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Everything posted by buckshotaz

  1. buckshotaz

    Christensen Arm 300 Ultra Mag for sale

    PM sent
  2. buckshotaz

    Need Tripod Head Recommendation

    Wouldn’t work for very many shots
  3. buckshotaz

    Need Tripod Head Recommendation

    Same head on Amazon. They work as well as any and better than most. My group has all move to using it
  4. I have one of these, it’s the best rifle to use when introducing new or young shooters. No recoil and stupid accurate. Easy to build confidence in shooting
  5. buckshotaz

    Rifle range in Mammoth

    Does anyone know anything about the gun range in Mammoth? How far can you shoot?
  6. buckshotaz

    G7 br2 for sale

    You can’t receive messages
  7. buckshotaz

    G7 br2 for sale

    Pm sent
  8. buckshotaz

    Looking for a wall tent

    Pm sent
  9. buckshotaz

    Rifle range in Mammoth

    Cool thanks, I have been past it many times, just wondering about it
  10. buckshotaz

    Reloading dies

    If you decide to split this up, I would be interested in the 38 spec. And 45 acp
  11. I know it’s a long shot, but if anyone has any 338 300gr bullets, please let me know.
  12. buckshotaz

    So, I shot my chronograph today

    I have (had) a Caldwell chronograph, and I was out shooting today. I was in the process of squeezing the trigger when a gust of wind blew the chronograph, turning it just right so when the round went off, I center punched the rod that holds the sunshade. I tried to order a new one, but they are not available at this time. I was wondering if anyone happened to have a broken Caldwell sitting around that I could buy for parts?
  13. buckshotaz

    So, I shot my chronograph today

    Thank you fatbastard, I now feel honored, and not so stupid
  14. buckshotaz

    So, I shot my chronograph today

    You try it, it ain’t that easy
  15. buckshotaz

    So, I shot my chronograph today

    Thank you HUazNT, I have sent a PM to JSR about his, as Gilbert would be more convenient to get to
  16. I’ll take one. PM sent
  17. buckshotaz

    WTB 7wsm brass

    I have these, once fired, and loaded rounds you can pull the bullets from. Mix of Fed, Win, Horn You can have them, but, I’m in Globe
  18. buckshotaz

    Anyone bought or sold anything to muleyy?

    Google that phone number, some funny stuff comes up
  19. buckshotaz

    Anyone bought or sold anything to muleyy?

    He responded through a PM to me, saying he had some 215M Federal primers. Only wanted $45 for a brick. The phone number he texted from was 760-971-7373. Told me he was in Hughson, CA
  20. buckshotaz

    ISO Federal 215M primers

    I have been trying to find Federal 215M primers. If anyone knows where I can find some, please let me know. Thank you.
  21. buckshotaz

    ISO Federal 215M primers

    I am in Globe, but I travel to Phoenix and Tucson often. Also White Mountains
  22. buckshotaz

    ISO Federal 215M primers

    I signed up for notifications at Midway, but I would like to get some to make sure I can load some ammo
  23. buckshotaz

    ISO Federal 215M primers

    I signed up for notifications at Midway, but I would like to get some to make sure I can load some ammo
  24. buckshotaz


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