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Everything posted by Hoofnit

  1. Hoofnit

    Several Firearms

    I'll take the leupold 6.5x20
  2. Hoofnit


    Location ?
  3. Hoofnit

    10mm suggestions

    +1 on the Glock mine is a 20, I love the 1911 platform but top end loads in the 10mm will shorten the life considerably, cz made/makes on also
  4. Hoofnit

    Scheels coming to Chandler!!

    Been to Scheels in SLC...much more selection than Cabela/Basspro, prices like Sportsmans...
  5. Hoofnit

    Pray for me, my wife is already with god.

    Please accept my sincerest condolences for your loss, It gets better, grief doesn't go away but you get where you can function in spite of it. . . It's been 2 1/2 years. . . sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago, sometimes it feels like yesterday. . . I will pray that you are able to find peace.
  6. Hoofnit

    Range Brass

    I'll take the 218 bee
  7. Hoofnit

    Winchester model 100 .308

    The last couple I've done they just sent the new firing pin... Not hard to do but if you don't know how to take the rifle down you should let someone who does (a competent gunsmith) do it. A broken stock will be the result an they're made of unobtainium now.
  8. Hoofnit

    Winchester model 100 .308

    " For anyone that does need to check with them, you can call their number at 800-852-5734 and give them your serial number to confirm it needs it. She (if it's the same person) will give you the address to send it back for the replacement. "
  9. Hoofnit

    Winchester model 100 .308

    They have a following, 308 is a common caliber, yours is post 64 so there's not quite the prestige there, as with any old gun condition is everything, without seeing it $450 - $700 . . . your mileage may vary
  10. I've replaced hundreds of rifle barrels over the years. . . exactly once I had one time up an be correct in headspace 😎 that being said its not much of a job for a qualified smith to do.
  11. Hoofnit

    7mm mag reload questions

    Rely only on published data from reliable sources ie; powder an bullet manufacturers first of all !!!! Second if that's the powder you have pick a starting load, most data starts 10% or more from max loads, don't reduce more especially with slow powders. take your time, load a few (5 ish) in 1 grain or so increments (in a case that big with slow powder .5 gr increments will be hard to tell much, a primer change will be lots more evident). go shoot, check accuracy, its more important than jet wash (fps...) Third most loading manuals have a section in the front that details the process, good stuff there ! Every one has to start somewhere, have fun, be smart.
  12. Hoofnit

    reloading 25-20

    AA1680, 4227, 2400, Reloader 7, 4198 are all good powders...depends on what bullet an what you're trying to do with it.
  13. Hoofnit

    ISO 38-55win dies and bullets

    You might consider posting the vintage of your rifle, the early Winchesters an Marlins require larger diameter bullets than the later ones (.379 vs .375)...
  14. Hoofnit

    Steel case vs brass case ammo

    I have a 5.45x39 AR nothing fancy, no chrome lining, it has 3k down the pipe, mostly all Russian or Bulgarian surplus all corrosive primed, all steel...runs like a watch, shoots about 3moa with surplus ammo. recently Hornady made brass, bullets an dies available for this cartridge, shoots sub moa with hand loads...been pulling bullets from surplus an loading good bullets on the steel cases for coyotes (don't have to chase my brass) sub moa as well, case capacity is a little less, Our military uses steel cases for most all the big stuff, 20 an 30mm etc 🤷‍♂️ your mileage may vary, but in today's ammo market...
  15. Hoofnit

    What size of rim do I need for my truck?

    Mazda's are the same as a ford ranger for a bunch of years (ford owned them) 15" ranger rim from a similar year truck would work. . . junkyard guys could probably square ya away for $20 for a rim an tire. just bought one here in flag for my daughters ranger. . .
  16. I heard a story a few years back of a cape and $10k traded to another hunter for his full hide for a life size mount. . .
  17. Hoofnit

    WTB .577/455 Martini/Henry 3 Die Set

    Reloading for the 577-450 is an expensive proposition, check Ebay for dies, probably gonna set ya back a hundo or so, couple guys on Gunbroker sell bullets the proper size, lots of the brass is berdan primed, no good options for repriming that now. Good luck, they're a blast to shoot !
  18. Get a packet of good 'ol koolaid, any flavor will do but orange seems to work best, dissolve it in a pint or so of water, put your brass in a suitable container (plastic) and cover with the koolaid you can add a little more water if need be, it will safely take the tarnish off, soak longer if need be ...rinse an dry. been using this method for cleaning range brass for 30 years or better...
  19. Hoofnit

    Brass Question

    Probably 8mm or 9mm x 57 Mauser. . .
  20. Hoofnit

    Lee Shaver Sight

    I have a Lee Shaver long range Soule sight with a Hadley eye cup for a Shiloh Sharps, I got the opportunity to move to an optical sight, only used this a couple times, purchased 05/20. Paid $363, asking $325 shipped, or trade for Leupold optics, Vari X III, VX3, 4.5x14, 3.5x10, 1.5x5 or others, all dependent on condition, can text or email pictures, this is a very nice sight !
  21. Hoofnit

    Nikon Prostaff 4 X 12

    I have a Nikon Prostaff 4x12 has bdc reticle came on a rifle I bought, looks near new. $ SOLD shipped OBO, can text or email pics
  22. Hoofnit

    Anyone here on rugerforum.com

    I need someone to contact a moderator there on my behalf to get my password reset, been trying for months with no luck, please PM me if you'd be willing to help.
  23. Hoofnit

    Tacoma questions

    Gave 20k for mine, a year ago, very similar spec an mileage, right at the top of BB. . .one of the best trucks Ive ever owned period.
  24. Hoofnit

    Glock gunsmith

    +1 Glockmeister
  25. Hoofnit

    Belgian commercial Mauser action $260 Tucson

    I'll take it, also sent pm