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About ihuntblues

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  • Birthday 08/22/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bloomfield, nm

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  1. Congrats on a great ram, the pics were great
  2. ihuntblues

    140-130 inch buck

    man thats a heck of a deer congrats to the lucky hunter
  3. ihuntblues

    Jim's Coues Mounted

    Wow what a great deer
  4. ihuntblues

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    July 15, 9:15 am
  5. ihuntblues

    New Guess the Score contest

    100 7/8
  6. ihuntblues

    Possible new BILL!!!

    The bill that went through committe will give non residents 10 % of the tags with the outfitter allocated tags if i read it right their choice wether or they choose to up their odds more by appling with an outfitter. No other state gave 50 % of their sheep tags to nonresidents last year it was time for a change.
  7. ihuntblues

    My December Trophy AKA (Cedro)!!!

    congrats on a great buck
  8. ihuntblues

    Scouting trip

    looks like you had a great time thanks for sharing
  9. ihuntblues

    Muzzy Buck

    congrats on those nice bucks
  10. ihuntblues

    Minox Spotting Scope

    Has anyone tried the minox scope and if so how did you like it (the ED model)
  11. ihuntblues

    270 help

    If you are going to shoot factory ammo try the remington core lokt they have worked well for me
  12. ihuntblues

    FINALLY!!!!! WAHOO!!!

    Those are some great looking deer on your wall congrats