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Everything posted by Hoofnit

  1. Hoofnit

    Reloading (mostly shotgun)

    I’d take the 2 boxes of magtech shells
  2. Hoofnit

    Recurve bow

    Where is this located?
  3. Hoofnit

    Recurve Bows sold

    I'd love to have them but I'm in Cornville... any chance to ship? cheap wally world gun box ? Mark
  4. Hoofnit

    Mauser 98 2 position safety

    A Mauser 98 2 position model 70 style safety $125 shipped
  5. Hoofnit

    Looking for ford fe block

    There’s a couple bare blocks in the valley on Craigslist, didn’t look on marketplace, but usually some there as well 🤠
  6. Hoofnit

    Turkey shot size question (Updated)

    Remington SP10, Winchester super double x 3 1/2" 2 1/4 oz #5's, Hastings ported .690 tube...sudden death to 60yds...
  7. Hoofnit

    Timber Rattler "Arizona Sunset" bowie knife

    “That’s not a knife, THIS IS A KNIFE!”🤠
  8. Hoofnit

    So how much of a pig do you take?

    Javelina are not pigs. They look similar, but pigs are from the "Old World" and peccary are "New World" animals. There are many other differences most having to do with differences in physical anatomy. Adult females can give birth at anytime of the year. peccary, (family Tayassuidae), any of the three species of piglike mammal found in the southern deserts of the United States southward through the Amazon basin to Patagonian South America (see Patagonia).Jan 7, 2024
  9. Hoofnit

    Plano 42” hard case *PRICE DROP*

    Maybe could work that out tomorrow, I’ve been loaded up lately though. I’ll send you a pm
  10. Hoofnit

    Plano 42” hard case *PRICE DROP*

    Yeah probably right, I’d like to have it though, maybe someone is coming up the hill?
  11. Hoofnit

    Plano 42” hard case *PRICE DROP*

    I’ll take it if you will mail it to me in Cottonwood
  12. Hoofnit

    Name That Gun.

    "Deserves ain't got nothing to do with it..."
  13. Hoofnit

    Name That Gun.

    Looks like a Remington Rolling block, hard to tell from the picture if its a #1 or a #5...they were also produced around the world under license from Remington.... 😉
  14. Hoofnit

    9.3x62 Anyone Shoot It?

    Metric 35 whelen...
  15. Hoofnit

    Anyone selling wc844 or similar powder?

    American reloading has a powder for sale that's similar to h335 which is what wc844 is...
  16. Hoofnit


    Are they 3” chambered?
  17. Hoofnit

    Browning Citori, Savage 110, QC10 upper

    Citori a 12ga ? I’m interested
  18. Hoofnit

    Wtb Ford Fe engine (390-428)

    I have a couple 390 crank cores that should be good, a set of reconditioned rods and maybe a few other pieces that I probably would let go reasonable…probably not going to build another one. Mark
  19. Hoofnit

    S&W 610 revolver 10mm w/ammo-SOLD

    😁That Smith is calling too me
  20. Hoofnit

    Arizona mountain lion attacks person

    It's one of those things that if you need one and don't have one you'll likely never need one again...😲
  21. Hoofnit

    Turkey choke recommendations for youth 870

    We practiced with regular 20 ga shells, she never said a thing about the recoil of the turkey loads...the first 4 or 5 gobblers I called in the first year it was like someone plugged her into 110v, wouldn't have missed it for the world
  22. Hoofnit

    Turkey choke recommendations for youth 870

    P.S. we patterned 9 different loads, those two were constantly the best (the Kent golden pheasant were a close third) out of several different chokes, the Hastings was head and shoulders above the others though.
  23. Hoofnit

    Turkey choke recommendations for youth 870

    Hunt around (Ebay) find a Hastings turkey choke, Winchester or Federal 3" 5 shot, limit the shot to less than 40 yards...daughter was successful every year of her youth hunts an now 1 year as an adult...that's all I got to say about that 😁
  24. Hoofnit

    Leica Scopes

    Feel free to make an offer on the remaining 3.5x14, I’d like to sell it, or maybe trade