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About cw4192

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/31/1964

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  1. cw4192


    Just bought the truck in Oct (2 months ago brand is toyoomo or something like that so dot and brand are covered as for a pic don’t know how to add it to here
  2. cw4192


    I have 4 new tires came off Toyota Tundra all less than 1000 miles for sale $300 they are yours. Size 265 70R 18 pm me or text 602 206-8589 need em gone.
  3. cw4192

    .410 Ammo

    I’ll take it if still available. Pm sent
  4. cw4192

    88 years ago today

    Yep two dead wanted criminals, no court no lawsuits guilty dead call gut wagon crime scene done. Keep lawyers out of it good to go
  5. Azgfd lowering whitetail tags and hunt times to turn certain units into trophy hunts for out of stater’s $$. Just like they did for Elk. That’s why!!!
  6. cw4192

    German Shorthaired Pointer Pups

    I have two right now, if wife will allow I’d get one I’ll keep you up to date on how that goes
  7. Well Clay great work, you should be working on a mountain lion, Chad B. Missed him while on my November coues hunt. 303 yards two shots no lion and it was just laying on a rock. Ask Chad next time you are in Napa.
  8. cw4192

    Rifles for sale

    Matthews I’ll take 2nd on tikka if it falls through. I’ll have JB pick it up for quick sale if it falls through the cody
  9. cw4192

    German Shorthaired

    Monkey shine kennels out of Leroy, MI has great dogs I have one and he is a great pointer and retriever. They have a website Dan and April are awesome to deal with. Don’t laugh at the name check out the website you will be impressed.
  10. cw4192

    Roosevelt report

    Lake lice is skiers, jet skies and idiots that don’t know how to launch or load a boat on a trailer and take an hour to get the xxxx off the ramp answer your question?
  11. Use high brass problem should be solved
  12. cw4192

    20 ga dove loads for sale

    I’ll take buy em I’ll pm you, gonna be out of town til Tuesday if still available. I’ll pm you with my info
  13. Seen that buck last week your uncle showed it to me. heck he was here yesterday and was going to your house to get his hands on it but was at taxidermist. Great buck, this is Cody by the way
  14. cw4192

    Saltwater 2020

    WTF does salt water fishing have to do coues whitetail. Start your own forum fruits.
  15. cw4192

    Any gsp pups for sale?

    I’d like to have one of my male gsp breed a good female gsp both are papered akc registered and come from champion line in field and hunting. One is from monkey shine kennels out of Michigan, the other is out of California can’t give info on his breeders n kennel info because I said I would not. The one from from California is an awesome dog pointing and hunting at 5 months old. Monkey shine kennels has a website if you want to research their stock great dogs. Pm me if interested