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Everything posted by ronk

  1. ronk

    Legality of Orders

    I don't see it as a conspiracy theory, I see it as it showed how easily we gave in and surrender many of our constitutional rights. In some cases without a whimper. Next time it may be worse.
  2. ronk

    horses in elk unit

    Typical government, throw money at the symptom rather than solve the underlying problem.
  3. ronk


  4. ronk

    New pup outings

    Cool, nice looking dog. Nothing like hunting quail behind a dog.
  5. ronk

    Unit 10 Bull

    I wouldn't gut him until G&F says it is okay. My father-in-law saw a nice bull jump a fence and caught the top wire and broke it's neck. He called G&F and they said don't touch him until they showed up. Unfortunately, they never showed and the meat went to waste.
  6. So I called Uncle Mikes about the availability of a replacement thumb break strap for one of my holsters, what I got was totally unexpected. After being placed on hold for over thirty minutes waiting for an agent, I got a recording saying all agents are busy and I was disconnected. This happened four times over the next two days. On the fifth try I asked the operator to connect me with a supervisor or someone in authority. I was connected to the Manager of Customer Service. Naturally all I got was his voice mail. That was Tuesday of last week and still no call back. In addition, over a week ago I sent an email via their website asking the same question. Still no reply (sound of crickets). This is the type of customer service that puts companies out of business. I don't know what kind of customer service experience others have had with this company but this is totally unacceptable.
  7. Lance, Dude, I wasn't referring to the product, only the Customer Service. I like my Uncle Mike's holsters, among others.
  8. ronk

    My Daughter is Officially a Marine

    Oorah!! Thank her for her service. We appreciate it every day.
  9. That's cool. Anytime I had bears on my camera they were chewing on it.
  10. ronk

    Kids are growing up quick!

    How nice! They do grow up fast, one of my grandsons had his homecoming dance last weekend.
  11. ronk

    Curious little bear

    Nice, he hung around a long time.
  12. Great story, loved following along with pictures and all. This thread makes all others look pale in comparison. Thanks for sharing. I know some will say hey your giving up too much information on spots and all but it made for a great read, I loved following along for the ride.
  13. ronk


    We should never forget. Yet Representative Omar refers to 9/11 as "some people did something".
  14. unreal, truly a fabulous place. keep after 'em
  15. ronk

    Dream Buck

    wow, truly a buck of a lifetime. way to get it done
  16. ronk

    First Archery Buck

    nice buck, congrats
  17. ronk

    Archery goat 2019

    Nice, very nice buck. Way to get it done!
  18. ronk

    Blood from a turnip lol

    Ducey has a bill on his desk to reduce the fee to $18. Let's see where he stands. TUCSON, Ariz. - A bill that could drastically cut vehicle registration fees advanced in the Arizona legislature. The state House voted 57-3 Monday supporting House Bill 2320, a which scuttles a plan to tack on annual law enforcement-supporting fees as high as $32. The new bill would cap the fee at $18. ADOT says the funds raised from the fee go towards public safety, highway patrol operations and state highway improvements. The vote came a month after the bill passed the state Senate. Gov. Doug Ducey must now decide whether to sign or veto the legislation. The fee will apply to 2020 registration renewals.
  19. ronk

    Unprepared and Overwhelmed

    Unprepared and overwhelmed is an under statement. Where is the training and preparedness, especially in this day and age of whackos.
  20. ronk

    tenacity of life

    Or the squirrel you shot out of the top of the tree, he falls all the way to the ground, you put him in the bag stone dead only to have him jump out the next time you open it up to put another in.
  21. ronk

    2018 Colorado Bucks

    Very nice bucks, congrats to all.
  22. Usually they are impaired drivers. Maybe in this case coming from the Casino. Scary indeed.
  23. Great job, way to stick with it. I've seen and heard too many times where guys give up too soon. Nice hunt and bull.
  24. Looking for a youth 20 gauge or .410 shotgun for my grandson. Nothing too fancy. Anyone have one they want to part with? Thanks
  25. Tenzing TZ 93o Lumbar Suspension Hunting Pack for sale. New never used, was a gift. $50 located in East Valley.