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Everything posted by king4wd

  1. king4wd

    whats your take on calling?

    Oh Man so many options! I love my foxpro. Got the FX3. Everything about your stand will depend on what you are trying to call. You might scoot on over to the predator masters forums or the foxpro forums and see what those guys are talking about. You are going to set up completely different whether you are trying to call coyotes, bobcats, or fox. They all act different and have different things that get them coming in hard. Play around and hopefully by March, you will have knocked out a few fawn killers!
  2. king4wd

    Got a fox on the deer hunt

    Nice Fox. I've had those things walk right up to me just by lip squeeking them in. They sure are a lot of fun.
  3. king4wd

    Congratulations Dad!

    I like those gnarrled looking bucks.
  4. king4wd


    Good work. Nice solid framed buck.
  5. Good work! Sometimes sitting water is one of the better ways to go.
  6. king4wd

    recovery mission

    Bummer Dude! I know the feeling, I shot this carp opening day of the archery hunt. Followed the blood for about a mile and then nothing. Spent the whole next day looking for him. Nothing. Since I shot him we've gotten three pics of him and couldn't be happier. I'm so glad my shot didn't kill him. If you look closely, on the last picture you can see where I hit him. It's just a little dark spot. Just skinned his belley. The last 3 pictures were taken after I shot him. He didn't show back up in the area for almost 2 weeks.
  7. king4wd

    2009 Coues deer

    Awesome Buck and great story. Gotta love the back country DIY hunts. Nothing more rewarding.
  8. king4wd

    36A and my first Coues

    Seeing all these pictures is making me get the bug really bad. I'm getting out in the woods tomorrow!
  9. Good Work! One day I'll get one.
  10. king4wd

    How old should my boy be?

    Wow this is an awesome topic. I've got a boy due in march and can't wait!! This is a question that I've been wondering about too. Thanks everyone for your replies.
  11. king4wd

    Brians first deer

    Good work and nice nap picture. Those always happen to me.
  12. king4wd


    UGH!!!!! Awesome Buck!
  13. king4wd

    Fun October Hunt

    Good work! I love the pic of the kid with the heads. I've got a boy comming in march and can't wait!
  14. king4wd

    first buck ever

    NICE BUCK!!! Sent you a PM. I think this buck looks pretty familiar with that terrain in the background.
  15. king4wd


    Very Nice!
  16. king4wd

    badlands 2800 pack

    In good shape. Two Broken Zipper Pulls, but overall in good shape. PM if interested. Asking $150
  17. king4wd

    Looking for Primers

    I've some boxes of winchester large rifle I could let go. PM if interested.
  18. king4wd

    Coues cape needed

    You might check with DBarcher. Not sure if he told me that he had a cape from his buck this year.
  19. Okay, so here's the deal. My buddy lives in a house on the edge of a community in 20a. His house butts up against forest service land. The area behind his house is full of roads and in turn full of road hunters. In the past he has found arrows in his yard from the archery seasons. This past Saturday he was out getting groceries. When he got home with his wife and two little girls, there was a bullet hole in the window and the bullet was lodged in the opposite wall . The trajectory puts the shooter on a hill side less than 200 yards from the house and definately on forest service land. To say the least this was a little nerve racking for both my buddy and his wife. The two little girls often play right next to where the bullet struck. There is no such thing as accidental discharges, only intentional or negligent discharges. Just looking for a little feedback from the hunting community. My questions for you all is, 1) Is the quarter mile rule enough? Should it be extended to 1/2 mile? 2) Would posting (with signs) the 1/4 mile radius decrease the likely hood of such incidents? 3) Are there any other suggestions for keeping this from happening again?
  20. king4wd

    Cheap cameras

    Had a buddy buy two. He set one up left it right next to one of his moultries. After a week he swapped out memory cards. The moultrie had over 50 pics of deer. The wal-mart cheapo had 0 pics. I think that camera is still hanging up in the woods a year later and the other one is sitting in his garage in the original package.
  21. king4wd

    10 yr old 1st big game tag. nice bull 10x10

    Spanks the pants of any bull I've ever crossed paths with!
  22. king4wd


    Congrats to Mike!!!! Fantastic job to you, John, and Brian for keeping our sport alive!!!
  23. king4wd

    Where to hunt in 20a?

    I agree with buglethemin. If you want to glass try that area. Big bug mesa is good but gets packed real bad! you might try some of the brush country around pine flat and along the whole mayer goodwin rd. I know that area is full of cats and where there is cats there's got to be deer. Another place that is decent glassing is on the 20a side of the road up to crown king. Hope this helps.
  24. king4wd

    Salt licks

    +1 for Gino Follow the law and enjoy the outdoors together.