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About Hoofnit

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/28/1964

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  1. Hoofnit

    WTB Headspace Gauges (308 or 243 and creedmoor)

    You can rent them from CH4d reamer rentals pretty cheap 🤷🏼‍♂️
  2. Hoofnit

    Ruger 10/22 Deluxe

    No it’s gone
  3. Springfield M1A / M14 VLTOR SOCOM II hand guard / rail system $150 OBO.
  4. Hoofnit

    270 WSM sizing issues

    Man that thing is really putting you through the wringer! I would suggest you take it to a reliable gunsmith and have the headspace checked & at that point you could run a reamer in the barrel to clean it up… if you’re handy enough you can rent the headspace gauges and reamer + an extension for less than $100 all told from ch4d reamer rentals. Hope this helps, Mark
  5. Hoofnit

    Sig 229

    Tried to send you a pm but says you can’t receive them, what are you looking for? You should be able to send me your contact info through pm
  6. Hoofnit

    Sig 229

    That’s really cool!
  7. Hoofnit

    Sig 229

    Up with price change
  8. Hoofnit

    Ruger 10/22 Deluxe

    Sold pending funds
  9. Hoofnit

    Ruger 10/22 Deluxe

    For sale or trade a Ruger 10/22 Deluxe with a Leupold 2 X 7 rimfire scope, bought this years ago to teach my daughter how to use a scoped rifle and it’s sat in the safe since. $400 OBO Christmas is coming 🎅🏼
  10. Hoofnit

    Sig 229

    ^ up
  11. Hoofnit

    Sig 229

    Early Sig 229 in 40 S&W, box & 2 magazines. NOW 💥 $500 (💥$475 for a veteran 💥) OBO or trade for other firearms, Ruger single actions, S&W revolvers, Mauser based rifles, etc. This is a well made pistol, never got into the 40 cal (reloading) so it’s just sat in the safe for a while, like to turn it into something else.
  12. Hoofnit

    Taurus 85 Ultra-Lite $250

    Aluminum frame, Titanium cylinder, +P rated, 🤷‍♂️
  13. Hoofnit

    270 WSM sizing issues

    So a couple things, first what press are you using? it will be harder to get your brass sized completely without a strong "O" frame press (think RCBS Rockchucker). Second what case lube are you using, like a lot of stuff lube matters 😉 (imperial sizing wax is best but there are others). Third is it the body of the cartridge that's too big or is the shoulder not getting bumped back? color the neck and shoulder first with a sharpie (I like black) and cycle it through the chamber and see if it's contacting, if not then try the body (this is the only place a small base sizer will help). Fourth, when setting your sizer die up are you running the press ram all the way up and setting the die against it? Some case / die / press combinations require that the sizing die be preloaded a bit (like a quarter to a half turn of the die past contact with the ram) to effectively cause the ram to cam over slightly, this will preload the frame usually resulting in the die to contact the shell holder during sizing. Fifth, head space on modern cartridges is a relatively small tolerance ( usually .003 to .006") so so grinding down a die or shell holder can easily cause excess headspace, a separated case due to excessive headspace is a bad experience! Hope this helps
  14. Hoofnit

    Found one

    PTG will have what you want,