with cattle behind them. The only situations that ive been affected by cattle is when they are staking claim to a tank and laying all over it for several days,ill try to hunt another one. But cattle are always around,and a thirsty bull chasing tail will go to water when he needs it. Might not feel right ,but I say if it's a proven spot....stay the course!


    Salt has always worked for me,I tried alot of fancy stuff before but it didnt work any better for the money.(IMO) Any feed store has 5 lb. block's and they work but elk and/or cattle if they are in the area will destroy them in a week. What works best for me is water softener salt. A 40 lb. bag is usually less than $5. If you find a dirt patch dump half the bag out and and churn it up in the dirt. If you have any you can spare pour some water on it. I tried it first about 2 years ago and it worked great. I had deer, elk,bear and a bobcat tearing it up.It also lasts longer because it gets into the ground pretty well and they will stand there eating the dirt until there is a hole in the ground.Also helps avoid people seeing your set-up. A salt block can be seen from a long ways out. It may take a week for them to find it but once they do the results have been good for me.It usually wont take that long though.

    2003 POLARIS RANGER 500 4X4

    Man that is a good looking ranger! If it is still around this time next month after tax returns,i'll be seriously interested. Good luck on your sale!

    Bino Harnesses

    I have a badlands bino vault and i must say it's growing on me! At first i thought..bulky,but it's not really! I really like the bow holder hook on the bottom and the other features as well. After 3 hunts i'm getting to like it alot more.(really like the bow hook)The only draw back i have at this point is that i do alot of archery hunting as well as rifle,and if it's quiet out and your in close it's a bit noisy pulling out the bino's and putting them back in. It' not so much the magnet that makes noise as long as you dont let it slam shut,as it is the type of material on the inside.I wish it was lined with some type of felt or fleece,something soft. Probably going to figure out a mod of some sort for mine.But over all pretty handy product. Also i think there is a different style in the cw store that looks ok but i like the badlands a little better.

    Another Scarbrough Kiss

    Thats what it's all about right there! Nice buck and a happy young man(and an even prouder dad i'm sure) Cant wait to share something like that with my son.Sleeping with the head ..that's classic,reminds me of me. Way to go!

    unit 21

    That shouldnt be a problem! The place is loaded with deer! Hunting pressure has never forced me out of the areas i like to hunt in that area. But in general that is what you can expect as far as hunters go. Dougas road get's pretty pounded all the way to the rim. There are a lot of bowl's you can glass from the road and still see alot of deer.

    unit 21

    Nothing is really a secret in this part of the area.Even my good spots get a little traffic,but yes there are alot of people that hunt off of the road or close to it. Not sure where you are planning to camp, but if it is close to the road the spot's fill up fast.
  8. I had the same problem when i baught my drenalin new.I had people listen for the noise as i drew it back and we narrowed it down to the limb pocket bushing,i just lightly lubricated them and the noise went away. sorry cant remember what i used but i was on an elk hunt so supplies where limited.

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    5B south Archery bull for me!!!
  10. LYONKILL33

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    03129 is archery 1,2b,and 2c sept 9-22
  11. LYONKILL33

    Congrats to huntingfool

    Congrats to you Brother! Hold on tight! One is fun, but two get's......well....interesting! Naaaa it's not a bad racket once you get use to it. Tell momma good job,and same to you! she's perfect!
  12. LYONKILL33

    Fender Standard Stratocaster and Princeton Chorus Amp

    Hope you are keeping some sort of guitar for the occasional tied to a squirel!!!
  13. LYONKILL33

    Elk Season 2010: Freezers are FULL!

    Dang jake! 5 for 7 not bad! Looks like you guys had alot of fun. Hopefully one of these years life will get a little closer to normal again. I wish I could have been there just to spend time with ya buddy!
  14. LYONKILL33

    Bought a Rock Chucker kit

    Sounds like a great product. I dont have one,but if you want to go cheap cardboard works pretty good for this.I take a loaded bullet and poke a hole up to the neck 50 times( or what ever you like). You will have to make a new one eventually when the holes get wallowed out,but it lasts a while. The one im using now has been used about 6 times.
  15. LYONKILL33

    green jeep !

    Yup! white bronco that was us! We got on some more bulls,and a couple more shots but no dice! Congrats to your dad on a nice buck! Do you have any pics?