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Everything posted by nateNAU

  1. nateNAU

    Who's getting ready for otc archery!!

    First year in about 10 years I haven't drawn a rifle tag so ill have to get it done with my bow this year. Took my first hike this morning to try and locate and start patterning bucks. Found 5 small bucks and one real nice one.
  2. nateNAU

    ICOtec GC500 Modifications

    Thats a good looking set up.
  3. nateNAU


    Where are you located?
  4. nateNAU

    7 mag for Elk

    +1 for the accubond.
  5. nateNAU

    Unit 10 Archery Cow

    South of the big bo, north of the redlands ranch along cateract canyon. Good elk hunting and you would have it all to yourself.
  6. nateNAU


    Pm sent your way. Id be glad to answer any questions I can.
  7. nateNAU

    Unit 7E

    I have the 7e Nov archery tag. Do you have the early or late hunt? Ive spent quite a lot of time in the east part of 7e over the last few years from the archery deer season through the peaks only hunts. Not much experience during the late archery and rifle hunts. Just what I happen to see out there running my trap line.
  8. nateNAU

    Results available

    I guess since in under 30 i shouldnt give my opinion but all I know is ill be chasing a bull with my bow this year.
  9. nateNAU

    cats and cages

    If your around flagstaff, I'd be more than happy to take you out on my line.
  10. nateNAU

    fur prices

    There is one more main option. Ship to Nafa. My averages were $200 a cat higher at Nafa than what was offered to me at Kingman last year.
  11. nateNAU

    cats and cages

    Awsome job! Keep it up. Sorry to hear about your stolen traps.
  12. Happy trapper with a big cat.
  13. nateNAU

    Second cat of the year

    Have had a lot of request to repost the picture so I have. As I have said I love to see and read other's posts and I would like to share mine. No weights or lengths. Just a happy trapper with a big cat.
  14. nateNAU

    Second cat of the year

    No worries. Agree to disagree. I just posted the weight I got from my scale, right or wrong. Still respect anyone as dedicated to trapping as you. I sincerely hope you have a good trapping season and when I catch a verifiable 30lb-er ill make sure you are first to know : )
  15. nateNAU

    Second cat of the year

    Thanks. Will do. I spent most of the night making another 15 traps. If its impossible then I did the impossible and I will do it again. I will catch another even bigger cat this year even if it kills me. Cooked crow? Who said cooked?
  16. nateNAU

    Second cat of the year

    So I was correct. I am either a liar or to inept to read a scale. You trap the desert. Is it possible that your warm weather cats have less fat that a cat trapped up here? Can you really generalize your catches to everyone else? I didnt take pictures that f it on the scale because i didnt think i would have to defend myself and why would I post any other pictures? Im sure you'll say I rigged the scale or the tape measurer because now your saying I held that cat out. I think your ego is directly related to trapping and it pisses you off that you consider yourself and expert and someone caught a cat bigger than one you have caught. Your post explains your ego in how you choose to let posts happen or not.
  17. nateNAU

    Second cat of the year

    Hyper. I have respect for you but that may fade quickly if you are calling me a liar. I guarantee that the scale read 31.4 lbs. I am 6' 3" and 300 lbs. The picture doesnt do the cat justice being stretched out.. This cat was actually obese. I have never seen a wild animal that was fat like this. It looked like a pampered house cat. About wore out a fleshing knife getting all the fat off.
  18. nateNAU

    first cat of the year

    Ya Flagstaff. This cat was about 7200 ft. This has been the earliest cat I have ever caught but the hide is white as snow and there is a nice undercoat on this cat. Dont know if its the elevation up here or what but I would definitely call this cat prime. Stretched to 39 in. Just couldnt get 40 out of it.
  19. nateNAU

    first cat of the year

    Not yet. Still finishing my line. When I get a chance ill post the weight.
  20. nateNAU

    cats and cages

    Skunks will normally let you lift the door if you move nice and easy. But if you dont mind the smell, skunk quill is going between 15 and 30 bucks an ounce. Here is a big skunk I got in my trap last year.
  21. nateNAU

    So I went hunting this week

    I think those three marks that look like nail marks are actually the lobes on the pad. Tracks going the other direction. Three lobes is definitely a lion.
  22. nateNAU

    I would like to learn trapping

    Hyperwrx gives good info. I read many of his posts when I got started and I believe they helped me catch some of my first cats. You might also check out the archives on the trapperman forum. A wealth of knowledge there. If your ever up around flagstaff your always welcome to come with me on my high country trap line : )
  23. nateNAU

    Wife's First Elk-Cow

    Awsome job! My dad had the first peaks hunt and I had the second and neither one of us could get the job done.