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Kaibab Kid

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About Kaibab Kid

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  1. Kaibab Kid

    **UPDATE!! * i need some prayers please *

    We will pray for you. God knows your need and he will supply. Just a little faith and some prayer and he can do miracles within. We will keep praying. Dont doubt! God will supply.
  2. Kaibab Kid

    Unit 8 Mule deer hunt

    thats plain funny!!!
  3. Kaibab Kid

    wabbit hunting

    Nice "wabbits". i like that turtle. we saw one a few years back with a prickly pear fruit. he was about 37 years old.
  4. Kaibab Kid

    for all kids on this forum

    Catfish, you are a momas boy!
  5. Kaibab Kid

    for all kids on this forum

    Im Austin 13, got a hunt in 12A west. Gonna try to go for buck next year in Unit 27.
  6. Kaibab Kid

    Archery Buck

    nice buck.
  7. Kaibab Kid

    Doe hunting

    12A for antlerless is really good for hunting. Last year we got drawn for the doe hunt in the kaibab and we got 4 out of 5 deer. This year we got drawn again for 12A. It is a really good hunt. Next year you need to put in for it. Try to get your son to take hunter ed because you get bonus points. (aka you basically get another chance to get drawn.) my cousins and i took it and that is the only reason were going again this year. Advice from a 13 year old how desparate can you get?
  8. Kaibab Kid

    change of clothes

    Too bad... you cant get then all. I remember last year in the kaibab we were huntin for doe on my first deer hunt (im only 13) and i shot a doe in the vitals. She fell got back up and ran before i could get another shot at her. we tracked her for about 2 hours and never found her. We found small pieces of rib bones too. shes probably dead. Those dang copper bullets! never use um!
  9. Kaibab Kid

    Got my first turkey

    Cool! looks like a nice bird!Wow.
  10. Kaibab Kid

    Baby boy names

    Congrats! Like the name Austin? You could shorten it and call him aj if you wanted.
  11. Kaibab Kid

    First fish

    Good sized fish for a first fish! Pretty good.
  12. Kaibab Kid

    Dad and I got our mounts back!

    That's a really cool mount.