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About AZorion

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/13/1966

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Litchfield Park, AZ
  • Interests
    Bowhunting, rifle hunting, fishing.

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  1. AZorion


    Beautiful rifle, wish I would have seen this before buying the blued version of it, GLWS.
  2. AZorion


    I will take it, can you meet tomorrow around noon?
  3. AZorion

    Powder for sale

    I will take two pounds of H4895 and one pound of H1000. Will send you a private message with my info.
  4. AZorion

    For Sale - .300 Savage Factory Ammo

    Will take two boxes of the 180 grain. Let me know when time you will be passing through on that Saturday.
  5. I'll take the CFE Pistol, 2 pounds
  6. AZorion

    Swarovski 12x50 EL $1,800

    Bump,,,Awesome glass!!!!
  7. AZorion

    (Updated) Reloading Primers and Powder

    I will take the Large pistol primers and one CCI 500 brick.
  8. AZorion

    7E Cow

    Jazz, was up there last weekend and saw the same road closure signs on roads that I was on in the deer hunt. We are headed up that way as well on the 1st of Dec, hopefully will be able to spy up some cows as we have only seen one group this scouting season.
  9. Looking to buy a Remington model 7 in 7mm-08, anyone looking to sell?
  10. AZorion

    ISO H 322 possible trade

    Thanks for the lead, I looked at them yesterday and was about to pull the trigger until I googled the company. Seems like a lot of customers were unhappy about their performance.
  11. AZorion

    ISO H 322 possible trade

    Just checked, not showing any
  12. AZorion

    ISO H 322 possible trade

    Looking to see if anyone has some extra H 322 they can part with, need one or two pounds for the up coming hunting season. I can trade a bottle of H1000/Varget/ Superformance/ IMR 4831/Hybrid 100V/stabil 6.5/ IMR 7828.
  13. AZorion

    Long time coming

    Great job!!!! Ten years and still getting after them, took me a bit longer for my first,,,,nice velvet Mulie!!!!
  14. Looking for some Berger 95 grain VLD hunting bullets for my 243.
  15. Will take the RCBS Scale if you still have it.