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Everything posted by cw4192

  1. cw4192

    Cedar Flats 1950's

    Is that Coach See from CV High School
  2. he's a fruit loop. I respect what he has done as a milltary and nasa employee but he needs to do more research on guns and who kills with them. I see no political career for him in the near future unless its tucson
  3. maryvalle, south phoenix, goodyear,avondale, mesa, chandler, awautukee(sp) tempe, scottsdale, cave creek, fountain hills and GILBERT are all leftiy infedsted. this state is just like calijunka,colojunka and the whole northwest. wake up. half of NAU, UOFA,ASU students come from lefty states and then it spreads. AZ is now a lefty free bird state. time to move on.
  4. his bulls$$t is all politically motivated. I feel bad about what happened to Gabby but you gotta look at the wing nuts that do this type of stuff. At some point lefties gotta say to themselves that time out, cool down time. etc anit gonna work. good ole butt whipins work real well.
  5. cw4192

    Giving a Coyote a Haircut

  6. cw4192

    American Eagle .223 ammo

    TO WHO????
  7. cw4192

    Pops Hammered A Good One!

    that's got mule deer in it. mexcans cross breeding them
  8. cw4192


    u wanna bait get a dog that eats everyday at 6 pm. U wanna hunt then hunt.
  9. its worth nothin because U cant get bullets and powder and primers
  10. cw4192


    looks like another gut shot bull from a novice hunter
  11. cw4192


    You forgot to say I am tired of paying for welfare to those that are not initled to it, but demand it. Americans come on hard times and get it that is what it is for. Others have taken advantage of it and it is not right
  13. yotebuster, you are wrong. they lease america's land, what have I got for them leasing my land, nothing, I should be able to hunt the land that I pay taxes for period!!! LEFTY
  14. cw4192

    Remember the days

    and i bet they were union back then and still made good money and did not complain about work condiions, eeoc, and the rest of the S$$t. oh and guess what immagration was not a problem, til the new money whore companies of today became scabs
  15. cw4192

    Thoughts on Cabelas 12x50 Euros

    Euros are a great binocular. the optics in Euros are actually MEOPTA optics. I use the MEOPTA scopes on my riffles and love em. You can research the glass at MEOPTA.com
  16. cw4192

    Valentines gift for the little lady

    nice try
  17. cw4192

    For Sale Clay Pigeon Launcher, Dodge Ram

    firstcoues I guess that's what happens when you work for the federal corrupt government. thank the tax payers not the supervisor.
  18. cw4192

    What a toad.

    I guess a gut shot and three days later a find is better
  19. cw4192

    What a toad.

    Well at least he got what he shot. how many of you can say that.
  20. cw4192

    Falcons / Niners

  21. cw4192

    spring turkey calls.

    S I and JASE
  22. cw4192

    What's next G&F??

    We aint in illinois or iowa or kansas or oklahoma or texas or any other state that has too many animals wake up people. AZ used to be like the mentioned states but oh heck california moved east. If you have not realized phoenix AZ is the 6-7th largest metro area in the US what the $$$$ do u expect.