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Everything posted by Hoofnit

  1. Hoofnit

    What does G&F do for a month?

    collect interest on all that money for a month...think about it, even at a few % it's a fair chunk.
  2. Hoofnit

    10 gauge reloaders

    I looked on there earlier and only see steel shot, he is looking for lead ...not so easy to come by anymore.
  3. Hoofnit

    10 gauge reloaders

    I do reload 10ga & it's nearly impossible to duplicate factory ballistics especially with the bigger shot sizes. I think those shot sizes are a seasonal run and everyone is probably sold out. Federal still shows them on their web site as an available load & I may have a box of factory 2's or bb's that I'd part with, I shoot coyotes with 'em. 5's for turkeys. Mark
  4. Hoofnit

    Snow report up North?

    Got about an inch at my house in west Flag...
  5. Hoofnit

    What plant native to SE AZ?

    elderberry I think...
  6. Hoofnit


    might help if we knew what you're looking for...
  7. Hoofnit

    Good S&W gunsmith in the valley?

    well it probably needs a new trigger & hammer...coulda had a bubba trigger job at some point...
  8. Hoofnit

    Good S&W gunsmith in the valley?

    before you take it to a gunsmith remove the grips and make sure the strain screw at the bottom front is tight...some will loosen this to get a better double action pull, it needs to be tight or it can cause this. Mark
  9. Hoofnit

    FS Ruger Old Army

    I'll take it...per pm
  10. Hoofnit

    Preferred Shotgun Setup...

    I use a 10 ga. now bb's or #2's buffered lead its good to 80 yards with a patternmaster choke...before the 10 I used a 12 ga. 3 inch mag. same shot sizes good to about 50 yards with a good full choke...that all said it's getting tuff to find big lead shot these days. There is the dead coyote load from hevi-shot that works well in a 12 but its spendy stuff. just my 2 cents...
  11. Hoofnit

    Hornet or Fireball

    Having had rifles in all three I'd vote for the fireball, the k hornet will get reasonably close to 3000 fps but brass life is short at those pressures...I still have a 22 hornet rifle and a chronograph so I'm not guessing here, to get that kind of velocity you are only going to get 2 or 3 loadings in the hornet brass and it is always a little hard to come by. Fire ball brass can be easily made from 223 brass and it will easily reach 3k ... Just my 2cents
  12. Hoofnit

    Cleaning out the hunting room.

    I'll take the grips for $50 if you will mail them to me in Flagstaff...
  13. Hoofnit

    WTB 10 ga reloading kit

    By the time you get all the stuff to load 10 ga shells you will have spent enough $$$ to just buy quite a bunch of loaded ammo...just a reloader (pretty much each gauge has its own press & although you can buy dies it is quite the process to change a press to another gauge) is $200 ish (mec jr or mk v) then you have wads, shot, powder, primers, hulls & some other stuff. then there is figuring out how to get it done ...Ive loaded shotgun shells for more than 30 years from 410 to 10 gauge.... buckshot is a little different than regular shot and its really not possible to load the same performance as most of the factory stuff. All that being said I enjoy rolling my own shot shells, I got started when stuff was cheap (the good 'ol days) & it is possible to get very good results. I could go on for an hour and probably not cover it all. Good luck, Mark
  14. Hoofnit


    Sent you an offer...
  15. Hoofnit

    Want to trade ar15 stock

    I'll take it for $100...pm me your payment info
  16. Hoofnit

    6mm/284 take-off parts ($150)

    Sent you a PM
  17. Hoofnit

    6mm/284 take-off parts ($150)

    So what are you asking for the package ?...If it's $150 I'll take it ...
  18. Hoofnit


    Sent you a PM...
  19. Keep looking there are some out there somewhere....good luck. On a side note most of my stuff will shoot the ballistic tip of the same weight to the same point of aim as the accubonds...just a thought.
  20. Hoofnit

    Remington stocks and barrel

    pm sent on S/A synthetic stock
  21. Hoofnit

    Guns, etc. For Sale

    i'll take the single six, sent you a pm Mark
  22. Hoofnit

    Craigs List Woes

    I've sold some stuff on craigslist...had some of the same experiences described above. I have also met some real genuine regular folks just looking for a deal...use common sense, be proactive & above all don't give anyone your personal info...any of it !
  23. Hoofnit

    HS precision stock $215 shipped

    I Guess I should have put a conditional "I'll Take It" on there to hold my place in line ..... dang !
  24. Hoofnit

    HS precision stock $215 shipped

    Is this for a Remington 700 short or long action & is it single or double palm swell ? Thanks, Mark
  25. Hoofnit

    White Systems BP (sold)

    I'll pm you an email address if that will work...I've been looking for one for a while Mark