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Everything posted by Hoofnit

  1. Hoofnit

    Leica Scopes

    I have a couple leica scopes I'd like to sell, first is a ER 2.5x10x42 asking SPF, second is a ER 3.5x14x42 asking $1000, prices are shipped, both scopes are 30mm tube, both have duplex reticle with fine cross hair, they were mounted on display rifles & part of a recently purchased estate,PM for more pictures or any ?'s
  2. Hoofnit

    Leica 2400r

    Where are you located?
  3. Hoofnit


    I'll take it
  4. USA made Danners...got wide feet myself, been wearing them since the 80's 😎
  5. Hoofnit

    Remington 700 ML

    https://www.badgerridgeind.com/store/p10/700ML_KIT.html I have 4 using this, works fantastic !
  6. Hoofnit

    WTB Weatherby 240 Brass

    There's some for sale on Gunbroker...you might have to raid the kids collage fund though 😳
  7. Hoofnit

    Ford c6 to np205 adapter

    Here ya go... https://www.ebay.com/itm/234324535968?hash=item368ed4aaa0:g:ufYAAOSwFtVhsQQU or https://www.ebay.com/itm/185236452016?hash=item2b20f3f2b0:g:0H0AAOSw9lVhsh-c
  8. Hoofnit

    Muely or Coues

    According to that map above mine are all rocky mtn. mule deer...although some of them were definitely taken in the desert, all of the whitetails have been in the pines, (there are 120" deer here if you know where to look) furthest was 140 yards, most were less than 50. I've been fortunate that I was able to hunt some great areas in AZ (12, 13) before they turned into the circus they are today, doesn't matter the species, they don't get big hanging out in the open, it takes work...again JMHOπŸ™„
  9. Said it was whenever I initially looked at it πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ now says available in 2-3 days
  10. Hoofnit

    Muely or Coues

    Having several Mulies in the 170-200" range I can say the 100" Coues is a more elusive critter for sure 😁 JMHO..
  11. https://ahlmans.com/cart/remington-1100-11-87-piston-seal-kit-12-ga.html...
  12. Hoofnit

    Ak47 help

    Pretty sure they are pressed in...https://www.tothtool.com/AK-Barrel-Removal-Install-Tool-_p_61.html πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  13. "πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Much of the western U.S., an area already besieged by drought, should expect more dryness, the almanac projects. Nearly all of California, currently battling the raging Caldor Fire near Lake Tahoe, is pegged for a mild and dry winter, along with most of Arizona and parts of western Washington and Oregon."
  14. Hoofnit

    Looking for K frame 2 inch 38 special barrel

    They started selling those about a year ago, the cheap barrels disappeared pretty quick. There are also some differences in model 10 barrels, they're not all interchangeable depending on age an such.
  15. Hoofnit

    Just hanging a stand

    +1^^^^Broken nose is a give away on lion kills
  16. Hoofnit

    What rifle was this made for?

    M1 Garand
  17. I use a .010-.012 patch and 110gr ffg my .53 Hawken, no issues, been killing deer for years with it...
  18. Hoofnit

    Leupold scope and QR rings SOLD

    VX-II, you can see it on the objective end in the third picture...
  19. Hoofnit

    Leupold scope and QR rings SOLD

    Yep still in Flag ! Thanks for the kind words !😊
  20. Hoofnit

    Leupold scope and QR rings SOLD

    I'll offer $250+shipping if you'll send it to me.
  21. Hoofnit

    First Chambering?

    Winchester model 70 XTR in 270 Winchester, worked all summer for a contractor picking up nails or whatever job a 12 year old could have in '76 for .50 cents an hour, at the end of summer I had $256. Ordered the rifle through a guy my dad knew that had an FFl, when it came dad sported for a weaver 4x from Kmart. My youngest brothers kids are still hunting with it...