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Everything posted by jwpenn

  1. jwpenn

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    118 1/4 is my guess. Neat contest. Thanks for doing it.
  2. jwpenn

    Worst elk hunt I ever had

    That's horrible on both counts of not getting your bull and some idiot flinging arrows just because he hears something. I wish there was a way to cut the unethical guys who really put no thought or effort in their hunt other than pulling their bow/gun out of the closet the day before the hunt starts. I almost think we should have a hunter take a proficiency test before obtaining their tag (ie. be able to identify an animal, hit a target at a modest distance, take a simple hunting ethics question answer, etc.) - but with that said I'm fairly pro less intrusive government so I don't know what kind of problems that would cause either. FYI in NM the rut was/is pretty late and bulls were still brushed up together late into Sept. (atleast from my hunt and neighboring units around the Gila). The drought ruined by HD/Q hunt and with our new regs I'm outta luck for a elk bow hunt next year. CO mule deer next year for me during September.