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Everything posted by silenthunter686

  1. silenthunter686

    Another guessing game!

    41 5/8 Nice Buck!
  2. silenthunter686

    Another guessing game!

    Can't see his whole eye gaurd.
  3. silenthunter686

    Baby boy names

    I named my son Drayk (Drake). Did alot of Duck Hunting So,
  4. silenthunter686

    Need a used bow....

    I have a Carrol Dominator from PSE TM rest 28 inch. Draw $80. 520-339-3499 Tucson AZ
  5. silenthunter686

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

  6. silenthunter686

    whitey or muley?

    I would definitely say thats a White-tail STUD buck!
  7. silenthunter686


    I butcher my own all my game , but I sometimes feel that I did a very good job at it. I seperate each muscle cut off as much meat as possable. for ka-bobs or what I call fooballs(little cuts rapped in bacon). Anyone rec. a book on wild game.
  8. silenthunter686

    Update: Found rifle Young, Az 10/23

    The first pig I shot when I was 12 years old. I left my Rem. 308 pump gun! Got back to camp and thats when my dad told me. He wanted to see how long it took before I remembered!
  9. silenthunter686

    Glassing Strategies

    If I just top out on a ridge I like to observe the land scape. look for movement. Glassing close with my 10x binos. Can't tell you how many times that i have been busted even though I move slowly into my glassing spot. trying not to silhoutte the ridge with a bush or rocks at my back. this could be 10 -15 min. or even longer. Then I get my 15x out. Still looking at as many close saddles as possable. mornings I will glass south facing slopes and escape routes. If i'm glassing a large mountain I will glass it in quarters panning. Afternoons I will glass heavy veg. (north facing slopes ect) do that all over again. I always have my 10x at my side. It is sometimes hard to put a deer in my 15s on a tripod at close range. Good luck to ALL!!!!! Oct 24th Unit#33
  10. silenthunter686

    Crow hunting

    I think it is only legal to take a skull, only if it dosn't have fur on any part of the skull cap. Correct me if I'm wrong
  11. silenthunter686

    2008 Archery Elk.

    That was kick A$$, Made my hair stand up on my neck. Thanks congrats
  12. silenthunter686

    Skull Me and my Bro found last Dec

    Just to size him up a bit, What size are your rims
  13. silenthunter686

    Photo Radar

    I was getting gas at Wilmot and 22nd St. down here in Tucson the other night, and it looked like the beginning of a boxing match with a bunch of cameras!
  14. silenthunter686

    Guess the score contest Oct 2008

    124 6/8 sweet mount Who did the work
  15. silenthunter686

    Black river this weekend

    I was wondering if any body has been to the black river lately? Tick flat area. Going after small mouths with littke spiners and craw imitation cranks. I was told that there are some nice cats in there as well. Any Info greatly appreciated.
  16. silenthunter686

    Got my 2007 today

    around 96 98
  17. silenthunter686

    Whats In A Name

    Love archery hunting(silenthunter) First pistol I bought is a S&W(686)
  18. silenthunter686

    gould's turkey poacher

    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't he a eather a chairman or member of National Wild Turkey Federation? He even had sponcers H.S Srut I think or Q-boy!
  19. silenthunter686

    gould's turkey poacher

    Just wait till you hear about his Elk hunt! You think the Turkey poaching was bad! Thanks to the camera man and his GPS unit.
  20. Seven years of helping friends and family. Goat 17 bonus points!!!! Elk seven so called bonus points
  21. silenthunter686

    best custom built rifle

    I think they did put together the Sav. with the patriot round
  22. silenthunter686

    best custom built rifle

    I shoot a Lazzerroni 7.62 firebird (7mm)Sako 120gr. lazerheads barns and burger bullets. It has a free floated barrel with a baush&lamb 4-12x42. I used this gun for 1000yrd hunter class. as well as for coues or dogs that hang up way out. When my 243 modle seven 55gr.TNT poppers will not make shots at 600yrds. I'm not saying pick up one of the Laz guns. and try to shoot deer at 1000yrds. I haven't even attempted a 600yrd shot on a coues. 585yrds though!But What Im saying is do some good home work like your doing. heck even the gun you do get. you might not like it even though you put 2,000 - 3,000 bucks into it. Its what you fell when you take that shot. And know that it was a good shot. Because you know your gun. Practice!
  23. silenthunter686

    Late Hunt Success

    What did your deer score? Thank you for the story and pics.
  24. silenthunter686

    What a find!!

    Hey Back Country I have a right side that i found last year It scores 53 3/8 It also came from 33. It looks alot like yours. Mine came from some where off the Catalina H.W. any chance? Rats or something started on the G2. I cut the part just onder the neral though. I guess that part is like finger prints on us. I don't have a camera I'm going to try to take a pic on my phone. and send it to my e-mail. I,m at work now so it would have to be later awsume shed you found. silenthunter686>>>--->