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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. jeffro

    Powder for Berger VLDs

    I have heard about ABs penciling through a few times. Most the time they were slower rounds. I would have thought the RUM wouldnt have a problem with the speeds it runs. I do know I wouldnt ever shoot them at long range, but at 250 I sure would think they would have opened up just fine.
  2. jeffro

    338 Edge

    What Vel are you getting with 90gr.
  3. jeffro

    Powder for Berger VLDs

    H-1000, would be my first pick. It works great with heavy bullets, and long barrels.
  4. jeffro


    I saw this while looking around. http://phoenix.backpage.com/SportsEquipFor...-finish/9899873
  5. jeffro

    T/C Hammer spring

    Is it an Encore If so look at Bellmtc.com They are quite easy to put in your self. There are all kinds of pics on how to install them.
  6. jeffro

    338 Edge

    Looks great. Let us know how it shoots. Is that a Ross brake. I sure love my Edge. Finest rifle I have ever had in m hands.
  7. jeffro

    .264 Winchester Mag loads?

    Coated bullets will look dark grey. You can use different primers, they can change a load a bit. Just try out some different ones and see what the load likes. As far as your cases make sure they are all on the same # of firings. IE: fired 3 times. And that they are all the same headstamp/lot # if you can. This will help control your neck tension which is very critical for longrange accuracy, and your ESs.
  8. jeffro

    .264 Winchester Mag loads?

    I would look at the 140 berger, 140 Amaxs, and the 140 SMK bullets. These bullets will also work well on game. These bullets also have higher BCs than most bullets. As for powder, both 4350 and 4831 will work. You can use IMR or Hodgen. If your rifle is shooting 2-3 MOA there may be a problem with it, and maybe not so much the load you are using. I would look at your bedding first. Good trigger. Crown. Scope bolts. Even if I have a load that the rifle doesnt like it wont shoot 2-3 MOA. Bad loads shoot around 1.5 or so. Hope this is a start.
  9. Do you ever make it up to PHX area. I have a 3 die set of non-carbide 38 spec. dies.
  10. jeffro

    Trevor's late 24A Coues Buck

    WOW great buck. What load did you use in the Edge.
  11. jeffro

    Mounting NF Scope on a Barrett 98B Issue

    Oh, I thought he couldnt get proper check weld due to the scope being to high. When he said he has high scope rings, that put my mind set the other way. Sorry. As said before there are one piece mounts that can get the scope up. I think nightforce makes a nice one. Might try there. Sorry for the confusion on what way he wanted to move the scope.
  12. jeffro

    Mounting NF Scope on a Barrett 98B Issue

    Looks like your rifle has a built in Pic rail. You may not be able to get a MOA base. There are rings that have inserts that give you more ajustments.
  13. jeffro

    Mounting NF Scope on a Barrett 98B Issue

    A 20 MOA base will not make your cheek weld better. If you cant get your cheek rest up higher a MOA base will actualy make it worst, due to the rear of the scope base being higher. On a 338 Lap you should be running a MOA base to allow you to have more intenal ajustments to get you out to long range, and not run out of ajustments or be at the extreme of your scope ajustments.
  14. jeffro

    Mounting NF Scope on a Barrett 98B Issue

    Check weld, and consistant check weld is very important to consistant shooting. If you have to get out of your natural shooting position your shooting will suffer. You should never have to struggle to get a full sight picture. I would suggest you get some sort of check piece that will raise your check up to a better position. I have shot the barrett, and it didnt fit me at all. Even with the scope down to the rail the scope still set to high causeing me many problems. Im not sure if a stock pack will fit on a barrett, but you may look into something like that.
  15. jeffro

    Reloading lapua Magnum

    Just my opinion, but I would shoot at least 3 shots per group if not 5 shots per group. This will give you a much better idea as to what is really going on with the load/rifle. On a barrel burner like this I would shoot 3 shot groups so the barrel doesnt get too hot, and you dont use up too much of a short barrel life.
  16. jeffro

    Reloading lapua Magnum

    Sounds like a very nice rifle, with great componets. Are you shooting 2 shots per group.
  17. jeffro

    Reloading lapua Magnum

    What are the specs on those guns. What speed are those 180s running.
  18. jeffro

    Reloading lapua Magnum

    Most tactical/hunting rifles run no-turn necks. This is do to the rifle being made for reliability and so it will function in all conditions. ie: dust dirt. On the other hand bench rest guns run turned necks. The tighter everything is the better I would think. What kind of groups are the guns shooting.
  19. jeffro

    stock question

    B&Cs are way above the Houge stocks. The Houge stocks are not that good at all.
  20. jeffro

    stock question

    The best prices I have found on these stock was at stockystocks.com. Be careful though, sometimes there is a long wait for the ones you want. You will not know until you order, then its to last. Then they want to charge you for a restocking fee. Make sure they have the one you want before you order.
  21. jeffro

    stock question

    Your better off getting a new stock. You can however stiffen those stocks some what with JB weld and carbon arrows cut and placed in the channel. You can try this and see if it works well enough for you.
  22. jeffro

    twist rate

    Your 1-12 T will shoot anything from 125gr to 208gr. With the 208s you may need to get your speed up 2600fps for the bulets to stableize.
  23. Some actually say that CM is better due to the fact that it is stronger/harder.
  24. blued action with a SS barrel is not a problem at all. If it were me, and my money I would go with one of the top barrel makers.